I just got accepted for Team Javalin, anyone else?

I just got accepted into the team javalin that was advertized in triathlon magazine a few months back. Now the only thing I have to do in actuallity is to wear their clothes to the races, is this the new version of advertising, ??
I ask the group is this worth it or not?
To pimp or not to pimp what is thy answer?

Will I get disqualified for bitch slapping people that offend me?

I applied for Team Javalin Triathlon Team, but have not heard anything back yet. I have read that they choose the team based on participation in Half and Full Ironman races in 2004 and 2005.

They will have team get togethers at major races and require that you were free team sponsored clothing to all your races.

Also free deals.

Sounds pretty good to me. Free Suogi teamwear works for me.

Pimp it out and take pride in the team. Congrats.

Yea, I’ve been selected too. Can’t beat free clothing and I don’t even ride a Javelin. Will this mean I lose my amateur status and have to report all my race earnings?

me too. will it look wierd to wear that on a QR bike? will it be kinda wierd to pimp if youre not freaking awesome and ppl who beat u arent pimped at all. i hope my training/racing buddies don’t disown me

I know I for one will race even harder to beat a guy pimped out in sponsored clothes that isn’t awesome. Just so I can pass him wearing my ‘no name’ duds… maybe even ask him ‘are you OK?’ as I pass. :slight_smile:


You’re going to wear their cloths, but they aren’t even going to cut you a deal on a bike? I don’t understand.

They are cutting great deals on bikes(free race gear), looking for athletes who are ethusiastic and participate, they will provide support at major races, have get togethers and gathering places at these events, plus other “stuff”. Those who are on board will get to meet other like minded folks! They are working on other fun/valuable items as well. I believe it will be a good experience for those who are accepted! http://www.javelintriathlonteam.com/

I am racing on Team Javelin in 2005, on a '05 Arcole:


Ohhhhh sweeet jaysus!!!
That is a nice ride. The reason that I wont be riding a new javelin is I just handed over a substantial sum for my new bike,
just to appease the crowd its a cervelo P3 with arione and a HEd 3 front and disc rear, you can sport me from the crowd by my team javalin duds!
ah well. maybe training all alone up here without a triathelete within drafting distance will make me feel good.
All I can say is watch out what you wish for , if anyone is wanting to pass the javalin guy on a black stead he better be going mighty fast as I am training till I puke!

what voices? yuck on the beer anyway. if i had a couple grand lying around id go for a bike like gary tingleys but since i just got out of school and am poor i will take the deals from javelin and train my freaking ass off. that was just a hypothetical trev.