I am leaving this place and this time I really, really mean it

You can’t stop me, this is definitely my last post ever here. Until my next one.

No I’m leaving first and you can’t stop me!

I already left. Stupid.

I already left. Stupid.

You’re already back

You can’t stop me, this is definitely my last post ever here. Until my next one.

Don’t you fret any - Project 2025 will take care of this den of Satan. And if Harris should win, well, it will be Project 2029.


I already left. Stupid.

Yeah, but now you’re back, and this message is being written by my ghost writer.

You can’t stop me, this is definitely my last post ever here. Until my next one.

And Paulo won’t know where to find me.

I already left. Stupid.

You’re already back

Look, I am gone. It’s done. You can’t stop me.

I already left. Stupid.

You’re already back

Look, I am gone. It’s done. You can’t stop me.

While you’re gone, don’t forget to block anyone who criticizes you for maybe not actually being gone.

I already left. Stupid.

You’re already back

Look, I am gone. It’s done. You can’t stop me.

Can you say that again, but in essay format?

I already left. Stupid.

You’re already back

Look, I am gone. It’s done. You can’t stop me.

While you’re gone, don’t forget to block anyone who criticizes you for maybe not actually being gone.

Done. I blocked you, then unblocked you just so I can block you again.

I already left. Stupid.

You’re already back

Look, I am gone. It’s done. You can’t stop me.

Can you say that again, but in essay format?

Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.

I already left. Stupid.

You’re already back

Look, I am gone. It’s done. You can’t stop me.

While you’re gone, don’t forget to block anyone who criticizes you for maybe not actually being gone.

Done. I blocked you, then unblocked you just so I can block you again.

Amateur. The veteran move is to say you blocked me, but not really block me. That way you can still complain about my posts, and also pretend to be frustrated about the “broken” block feature.

Just checking. You still here? I was going to have a celebration after you left, but the champagne is starting to get warm and the cheese cubes are melting. Do I have time to run across town to get more?

In your honor, I’ll get some of those tiny sausages wrapped up in bread.

You all are adorable


I already left. Stupid.

You’re already back

Look, I am gone. It’s done. You can’t stop me.

Can you say that again, but in essay format?

Haha! Yes, I could, due to the more traditional education that I had - what youngsters would call “old school”- from Mrs. Grady’s kindergarten class at Main St Elementary all the way through my state school college education. (As an aside, learning about public school education is another place where America’s youth could use some remedial reading…great value in going to college in-state, which is something that, sadly, many parents and teachers in today’s world don’t seem to impress upon their charges.)

With all that said, after a lifetime of service to my beloved homeland in one capacity or another (first the military, then public-oriented service jobs, and always some volunteer work), I’ve started to consider the fact that maybe I need to step back, take a breath, maybe just try to simplify a bit and enjoy the moments that I have left on this crazy blue marble we call Earth. To that end, I’ve decided to pause my participation in this forum for an indefinite period of time. I reserve the right to lurk every now and again - you all are too much of hoot to leave cold turkey…“I wish I could quit you”, in the parlance of that now-classic film from the early aughts. But you’ll just have to do without me for the time being :wink:

Take care now, and keep an eye out for me a few years hence. You never know when I might show up again with some of the hard-earned pearls of wisdom I’ve collected over the years.

You can’t stop me, this is definitely my last post ever here. Until my next one.

You need some more practice. Didn’t sound nearly as sincere as it should have been. Now, if you’d just follow my work – and I’m offering a course in how to come across as amazingly sincere (and secure) for the super low price of $99.99 – you’d instantly be more believable.

And handsome. And more attractive to women. And a Corvette would magically appear in your driveway.

Such a deal! Just give me your ATM pin and I’ll set you right up. Whaddaya say?

I already left. Stupid.

You’re already back

Look, I am gone. It’s done. You can’t stop me.

Can you say that again, but in essay format?

Haha! Yes, I could, due to the more traditional education that I had - what youngsters would call “old school”- from Mrs. Grady’s kindergarten class at Main St Elementary all the way through my state school college education. (As an aside, learning about public school education is another place where America’s youth could use some remedial reading…great value in going to college in-state, which is something that, sadly, many parents and teachers in today’s world don’t seem to impress upon their charges.)

With all that said, after a lifetime of service to my beloved homeland in one capacity or another (first the military, then public-oriented service jobs, and always some volunteer work), I’ve started to consider the fact that maybe I need to step back, take a breath, maybe just try to simplify a bit and enjoy the moments that I have left on this crazy blue marble we call Earth. To that end, I’ve decided to pause my participation in this forum for an indefinite period of time. I reserve the right to lurk every now and again - you all are too much of hoot to leave cold turkey…“I wish I could quit you”, in the parlance of that now-classic film from the early aughts. But you’ll just have to do without me for the time being :wink:

Take care now, and keep an eye out for me a few years hence. You never know when I might show up again with some of the hard-earned pearls of wisdom I’ve collected over the years.

wait - you were in the military? why didn’t you ever mention it before?

You can’t stop me, this is definitely my last post ever here. Until my next one.

No, don’t leave! You’re the glue that holds this family together! Without you this place will never be the same.

That’s the reaction folks are looking for when they announce they’re leaving.