I lost "The Race"

At work, we have these bi-monthly fitness challenges. Who can do the most pull-ups, who can do the longest plank, but they make it an event. Everyone shows up at noon on the appointed day and we all throw down. So far this year, I have been getting pwned. I can only do 4 pull ups (I do have a 35" sleeve, so I claim I do the longest pull-ups) and my 3 minute plank barely beat anyone. This month was going to be different, the challenge was the “One Mile Dash”.

So, I am also kind of the “older guy” in my working group, a lot of guys are in their 20s, I am just shy of 39. We like to tease each other and I like to make bets and such. I was so confident about this I said if I didn’t win that I would buy lunch for the entire group (about 20 people). I like to go big, so what the hell right? There was one guy in my group, mid to late 20s, super fit, a natural athlete. He doesn’t “run”, but he plays rec soccer and ultimate frisbee. I have been skiing and hiking with him, so I know he has a lot of natural endurance. He told me he ran a mile on the track last year in 5:20 something; I don’t think he was making it up. Anyway, the free lunch offer had been talked up around the office, so more than a few co-workers came to watch. A bunch were running also, but in different heats. The younger guy and I were in the 6:00 mile “fast” heat.

So today was the day. I knew coming in, that the timing for this event was terrible for me, but I like a challenge, so what. I ran a half marathon on Sunday. It was a total disaster, somehow I ended up running a 1:23 something. I have run that fast in a HiM. Still made me sore and I got some bad blisters. In theory, I should not be that tired since a 1:23 is nowhere near my actual fitness level (as far as I am concerned). Then last night was Queens of the Stone Age, 90 minutes away in Portland. I love QOTSA and I like my drink, so last night it was five beers and up till 12:30 am. Needless to say, I was not feeling my best this morning.

The race is at high noon. I head down about 11:30 so I can get a few miles in and stretch. Everyone (non-runners) find this amusing, how can you run 2 miles to warm up for a 1 mile race. I can only run 2 miles total. I get warmed up, don’t feel too bad.

The course is a joke. It is a 1/4 mile straight in the parking lot, double out and back. Step on the line and run back. There is also a hedge about 4 feet behind the finish line, so if you charge through the line you are going to run into a bush. Of course, I have no idea what other ringers might be here, the fitness center is for everyone on this office campus. About 40 people show up to run.

We line up and we are off. I want to take it out controlled, but in retrospect probably should have just put the pedal down harder at the start. Wasn’t feeling my best, so maybe that was part of it. Some guy who looks like he might actually be a decent runner gets about a 10-15 ft. gap. I just settle into second and the other guy is sticking close to me. We hit the 1/4 and it is not exactly pleasant to basically try to turn on a dime and start back. Heading back we are in a bit of a wind and the co-worker guy tucks in behind me a little, other guy is still leading. Then we hit the half. I have no idea what the splits are, the turn arounds are too distracting to look at your watch, so I am just going on feel. In the third quarter I decide it is time to go to the lead as I want to hit the final turn in the lead and then power it home. I probably go to the front with about 600m to go and I am getting a bit of a gap on my co-worker. I love it when a plan comes together. This might work. I hit the 3/4, make the turn and go. I am going pretty much full gas at this point, but at about 200 to go, I feel like someone is coming back. I glance back and it is my co-worker. Just keep going as hard as I can. I am not tightening up, but I don’t have a lot of gears. Now it is like in slow motion. He is inching up on me. Pulling even. He gets half a step. I am digging deep, but I just can’t go faster. Maybe he will seize up. Were coming to the line and he had me by about 1 step. Damn. I run into the bush and almost fall onto the co-worker because he more or less collapsed at the finish. We call him “Angry Bill” because he can be very tenacious. Today he certainly was. I jog a little bit and ask him if we can do best two out of three, starting in 5 minutes. He declines.

So I ended up running a 5:01 mile by my Garmin. The fitness director “official time” says we did 5:07. Based on the silly course and how I was feeling I feel a little bit better. Still have to buy everyone lunch. I don’t think I could have run a whole lot faster today, but maybe if I just started going balls to the wall at 800m…

Sub 5 easily on a track with that time…Wow…you are some serious shape for April…lots of speed. You’d probably crush at Blue Lake in June if you can keep working with that speed.

Definitely love the workplace fitness challenges…it’d be interesting to see if Angry Bill can walk very easily the rest of the week.

Wow, great run! You give us ‘old guys’ hope!

Nice! Post up the Garmin file, I’d enjoy seeing it!

Nice…reminded me of this Seinfeld classic “I choose not to run!”:

I’ve realised now I’m 40 that I’m never going to have the final kick that I had in my 20’s, sucks getting older, that’s why I only go long.

If you can run a 1:23… and it was a bad time a sub 5 should be pretty easy on the track.

You should have taken advantage of your better overall fitness and gone out really hard in a effort to get the others to blow up chasing you. You would have slowed down less. At 39, you probably won’t ever out kick a 20 something if he’s even close to you in the last 200.

Nice…The U-turn is a brutal twist.

How long does it take to make 20 PB&Js?

Im 32 years old and this is why I still weight lift all the time too. Stupid 20 year olds.

Love it. Reminds me of a friend in Toronto who got a job at an advertising agency. He had run mid 28:XX for 10K. They used to have a Corporate Challenge 5K and he asked to join the company team.

They put him on the C group, as their A team were “serious” runners. I think their best runner had done 38 for 10K

He won the race in sub 15 :wink:

I have to admit, the title of this thread made me initially think this was a story about how you pooped yourself during a run.