Icing and Stretching

Is it better to Stretch first, then Ice, or Ice first and then Stretch.

I’ve reached the age where if I don’t stretch hamstrings and hip flexors after a run I get very sore, and if I don’t ice my knee after I run I have lasting knee pain. Right now, in the hot summer months, I shower before I do either. In the winter I would be doing it before I shower.

Stretching takes about 10 minutes and I ice for the recommended 20 minutes.

I always stretch then ice. I try to stretch while still warm and then ice down once I know I won’t be needing to do anything else that day.

Is it better to Stretch first, then Ice, or Ice first and then Stretch.

Mandatory reading for any semi serious to serious Endurance Sports Athlete is Christie Aschwanden’s great book from last year “Good to Go. . .” - https://www.amazon.ca/Good-Go-Athlete-Strange-Recovery/dp/039325433X

Warning - A number of the mainstream recovery protocols get debunked, including two you have hinted at here! Stretching and ice!!

I recently did an interview with Christie for a client. https://www.facebook.com/iRunMagazine/videos/286854759163987/

does stretching make any more sense (less) for the older athlete with less mobility?

anecdotally - i feel stretching the hip flexor gives me a better chance at better posture - especially after a hard bike ride or long car trip.

does christie a. speak to this?