I fit a P5 today... (for fitters)

…and wow. HUGE pain to adjust. In order to raise or lower the cockpit, all derailleurs and brakes must be completely de-cabled. The brakes are hydraulic, so those need to be cut. If you’re not versed on bleeding brakes, get there.

If you have clients that are purchasing a P5, don’t finish the build (or call the selling shop and advise not to finish the build) until the fit is done. You’ll need to completely re-cable both the derailleurs and hydraulic brakes after the fit. I think I’ll add a $75 surcharge on this bike. Today’s client paid an extra $100 of his own accord–4hrs for a Retul fit because we did so much cutting and mechanic work. Any others out there like this?

That said, the bike is beautiful. Cervelo did a nice job on this one. Unless you’re the fitter.

I am working on Tri bikes on a frequent basis. I do recommend the same procedure on the Trek Speed Concept. They come with different stem setups and spacer stack setup. Cutting the housing after the fit is done saves a lot of time and headache

Agreed. Much more fun to fit without cables installed.

Because of the modular nature of the P5, its pretty key to have measurements first. I would encourage someone looking for a P5 to get a full fit first on their existing bike or on a Muve Cycle. The internal routing is a pain, and the hydraulic hoses are even less forgiving to re-cut and bleed than just trimming/ replacing cable housing.

That said, if they’ve got a bike already I think doing fits on the P5 should have an asterisk next to the price because its bound to take more time.

Provide the fit data from a fit bike. Bike adjustments as you describe are what mechanics are for.