If Biden pulls out - then who?

I know that variations of this discussion are going on elsewhere, but I thought that a thread devoted to it might focus the discussion.

Who should step in if Biden pulls out?

I know that some like Gavin Newsom, but I would prefer just about anyone else but him. I would probably not vote for him in any other election, but would vote for him against trump.

Are there not some moderate Democratic governors somewhere who could step in?

I know that variations of this discussion are going on elsewhere, but I thought that a thread devoted to it might focus the discussion.

Who should step in if Biden pulls out?

I know that some like Gavin Newsom, but I would prefer just about anyone else but him. I would probably not vote for him in any other election, but would vote for him against trump.

Are there not some moderate Democratic governors somewhere who could step in?

Jared Polis

I know that variations of this discussion are going on elsewhere, but I thought that a thread devoted to it might focus the discussion.

Who should step in if Biden pulls out?

I know that some like Gavin Newsom, but I would prefer just about anyone else but him. I would probably not vote for him in any other election, but would vote for him against trump.

Are there not some moderate Democratic governors somewhere who could step in?

Gretchen or Pete

I know that variations of this discussion are going on elsewhere, but I thought that a thread devoted to it might focus the discussion.

Who should step in if Biden pulls out?

I know that some like Gavin Newsom, but I would prefer just about anyone else but him. I would probably not vote for him in any other election, but would vote for him against trump.

Are there not some moderate Democratic governors somewhere who could step in?

Jared Polis

He has repeatedly said he doesn’t want to. He’s a Colorado guy. I don’t think he wants to open his family up to the crazies - I can’t blame him. Colorado is much more accepting than most places these days.

I know that variations of this discussion are going on elsewhere, but I thought that a thread devoted to it might focus the discussion.

Who should step in if Biden pulls out?

I know that some like Gavin Newsom, but I would prefer just about anyone else but him. I would probably not vote for him in any other election, but would vote for him against trump.

Are there not some moderate Democratic governors somewhere who could step in?

Jared Polis

It’s late enough that you need someone who already has some national name recognition.

I know that variations of this discussion are going on elsewhere, but I thought that a thread devoted to it might focus the discussion.

Who should step in if Biden pulls out?

I know that some like Gavin Newsom, but I would prefer just about anyone else but him. I would probably not vote for him in any other election, but would vote for him against trump.

Are there not some moderate Democratic governors somewhere who could step in?

Jared Polis

He has repeatedly said he doesn’t want to. He’s a Colorado guy. I don’t think he wants to open his family up to the crazies - I can’t blame him. Colorado is much more accepting than most places these days.

Yeah, I know. It is unfortunate as I like the guy. Seems normal, reasonable, and smart.

Not a lot of good, available, willing, and well-known choices.

That said, l would vote for a ham sandwich over trump.

Michelle Obama.

It will be Newsome.

However, I’d love for it to be Christie, Haley, or Romney, just so I can watch all the “I-had-to-vote-Biden-because-Trump” Dems all the sudden remember they won’t vote for a Republican no matter who it is.

It will be Newsome.

However, I’d love for it to be Christie, Haley, or Romney, just so I can watch all the “I-had-to-vote-Biden-because-Trump” Dems all the sudden remember they won’t vote for a Republican no matter who it is.

I would vote for Christie, Romney, Hutchinson, Huntsman…but your party does not want any of them. They want Trump.

So instead of Biden you would like it to be Christie, Haley, or Romney? classic. (I think a lot of us voted for Romney over Obama)

There’s a little-known person named Hillary Clinton that is probably still hungry for the job.

This time, she might actually beat Trump.

It will be Newsome.

However, I’d love for it to be Christie, Haley, or Romney, just so I can watch all the “I-had-to-vote-Biden-because-Trump” Dems all the sudden remember they won’t vote for a Republican no matter who it is.

I would vote for Christie, Romney, Hutchinson, Huntsman…but your party does not want any of them. They want Trump.

I want one of them to run as a Dem/Moderate so it wouldn’t matter who the R’s nominate. They’d get the D vote and the non-Trump R vote. Sounds like a winner to me.

So instead of Biden you would like it to be Christie, Haley, or Romney? classic. (I think a lot of us voted for Romney over Obama)

Don’t know what’s “classic” about it. You and Nutella would vote Romney over Trump. I’m building consensus.

These guys are all moderate republicans. In an honest discussion how would a moderate republican win a dem primary?

It would be like saying, i would like the general election to be Bernie vs. Biden (the moderate dem). It makes no sense. I remember a thread a while ago when people said HRC should drop out and the dems should nominate Kaisch, and they could vote for Kaisch as a dem.

How about we go against the norms and go Newsome with Liz Cheney as his VP pick?

So instead of Biden you would like it to be Christie, Haley, or Romney? classic. (I think a lot of us voted for Romney over Obama)
This is why I am telling everyone who will list to do whatever they can to vote for Haley in the primary. Sitting on your hands at this point means you missed your chance. I don’t care if you have to register as a Republican, just do it.

Not a lot of good, available, willing, and well-known choices.

That said, l would vote for a ham sandwich over trump.
I would vote for a baloney sandwich over Trump. And, I don’t like baloney.
The above applies to ol’ Joe too

My first choice would be Buttigieg, but there’s the whole gay thing, which for some reason in this country still matters. Too many bigots apparently.

News one is clearly making a path for himself to run, so I’m sure he will have his hat in the ring.

Harris is an obvious candidate, but I’m not sure how she would poll and if she wants the job.

Joe Manchin? If he would beat Trump, I’ll vote for him.

I’m not even sure how the Dems should pick someone if Biden pulls out…?

It will be Newsome.

However, I’d love for it to be Christie, Haley, or Romney, just so I can watch all the “I-had-to-vote-Biden-because-Trump” Dems all the sudden remember they won’t vote for a Republican no matter who it is.

I would vote for Christie, Romney, Hutchinson, Huntsman…but your party does not want any of them. They want Trump.

I want one of them to run as a Dem/Moderate so it wouldn’t matter who the R’s nominate. They’d get the D vote and the non-Trump R vote. Sounds like a winner to me.

Explain why the Democrats would nominate one of them.

This is like Bernie running as a MAGA Republican and me saying, well if the Republicans nominated him I’d vote Republican.