How was your week? Jan. 19 Edition

Day off for a lot of us in the states :slight_smile:

goals for this week: bike at least 50 miles done!, swim at least 15k nope but that’s ok more important that I got the biking done, day off from running done! and total mileage less than or equal to 50 done!, no food issues done!

I am wildly proud of having actually ridden my bike a little and of keeping the running in check. About half of the bike miles were commuting (the short weekday rides).

M: 4.7 mi run + 4000 yd swim + 6 mi bike
T: 7.7 mi run (4 @ 7:30 pace) + 2100 yd swim + 6 mi bike
W: 8 mi run + 6 mi bike
T: 5 mi run + 3600 yd swim
F: 9 mi run + 1200 yd swim
S: 9 mi run
S: 30 mi bike

totals 10,900 yd swim + 55 mi bike + 43.4 mi run

goals for this week: bike at least 60 miles, swim at least 15k, day off from running, and total mileage less than or equal to 50. And no eating issues, though I must say (hopefully I am not jinxing myself here) I have sooo been doing a good job with all of that :slight_smile:

Ooooh, enjoy the long weekend! Have you got anything fun planned for today?

Last week was a lot of eating and drinking and not much by way of structured exercise. However, we did cycle part of the West Maui Loop (from Lahaina to Lorraine’s and back). It worked out to some 5000ft of climbing which was a LOT for me; I don’t think I’ve climbed more than 100ft before in my life. A few pictures here. I also kinda swam in the ocean but waves freak me out and I kept feeling like I was being sucked out to sea. I went back a second day but the beach was red-flagged because of high surf so I passed. OH said the water was really murky past the break so I’m glad I didn’t venture out.

This week: back to eating properly and not drinking beer/cocktails at every opportunity. I am FTP testing tomorrow as part of TrainerRoad Base 2 so hoping for improvement there. Run x 6, swim x 3, bike x 4. Plus some yoga or something because my hips and calves are really tight.

Have you got anything fun planned for today?

Trying to catch up on work! I have so much to do, I am not sure what I would do if I DIDN’T have a day off… would like to take the bike out later, too.

great pictures!

Nice pics!! No holiday today for me. :frowning: (wrong country)

Last week was okay - after the two bad runs, things went super smooth for the rest of the week. No outside running though - even though it’s warmer out I just can’t get motivated to head outside when it’s late/dark. AND I got to do my club spin on Saturday. My butt was super sore, but it was fun to get on the bike & see some friends. Eating was pretty good until my birthday on Saturday (cake AND pie). Instead of having nachos & guacamole yesterday, I made a salad with avocado instead. That’s a pretty big win in my book.

This week: On the bike at least twice & 3 runs. I’m curious to see how much I can do without injuring myself. Tired/sore is not the same as hurt - too much time off actual training makes me paranoid about every little twinge. My motto for this week is “Suck it up, buttercup”. There is a 5km by the same name in early April - I’m super tempted to sign up just because of the awesome name.

Happy birthday! Did you get your cake from The Duchess?

Thanks! No - but I should have. I made a coconut Tres Leches cake & my mom brought a lemon/raspberry swirl pie. Sooo good.

Was super sick last week - in bed 3 days straight. :frowning: Pulled the plug on Provincial Long Track, and did a half practice skate on Sat. Did also get in a nice 4hr walk with the dog. But mostly just rested and got better.

This week: Continue my recovery. Ride 1x (haven’t been on my bike in 4 weeks!); run 2x super EeeZee; skate 3 -5 times; lots of walks; lots of sleep and good eating. World Masters is 2 weeks away!


Feel better. My son spent the end of last week/weekend sick. I’m waiting for it to hit me, but hoping for the best.

Thanks. P (hubby) and K (11yo) have avoided it thus far. But I was on the tail end of what decimated the office while I was in Toronto! My ride today felt pretty good, considering… :slight_smile:


Long time lurker, first poster in this thread - I am a working mom of 4 who took up triathlon again after a 20 year hiatus of work/kids at the age of 40. I am focusing on Olympic/International distance, and my next season I have put in a few Sprints just for the fun of it. I started running at age 40…

Today, one place I work was open, so I had to go in the morning. But my afternoon was free, coz the other place had it as a holiday. (for those not in the US, these holidays are not universally kept at various work/business places). Kids were home from school.

I decided to stop running and swimming for at least a month to focus on rehab of two chronic injuries I have. This means no tri bike either, coz the aero really hurts my shoulder bad.

So its rollers and the rare outside ride on my road bike!

Happy training to all the ladies out there.

are you in Canada or Europe or somewhere else? Belated happy b day !


Last week’s goals:
Run x 4: WIN
Swim x 2: WIN with 3
Core/strength x 2 (done): WIN
Mobility/stretch x 2: WIN

Frosty Trail went pretty well - a little more than a kilometer PR and was 3rd woman overall in the 3-hour. Ankles took a hearty beating but legs feel better than I’d have expected. Took Sunday off running (did a hike and a swim) then back at it yesterday evening - get fatigued really easily while training during recovery so will be doing some low-key workouts this week.

This week’s goals:
Swim x 4
Bike x 3
Run x 6
Core/strength x 4


-mistress k

Still sick!

Visit to the ENT doc midweek (“Hey, an Ironman??? Cool!”). He put me back on the Sudafed and a new nasal spray and I got even sicker!! Spent from Friday evening to last night pretty much laid out on the bed or couch coughing up a lung and totally stuffed head. Saturday was the worst. Sunday a little better (drove the glass recycling to drop off, grocery store and had to go home and lay down). Monday feeling a bit better but still laid around all day. Today less coughing. Yea.

And of course, this was the 3-day weekend AND the weather was GREAT!

I’ll try to ride the trainer tonight.


Sounds like what I have - how long have you had it? I also have a steroid based puffer because I am prone to a long/slow cough recovery, and I have found that helps a lot, as does my nasal spray.


It started Christmas night and then flying back did not help. That’s when my ear became plugged up. The week after Christmas the doctor gave me seven days of antibiotics which I took. That didn’t help so he said to try the Sudafed. I did that in my ear got worse so he sent me to the ENT doctor and he gave me another nasal spray and a lot of Sudafed. So I am on Sudafed and two nasal sprays. My cough is finally somewhat better and my head is less stuffed but my ears still plugged up. At least I rode the bike 30 minutes yesterday inside and didn’t feel horrible so I feel that’s a win.