I am flabbergasted

Did I miss this huge drop? I tried to check the Connections thread and the Strands thread this morning. Couldn’t even get on the website. Never heard of this bizarre change, Did I miss it? Was this change in the works and I wasn’t paying attention?

There were some posts about the forthcoming changes a few days ago. I am still trying to figure this out, but it seems that the threads to which there were posts over the last few days (like the threads you listed) are still in the process of migrating to the new format.

I would post a gif of Travolta from Pulp Fiction looking around confused but I don’t know how. I am shook.


This is kind of a hot mess for an old dog like me. My GIF thread appears to be lost in the ether too…


And the concert thread. And the book thread

And where is the button to see what the post looks like before you actually post it. Billy Joe says WTF. One saving grace, photos are way easier to post.

i feel like i’ve been abducted by aliens and am not enjoying the probe


Very few people do

The little monitor looking thing next to the photo icon


Made me actually LOL

They just aren’t keeping an open mind :wink:

That’s not the part that gets opened during an alien probe.

See, it works perfectly fine! (p)

Then “role play Thursdays” is gonna get a lot more interesting.

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