If Alaska were to secede

I’m trying to gauge the sentiment to part of the US seceding, such as Alaska wanting to align with Russia, or Hawaii with China, as a way of understanding Chinese sentiment to Taiwan and Russia towards Ukraine.

Though I’m sure there’s probably some constitutional law someone will claim prevents this, I assume similar could be argued by Russia or China.

Would there be talk of taking it back by force? This may be a stupid question, I just wonder how western citizens would react if the shoe was on the other foot.

Well, let’s start with Hawaii. Hawaii is a state so would they be seceding with Alaska?

I just wonder how western citizens would react if the shoe was on the other foot. //

You’re conflating two entirely different scenarios. TO compare the Russia Ukraine war, it would be like Russia invading Alaska and trying to take it by force. How do you think that would go over here??? SO the same as the Ukraine invasion, only with a lot more force…We would not stand for it for one second…

Silly question, you are right in that…

The analogy WRT Ukraine seems imperfect, at best.

Ukraine declared their independence in 1991. Yeltsin (then Russian president) recognized said independence that same year. Putin invaded Ukraine over 30 years later (Crimea notwithstanding).


I just wonder how western citizens would react if the shoe was on the other foot. //

You’re conflating two entirely different scenarios. TO compare the Russia Ukraine war, it would be like Russia invading Alaska and trying to take it by force. How do you think that would go over here??? SO the same as the Ukraine invasion, only with a lot more force…We would not stand for it for one second…

Silly question, you are right in that…

Am I? The intended scenario was that the people of Alaska deciding they didn’t want to be a part of the USA and broke away. Then aligned with Russia, or cough cough Windy, Canada. I didn’t say any were invaded.

Or they don’t have to align with anyone. Or Hawaii wanting to be independent. Though I guess the fleet in the harbour might be an obstacle!

I just wonder how western citizens would react if the shoe was on the other foot. //

You’re conflating two entirely different scenarios. TO compare the Russia Ukraine war, it would be like Russia invading Alaska and trying to take it by force. How do you think that would go over here??? SO the same as the Ukraine invasion, only with a lot more force…We would not stand for it for one second…

Silly question, you are right in that…

Am I? The intended scenario was that the people of Alaska deciding they didn’t want to be a part of the USA and broke away. Then aligned with Russia, or cough cough Windy, Canada. I didn’t say any were invaded.

Or they don’t have to align with anyone. Or Hawaii wanting to be independent. Though I guess the fleet in the harbour might be an obstacle!

Well you’re analogy still sucks…the better one would be the Philippines since it was part of the US at one point.

I’d be disappointed but wouldn’t invade the Philippines.

BTW 6 drunk Alaskans could take over Canada in two hours

Also secession is illegal

Having a state secede creates huge complications due to its impact on the Senate and the Electoral College. It would take some extraordinary circumstance to let a state secede. We might insist that they pay for some of the federal infrastructure they’ve got, among lesser details.

Having a territory change its status is a very different proposition. Our reaction to potentially losing American Samoa would be minor, relative to losing Hawaii.

Gauging sentiment ? My sentiment is it’s idiotic.

Gauging sentiment ? My sentiment is it’s idiotic.

One can always rely on the LR to keep it real.

Having said that, if I’d said 20 yrs ago a certain person would be your President I suspect many would also share your sentiment.

Just to fill in a little Alaska background: there is no significant secessionist movement in Alaska, but there are still remnants of what was once a small but significant political movement.

There still is an Alaska Independence Party. It is an officially recognized political party in Alaska. It’s a fringe party now, but decades ago we actually had a governor, Wally Hickel, who ran on the AIP ticket and won.

Hickel had previously served as governor, and Interior Secretary (under Nixon, who eventually fired him because Hickel didn’t support the Vietnam war).

The AIP was a flag of convenience for Hickel in 1990. The Republican primary winner was unpopular among the party establishment, so Hickel was recruited to run, and an AIP candidacy was the most convenient. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wally_Hickel

The AIP was founded by Joe Vogler, a very colorful character. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_E._Vogler

He was murdered in 1993 and it took some time before the body was found and the murderer convicted. https://archive.seattletimes.com/...925&slug=1932524. It’s a wild story that typifies the way Vogler lived his life.

Edited to add: If we secede, you better believe we’ll take Hawaii with us. We need a warm sunny place to vacation, after all. And we plan to annex the Yukon - the folks there are quite nice, and besides we’ll need a little Lebensraum.

Edited to add: If we secede, you better believe we’ll take Hawaii with us. We need a warm sunny place to vacation, after all. And we plan to annex the Yukon - the folks there are quite nice, and besides we’ll need a little Lebensraum.

OK but we’re keeping your Social Security money.

Edited to add: If we secede, you better believe we’ll take Hawaii with us. We need a warm sunny place to vacation, after all. And we plan to annex the Yukon - the folks there are quite nice, and besides we’ll need a little Lebensraum.

OK but we’re keeping your Social Security money.

Oh, please no, we need the Federal spigot to keep gushing! How else can we afford big pickups, boats, and snowmachines? Alaska gets about $20,000 per resident per year in Federal funding, and about 1/3 of the workforce works for the US government.

I just wonder how western citizens would react if the shoe was on the other foot. //

You’re conflating two entirely different scenarios. TO compare the Russia Ukraine war, it would be like Russia invading Alaska and trying to take it by force. How do you think that would go over here??? SO the same as the Ukraine invasion, only with a lot more force…We would not stand for it for one second…

Silly question, you are right in that…

Am I? The intended scenario was that the people of Alaska deciding they didn’t want to be a part of the USA and broke away. Then aligned with Russia, or cough cough Windy, Canada. I didn’t say any were invaded.

Or they don’t have to align with anyone. Or Hawaii wanting to be independent. Though I guess the fleet in the harbour might be an obstacle!

Well you’re analogy still sucks…the better one would be the Philippines since it was part of the US at one point.

I’d be disappointed but wouldn’t invade the Philippines.

**BTW 6 drunk Alaskans could take over Canada in two hours **

Also secession is illegal

Your underestimating the ability of 6 drunk Alaskans or overestimating the ability of Canadians…

I just wonder how western citizens would react if the shoe was on the other foot. //

You’re conflating two entirely different scenarios. TO compare the Russia Ukraine war, it would be like Russia invading Alaska and trying to take it by force. How do you think that would go over here??? SO the same as the Ukraine invasion, only with a lot more force…We would not stand for it for one second…

Silly question, you are right in that…

Am I? The intended scenario was that the people of Alaska deciding they didn’t want to be a part of the USA and broke away. Then aligned with Russia, or cough cough Windy, Canada. I didn’t say any were invaded.

Or they don’t have to align with anyone. Or Hawaii wanting to be independent. Though I guess the fleet in the harbour might be an obstacle!

I’d say if Alaska voted to be independent from the US and the US granted them independence and then 25 years later decided we didn’t like the way they were going politically and culturally we would definitely be in the wrong to invade them in an attempt to install a puppet regime favorable to us.

BTW 6 drunk Alaskans could take over Canada in two hours

Bitch, we burned down your White House once, don’t make us do it again.

Bitch, we burned down your White House once, don’t make us do it again.

You might have to stand in line with the half of America that wants to burn it down themselves.

Bitch, we burned down your White House once, don’t make us do it again.

You might have to stand in line with the half of America that wants to burn it down themselves.

A big beautiful peaceful line at that!

I’d say if Alaska voted to be independent from the US and the US granted them independence and then 25 years later decided we didn’t like the way they were going politically and culturally we would definitely be in the wrong to invade them in an attempt to install a puppet regime favorable to us.

Admittedly they were very lazy attempts at examples and my ignorance of history (amonger other things) shone brightly.

I have tried to think of scenarios where a western population could perceive they had a legitimate right to take over land the incumbents claim as their own, without those people having outwardly poked the bear. Are we capable of the sort of sabre rattling seen in the far east?

The analogy WRT Ukraine seems imperfect, at best.

Ukraine declared their independence in 1991. Yeltsin (then Russian president) recognized said independence that same year. Putin invaded Ukraine over 30 years later (Crimea notwithstanding).


The best analogy would be the UK invading Belize for the oil. The UK granted Belize independence in 1981.

I’d be sad if Alaska seceded. Same with Hawaii.
If Maine became part of Canada I might be ok with that.
States that can absolutely secede, in my opinion, are all the ones in which abortion is illegal.