How was your week? August 27 Edition

How are you and how was your week?

goals this week - finish conference submission (due Monday), no food issues (see above), swim 5x, bike 2x, day off from running.

Conference thing submitted Friday. No food issues. Swam 6x, biked once (but far more total miles than last week), day off from running.

M: 6.6 mi run + 2075 yd swim
T: 7.5 mi run (threshold intervals) + 1025 yd swim
W: 8.3 mi run + 1025 yd swim
T: 4.2 mi run + 1175 yd swim
F: 6.5 mi run + 1775 yd swim
S: 12 mi run (tempo intervals) + 1075 yd swim
S: 40.3 mi bike

totals 8150 yd swim + 40.3 mi bike + 45.1 mi run

goals for this week: get 1 paper submitted and get a bunch of work done on another; no food issues; swim 5x; bike twice; day off from running

Hope everyone is well.

A pretty solid week - 9 hours and 47 minutes. Highest volume for the year and I felt great last night. Today I have an ear ache so I’m off to the doctor this afternoon.
Yoga is going really well - I am able to get into the various poses better and more movement, even the instructor mentioned it. And shoulder stand - that was very good yesterday.

Swim: 6,600 yds (2:53)
Bike: 33.3 mi (2:42) - longest ride in 3 years
Trainer: 32 min
Walk: 0
Wts/Yoga: 3:40
Time: 9:47

Very happy with this.

Nutrition had been pretty good too. Down about 4 pounds for the month.

uh oh, I hope the ear doesn’t keep you out of swimming for the week! Congrats on the volume.

Goals for the week- hit all my workouts.

101 mile week for me! I even did a couple of things out of my element, like waking up at the devil’s hour to get in a decent bike ride with a buddy of mine, before sunrise on Friday. Nailed my times, nailed my paces, nailed my mileage. I felt really good all week, ate and slept pretty much okay, and no residual exhaustion or other body type issues. It feels amazing to have that kind of week in the books.

Goal for this week: keep the party going!

M- 2600m swim, 2.75mi run
Tu- Zwift and medium run
W- 2500m swim, short run, volunteering at the NMNH all day
Th- 2600m swim, Zwift, and 20min brick run
F- rest! Certification exam in the AM so getting sleep and good breakfast is the priority.
Sa- LONG RIDE! One of my favorite rides of the year is this weekend. And then a short run brick
Su- long run

Good luck with the paper! Sending good journal juju your way.

nice job! love the gif. good luck on the exam.

uh oh, I hope the ear doesn’t keep you out of swimming for the week! Congrats on the volume.

ARGH!!! Swimmer’s ear plus water behind the ear (from allergies/sinus) and infection so a course of antibiotics and no pool until after Labor Day. Bike, walk, weights, yoga are all OK to do.

when I started getting lots of ear infections, I started wearing earplugs. Something to consider if you’re not already wearing them.

No head underwater if you kick w/ a board …

Meh. I knew last week was going to be busy with two evening events I had to work and friends wanting to get together another night. I still managed three trainer rides, two runs, two weights sessions, only one PT session (blah) and a little bit of yoga.

I am thinking about doing my first duathlon this weekend depending on what the weather is going to do (right now there are thunderstorms in the forecast). I did a test run-bike-run Friday evening and it actually felt really good. I did a long trainer ride and a walk/run Sunday and my knee was feeling a little tight during my trainer ride yesterday, so I am going to see how that feels before I commit to anything.

It’s only Tuesday morning and I’m already looking forward to the long weekend, ugh.

I hope you ladies are all killing the swim, bike, and run.

when I started getting lots of ear infections, I started wearing earplugs. Something to consider if you’re not already wearing them.

No head underwater if you kick w/ a board …

What kind of earplugs?

Silicone. You can buy them from Tyr or Speedo, or you can save some $ and get them at a pharmacy.

These are the kind I usually get. It takes a bit of finagling to get them to seal inside my ear, but I’m also prone to ear infections and they do a pretty good job of keeping the water out.

These are the kind I usually get. It takes a bit of finagling to get them to seal inside my ear, but I’m also prone to ear infections and they do a pretty good job of keeping the water out.

OK - just ordered some and will try them next week.


I’m back … ??? but did nothing last week (really) as we were in Ontario for a wedding. I ran twice (!) which brings the # of runs this year to the same # of digits I have on one hand. Smoke/ air quality was really bad in BC so it was nice to be in fresh albeit hot & humid air. I have missed not riding for almost 2 weeks due to the smoke.

Note that after the Berlin marathon in Sept 2016 (!), which was my slowest one yet (calf injury 6w before race day), I have barely run at all. I’d been speed skating and riding a ton. However, late this past spring (Feb/Mar), I suffered two back to back concussions skating, so I am only coaching and refereeing this coming season.

I’m at 6600km of riding so far this year, aiming for 8500km.

So it’s all about the bike:
Run: 2x (DONE in ON)
Ride: 4x (3x done as of today - 50k easy, 16k hard, 75k “spirited” with the boyz - still have 100+k tomorrow also with the boyz)

Next week (3rd-9th):
Run 2x (yes I’m going to reintegrate running into my weeks again) - 3x for bonus points
Ride 7x including an out of town trip for backroad/gravel riding and CX practice.


HI AP!!!
I missed you.
Is your K in HS now?

Yes, she’s starting grade 9 in a couple of days. Last year was a tough one for her, she’s in an advanced program and it took a few months to adjust to it. Plus her skating is really progressing, she’s on the provincial performance program now (ie: actually gets some funding and things like testing) and she’s SO much faster than her mom :-).

MIssed everyone here too.