Hubble and Spitzer porn

I ran across this, enjoy. I tried to post a pic of one of my favorites, but the files are too large. I love the Veil nebula.

90 of the best universe images (

I’m not the only one that was thinking an Eliot Spitzer sex tape finally leaked, right?

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I’m not the only one that was thinking an Eliot Spitzer sex tape finally leaked, right?

Yup, that’s what I thought of.

I’m completely weak at the knees for Hubble/Webb etc. images and always have been.

Also mind-blowing to me are the SDO images. So close to home compared to Hubble or Webb images, and yet so foreign.

Thanks for the SDO link, I wasn’t aware of the website. Freaking awesome!

you bet! the photos are cool and the videos are beyond description


(and the videos that show multiple wavelengths are pretty stunning)


Those kind of things hurt my brain. There is so much out there that I will never understand if I lived to be 1,000. Some of the videos and pictures seem to be calling out for an assist using mushrooms or edibles. Thanks guys, didn’t know that stuff existed.

(and the videos that show multiple wavelengths are pretty stunning)


Very cool! It was interesting to learn that the Spitzer telescope also takes images of multiple wavelengths and that lead to some of the great images in the linked article.

I ran across this, enjoy. I tried to post a pic of one of my favorites, but the files are too large. I love the Veil nebula.

90 of the best universe images (

This thread is so disappointing. Not the content I was hoping for LOL!!

The Ring Nebula one is like a gigantic eyeball staring back…

Stunning to scroll through . . . only to be reminded of the mundane (apparently I need gutter guards, closet organizers, and Chevy trucks)

James Webb image shows two galaxies in the process of colliding (