How are you?
Thanks for getting us started, tigerchik!
My week was great mostly because I am running again and that makes me so happy. I am feeling so much better. I am going to the doctor tomorrow and hoping it’s the last of these bi-weekly check-ins!
Due to travel, I missed a day of my daily p/rehab and correctives but I got in two yoga classes, three strength sessions, two swims (one pool, one ocean), two bike rides (one trainer, one road), and three runs (all very slow and easy, two on the road and one climbing up my favorite trails). I am going to very slowly increase my mileage before picking up any speed and don’t think I’ll be running hills/track for at least a month or so. Eventually, I’m going to get refit on my triathlon bike and get back on that too.
I have down week this week and won’t be training this weekend – I’ll be traveling to best test challenges/stages for an adventure race with some friends in the desert. Should be very fun!
Hope everyone has a great week!
My week was great mostly because I am running again and that makes me so happy. I am feeling so much better. I am going to the doctor tomorrow and hoping it’s the last of these bi-weekly check-ins!
Awesome on both accounts!
Your weekend plans sound fun.
Thanks, I’ll report back next week! I competed in the inaugural race last year so I’m very interested to see what they have up their sleeves.
Kind of a bad week. I worked a lot, and both days on the weekend.
I went to urgent care on Saturday about this taste thing / weird cold.
The dr looked in my mouth and said she saw nothing abnormal, and couldn’t figure out why sweet things were tasting like baking soda to me.
She offered to sent me to an ENT, or I could try to wait it out. I said for now I’d give it a bit more time. I’m extremely frustrated at this point. I could try to see an ENT, but heaven knows when I would be able to get in…
I have a mtg set up for Thursday that I hope proves fruitful. Let’s hope it stays on the schedule and that it results in opportunity.
goals for this week:
better run structure (good start to this with a short run this AM!) I’ll give myself a B on this. There was some variation!
swim more than 12,600 yards done!
bike 5x (good start to this, biked to campus) only biked 4 days
I swam 6x for a total of 13,600 yards; biked 4x for 32 miles; and ran 6 days for a total of 52.9 miles. I ran a local 10k yesterday and won in 43:36, which I was happy with. I led wire to wire… it was fun.
Goals this week: get rested for a half marathon on Saturday, swim > 12,600 yards, take bike out on Sunday, have a productive week at school
I wonder if a dentist would have any idea? Have you tried Google MD?
Yeah, I’ve googled the heck out of this.
Hypothyroidism can result in a loss of taste, but this isn’t that (plus my thyroid was checked this spring, not to mention I don’t have other symptoms).
I’m wondering if it’s allergy related - so I started a stronger allergy med on Saturday, hoping it helps, should know in maybe a week.
But yeah, the internet said nothing - altered sense of taste due to medicine, chemical exposure, or chemotherapy. Those don’t apply to me.
From Wikipedia:
Dysgeusia (/dɪsˈɡuËÊ’É™/ or /dɪsˈɡjuËziÉ™/) or parageusia is a distortion of the sense of taste. Dysgeusia is also often associated with ageusia, which is the complete lack of taste, and hypogeusia, which is a decrease in taste sensitivity.An alteration in taste or smell may be a secondary process in various disease states, or it may be the primarysymptom. The distortion in the sense of taste is the only symptom, and diagnosis is usually complicated since the sense of taste is tied together with other sensory systems. Common causes of dysgeusia include chemotherapy, asthma treatment with albuterol, and zinc deficiency. Different drugs could also be responsible for altering taste and resulting in dysgeusia. Due to the variety of causes of dysgeusia, there are many possible treatments that are effective in alleviating or terminating the symptoms of dysgeusia. These include artificial saliva, pilocarpine, zinc supplementation, alterations in drug therapy, and alpha lipoic acid.
A nutritionist said to bump up my vitamin c, b, and take some zinc.
So I’m going to get going on that.
I’d go see the ENT doc if you can. Years ago I had a fellow who worked for me who lost his sense of taste completely. Turned out he had brain cancer. Not trying to scare you but you need to get it checked sooner than later. Please don’t wait. AP
I’ll be honest: terrible.
WARNING: If you are squeamish - do not read further.
The week was fine, good skates, a good run, lots of good riding, a full day of volunteering for P’s first CX race (which he LOVED and did fantastic at, he’s hooked now, doing another this coming Sunday). Sunday was a good weather day so we all went to a really beautiful park called Whytecliff, it’s a marine reserve, and just stunning views of the ocean, and marine life. Lots of people dive there.
At one point, I’m sitting on a bench enjoying the quiet and the view, when I see P on his phone, over on a rocky crag to my right. I ask K (who’s up there with him) “what’s going on?” - she says “He’s on the phone with 911” - “why?” - “there’s a diver in trouble” - “where?” "over there (points further west/right).
I bomb it over to this very narrow gully where there’s a guy in a drysuit trying to swim in with a woman (also in drysuit) who is basically foaming at the mouth. This is bad. I jump into the water (which is frickin cold) and help get her to shore. Roll her over, clear her mouth of all that foamy sea water, roll her back and start the ABCs.
No airway.
Not breathing.
No pulse.
Start yelling “I NEED HELP NOW!” and start CPR. Airway was really difficult as there was just tons of foamy water coming out of her mouth and nose. A young guy who was walking by must have heard me and came down to help, he took over chest compressions while I struggled with maintaining her airway. Eventually I couldn’t keep it open. We must have been doing at least 5 minutes of CPR, although it felt like an eternity.
Finally emergency crews arrived and took over. They worked for 30min more but she didn’t make it, I found out later on the news. Driving home in my wet jeans, trying not to throw up in the car, unable to get the taste of salt water out of my mouth. I probably broke down crying a dozen more times the rest of the day.
I slept terribly last night, I’m still struggling today. I’m really glad it’s a holiday today (gobble gobble) so I can take another day not being at work to try and work through all these emotions. Mostly the what ifs. What if I had got there sooner, what if I had got her to shore sooner, what if I had…
I have my dive certs, but I’m not so sure I’ll be able to dive again anytime soon (not that I was planning on any dives).
If you do not know CPR, please please please make a new year’s resolution to yourself and your family that you will go get trained. It takes one day of your life to get trained and you might just be able to save someone else’s - or at least try your hardest to do so.
Thanks for letting me share.
So sorry to hear about this AP. I have experience of unsuccessful resus attempts so understand where you’re coming from and the feelings that will be rolling around in your head; I have been there and I have fellow firefighters who have been there. If you need to unload more, then feel free to send a PM.
Thank you, that means a lot. Our neighbour is a firefighter and I will probably have a chat with him too.
that sucks. hang in there.
A less successful week for me. Night pain was back with a vengeance so the running privileges have been suspended by the physio. I even got needled in an attempt to improve things but won’t be returning for seconds anytime soon.
Week 3 of base training went okay apart from Tuesday’s workout where I just couldn’t keep the watts going for the second half of the workout. Called it a day and the rest of the week was fine. Watched the IMWC live broadcast on Saturday as I prepped for hosting Thanksgiving on Sunday.
This week, I’m hoping for 5 rides (7 hours ride time) and a pain free existence at night. It’s Fire Prevention Week so I’m “teaching” grades 1-3 fire safety - experience suggests that this has the potential to absolutely exhaust me! Also hoping for NO MORE SNOW. Way too early.
AP, I’m sorry you were involved in such a traumatic situation and hope you are able to sort through your emotions.
Good reminder to get trained in CPR.
So sorry to hear about your awful experience, Andy. I know you did all you could, and I’m sure the family of the lady you tried to save appreciates your efforts. So many people would have just passed it off as someone else’s problem - you got in there and gave her the best chance at survival she had. Be proud of taking charge and working to make a difference.
Last week’s goals:
- swim x 2: win
- run x 4: win
- core/strength x 4: win
Backpacking last weekend was also a huge win, despite horrible traffic on the way up on Saturday - left at 10:30am to do a 3.5hr drive, but we didn’t manage to get on the trail until 4pm…with sunset at 6:41pm and over 7km of mostly-climbing trail to our intended campsite. Made it with enough time to set up camp and mostly dry out from a couple of rain showers before dark, and even coaxed a fire to life. Sunday was mostly cloudy with occasional patches of sun after a morning spattering of rain, but never got above 8c/46f and dropped to -2.7c/27f overnight after another 9km on the trail (easy trip as Tanker doesn’t like being on the march all day long). Fortunately we were able to find quite a bit of firewood so we could have our turkey dinner (ok, it was fried rice, but still turkey) and s’mores by the fire for Thanksgiving. Awoke to frost yesterday morning, but the sun came out and warmed things up quite a bit. Did the Starling Lake lookout side trail on the way back to the trailhead, got a bit sunburned, then it took us another 5+hrs to get home due to the crowds of people in Algonquin Park clogging up highway 60 to take photos of the brilliant fall colours and the hordes of people on the way home from the long weekend. Finally rolled in at 9pm, showered up (hot, running water is civilization’s greatest accomplishment), and rolled into bed after an easy dinner just before 1am.
Would love to get some sleep tonight, but we have tickets to see Max & Iggor Cavalera present Return to Roots, so I’m running on my lunch break and then we’re off to Tdot for the show. Just hope I can stay awake through our belated Thanksgiving dinner with my mom tomorrow!
This week’s goals:
- run x 4
- bike x 1
- swim x 1
- core/strength x 3
I slept terribly last night, I’m still struggling today. I’m really glad it’s a holiday today (gobble gobble) so I can take another day not being at work to try and work through all these emotions. Mostly the what ifs. What if I had got there sooner, what if I had got her to shore sooner, what if I had…
Oy. I had a similar experience with a motorcycle that failed to negotiate a turn and slammed into a fence as I was pedaling up a hill. No cell reception, no traffic, no pulse. I did CPR for so long before a car came by, left to call 911, came back to assist and EMS came 10 minutes later.
Hang in there. You did everything you could do and more than most people can or would do. It is a shocking reminder that our trip is short…
My week was good. Got all runs and rides in but didn’t dip a toe in the pool. Actually, me posting here is procrastinating on getting in the pool. So, I’ll stop typing and go get my swim in now. I have my last tri of the season next weekend, so I better swim.
Sorry AP - that’s a tough situation.
And sorry about the running Scheherazade. Your bike workouts are looking great though!
I had a “meh” week. Not enough adult interaction left me feeling down. My husband was home all day yesterday and my niece came over, so that helped a lot.
I went to soccer last week. It was fun but my skills are seriously lacking. I really hope I’ll get to play some games with them this winter.
This week I am setting up my bike and the workout room. And we are moving the beast of the treadmill so I can run.
I come into the city once a week (sometimes more frequently) so can always meet for coffee/lunch/whatever.
Sorry to hear. Glad you will have the opportunity to talk to someone about the experience.