I finaly succeeded! Cervelo p3x stem cover for 3d print

I’ve just completed fixing the two issues i had with my “new” Cervelo P3X. It’s my first time tackling something of this complexity, and while I’m generally satisfied, there are a few aspects I might still tweak over time. If anyone attempts to 3D print the files, could you please share the make on Thingiverse or here? And even better, if you make a better version, please opload it.
Here is a couple of pictures of my work this Christmas holiday.
The files can be found on Thingiverse. Search cervelo p3x.


Holy heck I am sooo psyched to try this out. TSA broke the door to my P3X speed box and I can’t find a replacement anywhere!

I hope it works. I just made a small adjustment to the file, as i had a problem to get my latest iteration to fit. I am printing it this night, so i wil know if it fits tomorrow

Can’t wait for an update. How big is your print bed?

You sir are a gentleman! I recently purchased a 3d printer and have been printing like crazy.

Nice! It sure seems like the MFGs would generate a lot of good will with their customer base if they’d publish files for small parts, bits, and pieces they no longer intend to stock or produce. To just walk away and leave customers hanging when something breaks seems crazy. Having issues with the storage box and the stem cover that are not repairable seems fairly common.

They don’t even sell the boxes 😞

How’s this project going?

I have just up uploaded the latest iteration. Changed the magnet attachment a bit.
I tried to print the lid, but got some minor warp in the print, but I think it is more usable now.

I’ve just completed fixing the two issues i had with my “new” Cervelo P3X. It’s my first time tackling something of this complexity, and while I’m generally satisfied, there are a few aspects I might still tweak over time. If anyone attempts to 3D print the files, could you please share the make on Thingiverse or here? And even better, if you make a better version, please opload it.
Here is a couple of pictures of my work this Christmas holiday.
The files can be found on Thingiverse. Search cervelo p3x.

Have you made the pill tray also? I am trying to get hold of one but noe one has one

No i dit not make the pill tray.

How’s this project coming along? Such awesome work

I have not yet tried it on the road, bacause of the winter, her in Denmark. I wanted to print it in ABS plastic, but i can’t get it to work, like with my pla plastic. (I happily forgot why i went away from ABS manny moons ago)


Still need to get the magnets (this is the first Gen file) but I’m excited!


How’d it turn out in the end?