How was your week? Dec. 23 Edition (1)

How are you and how was your week? What are your plans for the holidays?

Goals this week: More swim! Do things that keep me healthy and fast.
check, check-ish

swam 4x (4400 yds). Had a 5th swim planned but I got to the pool and it was overrun with swim team rugrats - the aquatics director made a mistake and double-booked the pool. Boo.
ran 7x 46.7 mi

had a productive work week :slight_smile:

goals this week same as last week!

Holiday plans - my brother is home, which is awesome. I am trying to be flexible and enjoy the family time… for example, last night we went out with friends and got home at midnight, which is waaaaay past my bedtime. We’ll hang out at home on xmas :slight_smile:

Thanks for getting us started Dr TC. Hope you and all the other women have a lovely time with family/friends/loved ones this week.

I didn’t set any goals last week which is just as well since it was all a bit manic. I did have a lovely XC ski on the Monday (pictures here: ) and two bare minimum 100 in 100 runs. The movers came and took most of our stuff so now we have a week of living in a mostly empty home.

This week’s goals: try and make up some runs to get back on track for my goal of 50 runs for the challenge. Enjoy time with the various friends who are hosting us for xmas eve/xmas day/boxing day. Clear out what’s left in the house and garage.

Happy Holidays, Ladies! May your days be merry and bright this week and always <3

Last week’s goal was to chug along, I think. And I did. With some serious rearranging of workouts to manage my body/brain for holiday festivities, I got it all done. This week is a lot more of the same.

We’re not doing anything exciting for the holidays. My husband’s family is Jewish, and his parents are spending the next 14 days on a cruise. My family, well, sucks and since they ceased contact back in February, I’m not expecting any Judy Garland-sized miracles. This is all honestly okay, as we’re spending this week snuggled up at home with some candles, a pretty tree, and a lot of excellent bourbon.

Monday- 60min run with tempo intervals and strength
Tu- 2200yd and 3mi run with hill repeats. I’m also volunteering all day at the museum
W- rest day. Aka, wake up late, wear my favorite dragon onesie and slippers and sip irish coffee, mimosas, and make a killer brunch as we open presents.
Th- 56min zwift ride
F- 2200yd swim and strength
Sa- 2 hour ride (probably inside since freezing cold lol), and an ugly sweater party for which I’m making all kinds of goodies
Su- 10mi run

make a killer brunch

Nom nom… What’s on the menu?

Vanilla orange French toast
“Latke hash” with applewood bacon and Brussels
Poached eggs for the hubs
A fruit salad with all the pears and stuff people sent us

Hi everyone!

Cupcake, your Wednesday plans sound awesome! Sorry about your family. I had a period like that with mine. I did Jewish Christmas back then–movies and Chinese food.

Scheherezade, great ski! Hope the moving is going well.

TC-Enjoy time with your brother!

I got back on track with my workouts last week, after needing to cut a lot for a few weeks because of work. That felt great. This week, I don’t have a lot structured until Friday. After that, it’s a swim, a brick, and a Sunday run. Before that, I’ve been given cart blanche to hang with the house full of inlaws up here in New Hampshire. There’s a bunch of kids and they’re all stinkin’ cute.

I will say that we hang with this side of the family every year, and they’re very active. Usually when they head out for sledding or something I last like 45 mins or so. this year, I was sledding and climbing and slow playing with the kids for 2 hrs. without feeling tired at all. It was lunch that brought us in today. It’s triathlon that gave me that, so I’m just feeling lucky to have found this lifestyle.

super cool about the crossover fitness letting you hang with the kids!

I love that you could hang longer for the sledding. I’m trying really hard to stay healthy so I can keep playing with my kids and getting them outside (my husband has sadly become a big couch potato in the last few years).