I put a lot of effort/thought into this post:

Upstairs in the Serious Forum someone was talking about ageing and experiences with it. So I posted this, after much hard work with 40+ diaries spread out on the table:

"Please let me detail my 1500m run history:

1976 - age 14 - 5:12.9
1977 - age 15 - 4:57.1
1978 - age 16 - 4:43.3
1979 - age 17 - 4:37.9
1980 - age 18 - 4:26.0
1981 - age 19 - 4:17.1
1982 - age 20 - 4:14.2
1983 - age 21 - 4:12.8
1984 - age 22 - 4:09.1
1985 - age 23 - 4:04.6 😊
1986 - age 24 - 4:02.6
1987 - age 25 - 4:01.8
1988 - age 26 - 4:01.2 😳
1989 - age 27 - 3:59.4 😱
1990 - age 28 - 3:57.9 🏅
1991 - age 29 - 4:00.0 😩
1992 - age 30 - 4:02.9
1993 - age 31 - 4:02.5
1994 - age 32 - 4:00.4 😳
1995 - age 33 - 4:07.5 😩
1996 - age 34 - 4:03.2 😳
1997 - age 35 - 4:09.0 🤷🏼‍♂️
1998 - age 36 - 4:09.5
1999 - age 37 - 4:12.4
2000 - age 38 - I can’t recall.
2001 - age 39 - around 4:18, I think.
2002 - age 40 - no races - injury!!! 😳

2005 - age 43 - 4:28 “comeback”.

2012 - age 50 - 4:57.9 - Still sub5, Baby!!!

2017 - age 55 - 5:11.5 - I’m back to 1976.
2019 - quit running, start swimming.
2024 - The Lavender Room."

Now, I want to clarify my 2024 entry. I have discovered many amazing people here, with abundant intelligence and diverse views. I’m proud to frequent this ST …er…basement. And because I am now 62, retired, and an ex-runner, (but a swimmer!!), I have some time/energy for this lovely place in the www.

So my 2024 entry was not a knock in any way. I’m a proud ST/LR person.

(But also, I don’t think anybody gave a fuck upstairs. 1500m? Just running? Lol!!! 😂 You might not GAF either, but damn, I worked hard on that post. I’m just sayin’.)

Thanks for sharing. Hopefully you’re still active, for fun if not for competition.



I never thought of the LR as a retirement home. But, now that you prompt the thought, it does explain a lot.


Ok, look, I know this is a rather frivolous post/thread. But making it was A Moment for me. I mean, wow, looking back over dozens of diaries!! It took me an hour to come up with that. It was hard work!! But very rewarding. There were many “Fuck, I forgot about that” moments.

Do you folks keep diaries?

Well, thanks for reading. 😂

what’s a diaries? Is that a metric thingy?

My sig here used to be:

I only swim.
I used to run.
I never did a Triathlon.
Sue me.

But I felt self-conscious about that and got rid of it. I just felt…I don’t belong.

But now I do feel like I belong - because this LR really is a fascinating place.

I think that’s what this thread is about. I dunno.


Ok, look, I know this is a rather frivolous post/thread. But making it was A Moment for me. I mean, wow, looking back over dozens of diaries!! It took me an hour to come up with that. It was hard work!! But very rewarding. There were many “Fuck, I forgot about that” moments.

Do you folks keep diaries?

Well, thanks for reading. 😂

That is the true lesson of aging: learning to find humor in your many declines. If your review of your diaries got you there, then that’s a win. Savor it.

what’s a diaries? Is that a metric thingy?

😂 Metric. Lol. I’m Canadian. I think I ran 500x 1500m races in my life, and 20x the Mile.

Journals? Detailed training logs? If any young people were to read this, I’d say - Journal!!! Do it!!! It’s a wonderful exercise that focusses the mind.


Ok, look, I know this is a rather frivolous post/thread. But making it was A Moment for me. I mean, wow, looking back over dozens of diaries!! It took me an hour to come up with that. It was hard work!! But very rewarding. There were many “Fuck, I forgot about that” moments.

Do you folks keep diaries?

Well, thanks for reading. 😂

That is the true lesson of aging: learning to find humor in your many declines. If your review of your diaries got you there, then that’s a win. Savor it.

My many declines!! Brilliant!! Thanks!!

You are welcome here, and I admire your efforts.

I love effort. I don’t think effort is wasted, although I do wonder about opportunity cost sometimes.

As I am apparently getting old, I think about where I want to direct my energy. My energy is precious to me. I don’t want to waste it on some damn foolish thing. Maybe m energy is less precious than I think. That’s a way to solve that dilemma about the foolish things.

I like your use of emojis.

Thank you - this has scotched an idiot idea I have been mulling over recently.

I’ve been looking for a goal. When I was 17 I could run 400m in 57s off the back of what would then have been called natural fitness - ie no specific training and simply relying on the fitness that a fairly sporty 17 yo has.

Now, just over 40 years later, I’ve been thinking about focussing trying to run 400m sub 60s again. Starting off not a whole hell of a lot of anything.

The progression of your times - which is admirable, btw - has made me realise that this is an utterly foolish aspiration. Thanks!

Just keep repeating…
The older I get
The better I was

Put the record books back in deep storage

Thank you - this has scotched an idiot idea I have been mulling over recently.

I’ve been looking for a goal. When I was 17 I could run 400m in 57s off the back of what would then have been called natural fitness - ie no specific training and simply relying on the fitness that a fairly sporty 17 yo has.

Now, just over 40 years later, I’ve been thinking about focussing trying to run 400m sub 60s again. Starting off not a whole hell of a lot of anything.

The progression of your times - which is admirable, btw - has made me realise that this is an utterly foolish aspiration. Thanks!

But I am an experiment of one!!

I was soooo proud of myself for PRing every single year from '76 to '90. (Did anyone notice that?) 😂

And then I faultered slightly, but I hung on well to late 30s. (I was a 2:04 800m guy at 39.)

But then it all fell apart. Weird injuries.

At 50 there were many people kicking my arse, - people whose arse I kicked decades earlier.

You do you!!!

Just keep repeating…
The older I get
The better I was

Put the record books back in deep storage

Naah - the books are great where they are. Every now and then it is a fascinating exercise to see what you did/thought on this date 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago.

I AM NOT LIVING IN THE PAST!!! That’s not what this is.

At 62 I’m so much slower AND SMARTER than I was at 22. Which is better?? 😂

Interesting post.

It’s certainly true when they say I wish I had had the (little) knowledge I have now when I had been 22.

A lot of wasted time - or maybe it was just time spent differently from how I would spend it now, at 58.

Just keep repeating…
The older I get
The better I was

Put the record books back in deep storage

Naah - the books are great where they are. Every now and then it is a fascinating exercise to see what you did/thought on this date 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago.

I AM NOT LIVING IN THE PAST!!! That’s not what this is.

At 62 I’m so much slower AND SMARTER than I was at 22. Which is better?? 😂

we’re the same age! Go class of 1980!!!

unfortunately, my IQ and age are a match - just ask my wife and daughter (insert facepalm emoji)

My sig here used to be:

I only swim.
I used to run.
I never did a Triathlon.
Sue me.

But I felt self-conscious about that and got rid of it. I just felt…I don’t belong.

But now I do feel like I belong - because this LR really is a fascinating place.

I think that’s what this thread is about. I dunno.

I would have definitely said you belong here, but Dan Who Must Be Obeyed has exhorted us to refrain from personal insults.

Impressive consistency in your times for sure. Did you stop running b/c you can no longer go ‘fast’ or are you pretty much unable to run at any speed due to injuries?