I am confused

There’s this old razor- never attribute malice when incompetence can suffice. Or, other stuff can suffice, just don’t jump to conclusions is the point, so I’m not.

I’ve been hanging around the forum for many years and I’d say 70% of my posts have been if not funny, lighthearted. I’ve really stayed within a bike racing thread because that is my interest and there is a core group of nice folks there, several of whom I’ve gotten to know enough to email with. Without thinking about it, Slowtwitch has become a nice little part of my life.

I also have a “body of work” here; just funny stuff, threads, and saved info. It all seems to be gone now and in order to write this I had to join anew. My old handle McNulty was available (which is disconcerting) and indicates maybe I didn’t make some cut?

If a power that be 86’d me, can you please reply and I’ll go on my way, peacefully, if a bit dismayed. I was and will remain civil.

Am I missing something? I usually am. Thanks.

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When we migrated users from the old platform to Discourse, some users just weren’t able to be migrated for a variety of reasons. That was a very small number. We are still doing final work on all imports, so don’t get distressed, yet.

thank you

Oh hey McNulty. Looks like that got sorted out.

Cool, thanks.

All lowercase doesn’t ring quite as true. Gotta update your username to McNulty

ha, yeah i will…this new format is throwing me off

Did the cycling thread get canned? I don’t see it anywhere, though that could be a result of riding too many hours in the heat today.

Seems like the active threads from the last 48 hours or so are the last to get moved over. I’m sure they’ll appear soon enough.

Yeah, when I logged in using my regular handle it’s like “thanks for joining!” and when I attempted to find the Spoilers cycling thread by searching my own posts it’s like " you haven’t made any posts yet" and on any case that thread doesn’t appear to exist on this new forum.

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I had an error when logging in again. I hit the ‘forgot password’ and had to re-set.
Seems like my original password didn’t pass muster [it was only 6 characters].
I chose a new password and the clouds parted to let the sunshine in.

Same here…had to set a new password.

My original p@ssw0rd wasn’t nearly strong enough for the these Modern Times

By the powers vested in you as the incumbent Spring Classics Pick’em champion, you should start a new thread :slight_smile:

Jest aside, our entire thread(s) is perhaps gone… Like a tear in the rain.

We can call it the “Mike Woods reigning Vuelta stage champ” thread…oops, I did a spoiler.

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I see our boy McNulty has taken the initiative.

Too bad we were out of commission during Woods’ win.

Ah well, onward and upward. over to the new Spoilers thread.

Thanks. I was able to rejoin but all my old posts are gone. Would like them restored.