HR Chest Strap Stickiness

I’ve run a Garmin HRM Pro and now a Polar H10. I’ve experienced the same “problem” with both. After 6months or so of use, they seem to be prone to sliding down & out of position more than when new. Sure, the strap could stretch, or one could lose weight such that it needs tightening, I get that. I’ve tried that. BUT, has anyone figured out a good cleaning method that doesn’t deteriorate the strap and/or chest contacts and brings the “sticky” back to HR chest straps? I was thinking Simple Green wiped on the chest contacts only, but curious what the Tri family has found. Thanks!

Mild soap and water here….

Dish soap about once a week. Often I’ll just shower with it after my long run.

I throw my H10 strap in the wash with my cycling clothes after every use. I have no issue with them sliding anywhere.

GREAT; keep it simple stupid (me)! Thanks for the easy tips. I’ll give it a go.

I finish my workout and snap off the battery piece and toss the strap into the shower and hand wash it, or just leave it in the tub and hang it to dry. NEVER put it in a dryer, more wear and tear. Putting it in a washing machine will work, but depending on the brand ( one of which I worked at for 22yrs) may accelerate the wear and tear of the sensors from fabric strap. Depending on the brand, I think I recall 18-24 months of its lifespan, maybe longer depending on how it is maintained.

After 20 years of using HR straps, I’ve never done more than just rinsing them off in the shower and then maybe… and that’s a big maybe. wash them with shampoo twice a year. Haha

I sweat quite a bit & w/high sodium content. Evan at that, popping the brains off of it and tossing it in the washing machine twice a year will likely be enough for me, from what I’ve learned since starting this thread.