If Biden were to drop out of presidential race

How does that work? Who decides who the nominee is for DEMS? I assume they wouldn’t redo the primaries.

How does that work? Who decides who the nominee is for DEMS? I assume they wouldn’t redo the primaries.

I believe it’s Nomination by Combat.


How does that work? Who decides who the nominee is for DEMS? I assume they wouldn’t redo the primaries.

It would be a contested convention, with electors from each state voting on behalf of their state. There might be debates at the convention (there certainly would be speeches) and a lot of back room maneuvering.

Then Gavin Newsome would win, and he would pick a female VP candidate, like Gretchen Whitmer.

They would not have time or the logistics to redo primaries.

How does that work? Who decides who the nominee is for DEMS? I assume they wouldn’t redo the primaries.

It would be a contested convention, with electors from each state voting on behalf of their state. There might be debates at the convention (there certainly would be speeches) and a lot of back room maneuvering.

Then Gavin Newsome would win, and he would pick a female VP candidate, like Gretchen Whitmer.

They would not have time or the logistics to redo primaries.

What would happen if he dropped out after the convention? Would they then just hold another convention?

How does that work? Who decides who the nominee is for DEMS? I assume they wouldn’t redo the primaries.

It would be a contested convention, with electors from each state voting on behalf of their state. There might be debates at the convention (there certainly would be speeches) and a lot of back room maneuvering.

Then Gavin Newsome would win, and he would pick a female VP candidate, like Gretchen Whitmer.

They would not have time or the logistics to redo primaries.

Any chance Joe Manchin is hiding behind the curtain somewhere?

It’s crazy to think that on June 5, 1968 the leading Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party was assassinated.

Not much of a bench to pick from so they may have to go Eeny , meeny, miny , moe.

Not much of a bench to pick from so they may have to go Eeny , meeny, miny , moe.

Be that as it may, my personal opinion is that a moldy sandwich is a better presidential candidate than Trump so… eeny, meeny, miny, moe works.

It’s crazy to think that on June 5, 1968 the leading Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party was assassinated.

Funny, but at the age of 11 in 1964, I remember more clearly the gavel to gavel TV coverage of the Republican convention on TV (it was the only thing one could tune in as all 3 major networks covered it live) than I do the democratic convention 4 years later in 1968 after RFK was shot. The reporting that year was not so much the goings on on the convention floor but rather the demonstrating on the streets outside.

A case can be made that a return to brokered or open conventions would correct some of the perceived and actual problems we created through party primaries.

If Biden drops out, could he please take Trump with him?

Every time someone mentions Newsome as POTUS I throw up in my mouth.

Let’s hope a better candidate emerges. I suppose those outside of CA wouldn’t understand. If Newsome is the likely choice it would be best to stick with Biden.

Not much of a bench to pick from so they may have to go Eeny , meeny, miny , moe.

Be that as it may, my personal opinion is that a moldy sandwich is a better presidential candidate than Trump so… eeny, meeny, miny, moe works.

A moldy sandwich is also better than Newsome.

Every time someone mentions Newsome as POTUS I throw up in my mouth.

Let’s hope a better candidate emerges. I suppose those outside of CA wouldn’t understand. If Newsome is the likely choice it would be best to stick with Biden.

What Dem would you recommend?

Every time someone mentions Newsome as POTUS I throw up in my mouth.

Let’s hope a better candidate emerges. I suppose those outside of CA wouldn’t understand. If Newsome is the likely choice it would be best to stick with Biden.

What Dem would you recommend?

Fair question and I have no good idea other than choosing Biden over Newsome. This is yet another problem with someone like Trump…just because any Dem would be better, the goal should be to pick a great Dem for the country.

I’d even prefer Kamala over Newsome, and I most certainly wouldn’t want Kamala.

What Dems would you put forth?

Aw, Newsom isn’t that bad. Actually pretty centrist once you get past all the slimy exterior. Yeah, the whole French Laundry thing. I’ve long gotten over the fact that elites live as elitists which means being hypocritical assholes at times. (none moreso than Trump).

That said, yeah, not in my top 10 still.

Mayor Pete
Cory Booker
Eric Holder
Dean Phillips

Just off the top of my head.

Cory Booker voted no on letting us go to Canada for cheaper meds, he’s out for me forever.

Newsome is the most presidential but everyone from Cali hates his guts. Could he beat Trump? I would vote for him.

Mayor Pete would also be great but this country is not electing a gay man to be president. We are too stupid and too homophobic.

I think Trump might beat Biden. Isn’t that a wonderful thought?

What a statement that makes about us to the rest of the world.

How does that work? Who decides who the nominee is for DEMS? I assume they wouldn’t redo the primaries.

My first thought was… God I am still amaze at how stupid Americans are on how our Presidential election process works, then saw op (who If memory serves is Canadian and gets a pass)

The Republican and Democratic Political groups are private entities and as such have their own rules as to how the Nominating and election process works, and as such can also change them as they see fit. Which is why Trump one so easily in some states, as they changed election laws to prohibit candidates from using certain pac money (pac money trump didn’t get but his pac’s were okay) or why in Mich we had a primary, but it was meaningless as they held a separate caucus to actually choose the nominee.

The convention rules have been tightened in more recent years, People don’t realize you are voting not for the candidate but like the actual election, representatives to go to the convention who support your person, a ways back they were not forced to vote for who you sent them there to vote for, now most state parties have required them to on the first round ballots vote for who they were sent their to vote for, then are free to vote however after that.

If a candidate does not win on first round, you have whats called a brokered convention and the back room deals start happening and the on floor campaigning. some great stories from the old days on some of these. This is what would happen if a candidate (trump or Biden) dropped out now as no one would have enough votes on first round to get elected, at that point its a free for all and who ever can get the most support will win.

If post convention a candidate died or dropped out, the party leadership would most likely pick a candidate and they would pick their running mate, unless that was part of the agreement to get picked for President candidate.

The only gap in my knowledge at the moment, is what would happen post election, pre swearing in. As not official till Jan 6th certification as we all know now.

Not much of a bench to pick from so they may have to go Eeny , meeny, miny , moe.

Be that as it may, my personal opinion is that a moldy sandwich is a better presidential candidate than Trump so… eeny, meeny, miny, moe works.

A moldy sandwich is also better than Newsome.

a moldy sandwich is what they are running now

Not much of a bench to pick from so they may have to go Eeny , meeny, miny , moe.

Be that as it may, my personal opinion is that a moldy sandwich is a better presidential candidate than Trump so… eeny, meeny, miny, moe works.

A moldy sandwich is also better than Newsome.

a moldy sandwich is what they are running now

you aint wrong. The dems win easy granted Kamala is not the one running.

Cory Booker voted no on letting us go to Canada for cheaper meds, he’s out for me forever.

Newsome is the most presidential but everyone from Cali hates his guts. Could he beat Trump? I would vote for him.

Mayor Pete would also be great but this country is not electing a gay man to be president. We are too stupid and too homophobic.

I think Trump might beat Biden. Isn’t that a wonderful thought?

What a statement that makes about us to the rest of the world.

So as a nation we’re too vengeful, too bitter, too homophobic and too stupid to elect a decent president. That fits…