Hydrocortisone PED?

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were talking about hydrocortisone use. We couldn’t find an answer so I thought I come here. Is topical/suppository hydrocortisone used for sores and such actually performance enhancing or is it just banned because there’s no real way in testing to distinguish between it and a corticosteroid that is used for performance?


All glucocorticoids are prohibited when administered by any injectable, oral or **rectal **route.

Other routes of administration (including inhaled, and topical: dental-intracanal, dermal, intranasal, ophthalmological, otic and perianal) are not prohibited when used within the manufacturer’s licensed doses and therapeutic indications.

A minor point, but topical use is not prohibited while suppository is. I’m not going to answer the rest of your question.

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were talking about hydrocortisone use. We couldn’t find an answer so I thought I come here. Is topical/suppository hydrocortisone used for sores and such actually performance enhancing or is it just banned because there’s no real way in testing to distinguish between it and a corticosteroid that is used for performance?

I feel like maybe I should add that I’m not fishing for info about boosting my own performance. I know asking questions like this might seem suspect but it’s just out of curiosity. It came up because we were talking about the old Armstrong positive test that he back dated the TUE for hydrocortisone for. My mid pack local triathlon finishes aren’t that important to me, haha .

Great resource here. Just look up your medication/supplement, by country, & see if it’s banned or not. Looks legal to me. The drug, itself, says banned in competition in the US. But the creams aren’t. Everything I clicked on said it was fine out of competition.

Is beta alanine legal in competition?
Link isn’t working

I had to click a link in the top left corner that took me to a previous page and made the link work. Didn’t see beta alanine on there, at least in the US.