If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Any Slowtwitch widows out there?

My wife has been know to refer to ST and Tri as my mistress. Does that count?

Your wife is right: ST is a mistress. (Don’t get me wrong: I’m a tri-geek too.)

I have to give my boyfriend credit, though. He multitasks well: When we sit on the couch together, I get his right side (brain included) and ST on his laptop gets his left side.

JESSIE!! Is that you? Uh oh, Trouble in the household!

Sweety?? Is that you? I thought you were busy running the country today. I am sorry, I’ll start paying more attention to you…later.:wink:

Join 'em, THEN BEAT 'EM!

If that is the worst distraction he has your are doing something right.