How will you die?

Just wonder if others have ever given any thought to what they think will be their downfall?

I personally figure it will be some disease I don’t even know of that will take me out, Dad died of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Or I will lose my mind and wont know what I actually die from – I think this is the leading option these days.

FastStats - Leading Causes of Death (

If you are in the US, the statistics show it will most likely be heart disease, cancer or an accident. I can see how any one of those could get me in the coming years.

Considering how much time I spend driving long distances, it could be a car accident.

If I contract Alzheimers and get bad enough, I will eventually die of carbon monoxide poisoning while sitting in a closed garage with my car running.

All 4 of my grandparents died completely demented and not knowing who, what or where they were. So pretty good odds I’ll go out oblivious to it all.

I think about it all the time. Because I am the train conductor for that ride so often in the ICU.

I wonder, but don’t worry about it.

What I do know is if it isn’t sudden, I want and hope to do it with courage. I have seen more than a few times, amazingly brave people who charge forward with fearlessness and humor, cutting off and absorbing the pain from all those around them. It is awesome to behold, and that strength and spirit brings tears to my eyes. I aspire to emulate that.

The problem with that is if you get bad enough you won’t recall what you intended to do

Cancer. It is quite rampant on both sides of my family, but that could also be from the area where I live and grew up: Strafford County, NH. Apparently, it is quite the cancer hot-bed.

Either that or some asshole running me over with their car.

  • Jeff

The problem with that is if you get bad enough you won’t recall what you intended to do

I know. I figure that I would rather go two years too early than one year too late.

I’m probably going out by one of the weird ways that no one saw coming, like getting hit by a meteor or a sink hole suddenly opening up under my house. Perhaps I’ll be the casualty of an alien space ship finally deciding to visit the planet.

Considering how much time I spend driving long distances, it could be a car accident.

In that case, I’m going out with a smile on my face because I spend tons of time boning.

Like my grandfather, peacefully in my sleep, not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car

Just wonder if others have ever given any thought to what they think will be their downfall?

I personally figure it will be some disease I don’t even know of that will take me out, Dad died of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Or I will lose my mind and wont know what I actually die from – I think this is the leading option these days.

I have a rare, chronic blood cancer. Likely I will die from myelofibrosis, AML, or a clot in the next 20-25 years. Of course, that’s barring some accident or other disease popping up. I am at peace knowing this.

I grew up with Fred Sanford asking this eternal question:

Just wonder if others have ever given any thought to what they think will be their downfall?

I personally figure it will be some disease I don’t even know of that will take me out, Dad died of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Or I will lose my mind and wont know what I actually die from – I think this is the leading option these days.

I lost my mother to dementia. There is quite a bit of it in her side of the family. I fear that is how my end will come.

Barrel Niagara Falls

Probably old age. Grandparents all lived past 95 so chances are good.

I’ve thought about suicide. If I have some terminal illness I might have to put myself out. You might ask, why not die naturally on a hospital bed surrounded by family? Well, because if I die in a hospital it means I get cremated or buried in a casket in some cemetary around other dead people. When I die, I don’t want the energy content of my body to just radiate out into space where its no use to anybody. I want to be put into the ground. Let the worms and microbes consume my body and its energy that I assembled over my lifetime. Let it return to the flaura and fauna of the Earth.

So, in order to have a burial like that and have my body decompose in some hole in the ground, I might have to do it myself. I would have a hole dug high in the mountains (above my hometown) and then I would rig up a contraption that covers my body with dirt once I’m dead. The dirt would also contain tree seeds so that my decombosed body would supply nutrients to the tree and its roots over time. I know you can have that sort of thing done in some places if you pay money, but its typically in some random field in some other state or country.

I’ve thought about suicide. If I have some terminal illness I might have to put myself out. You might ask, why not die naturally on a hospital bed surrounded by family? Well, because if I die in a hospital it means I get cremated or buried in a casket in some cemetary around other dead people. When I die, I don’t want the energy content of my body to just radiate out into space where its no use to anybody. I want to be put into the ground.** Let the worms and microbes consume my body and its energy that I assembled over my lifetime. Let it return to the flaura and fauna of the Earth. **

So, in order to have a burial like that and have my body decompose in some hole in the ground, I might have to do it myself. I would have a hole dug high in the mountains (above my hometown) and then I would rig up a contraption that covers my body with dirt once I’m dead. The dirt would also contain tree seeds so that my decombosed body would supply nutrients to the tree and its roots over time. I know you can have that sort of thing done in some places if you pay money, but its typically in some random field in some other state or country.

To be, or not to be.

I’ve also made the decision to be buried, not burned. I have a spot in the Chattaroy Cemetary next to kin.

Just wonder if others have ever given any thought to what they think will be their downfall?

Quote in the kitchen…
“I hope to arrive at my death - late, in love, and a little drunk!”

If it’s Dementia, I hope I have the lucidity and courage to pedal off the edge of cliff, or swim out to, and stop at the rock in Waimea Bay, say a quick prayer… then just continue swimming.
How do I think it will happen, I don’t know. But medicine being what it is, and the advancements that will take place over the next 30-40 years, along with my family genetics - good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, I could be here for awhile. Getting hit by a car on bike ride is at the top of the menu though.

I think about it all the time. Because I am the train conductor for that ride so often in the ICU.

I wonder, but don’t worry about it.

What I do know is if it isn’t sudden, I want and hope to do it with courage. I have seen more than a few times, amazingly brave people who charge forward with fearlessness and humor, cutting off and absorbing the pain from all those around them. It is awesome to behold, and that strength and spirit brings tears to my eyes. I aspire to emulate that.

this was my dad. man, he went well. stage 4 lung and bone cancer, absolutely shot through. but he never dwelled on the suffering, kept a journal for all of us to read after he passed, and made the most of the time he had left. was just incredibly generous and loving to the end despite what had to be immense pain and fear. how on earth you access that, i don’t know, but i’d love it if i could too.