but should that surprise anyone since he has qualfied for the Olympic trials in the marathon.
OK, Chris Zieman has just posted his second blog entry of his second week on PowerCranks in his preparation for the Olympic marathon trials. He is up to 40 minutes at 100 rpm already. I think this bodes well for what we might do for him but we will see. Check it out here
Frank…a few questions:
What is his inseam and what crank length did you put him on Is he doing 100 RPM for 40 min outdoors or on an indoor trainer.
I find outdoors it is way too hard to stay at high RPM for long periods due to terrain and wind. My RPM will change a lot even riding flats/false flats headwinds and tailwinds. Indoors on rollers, I can keep the RPM high for a 20-60 minutes.
Frank…a few questions:
What is his inseam and what crank length did you put him on Is he doing 100 RPM for 40 min outdoors or on an indoor trainer.
I find outdoors it is way too hard to stay at high RPM for long periods due to terrain and wind. My RPM will change a lot even riding flats/false flats headwinds and tailwinds. Indoors on rollers, I can keep the RPM high for a 20-60 minutes.
I don’t know his inseam but at 5’3" it can’t be too long. I will try to find out. If I remember right we put him on 175mm cranks. Wanted to be reasonably long as we think that is best for runners but didn’t want to go too long as he is a marathoner and he only had a short time to get ready and I thought high cadence endurance was more important for him than high knee lift.
Oh, and it is all on an indoor bike. I posted a picture of him here. As you can see he has moved his seatpost way forward, which makes his accomplishment a little easier I think.
Wow, goes by 220-age for HR. Runs 11 hrs/wk. Says it takes “weeks and weeks” to get in shape. Lots of stuff in there!
LOL. I found it a little bit interesting that someone that good doesn’t know his maximum HR. But, I suspect he is faster than anyone here. He also holds a full time job I believe. I suspect he trains a lot on perceived exertion, just like the old days, although he is monitoring HR on the PC’s. Just goes to show that all that “evidence based coaching” may not amount to much. What really counts is results.