How to run aero

We’ve made huge leaps in the aero field when cycling, but while running yesterday, it occured to me - this is about the least aerodynamic way I could possibly running.

As soon as I hit a headwind, I bent my head low, and tried to adopt a more aerodynamic position. And you know what? I felt faster. The resistance eased up dramatically.

Of course, further testing would need to be done in a wind tunnel…**but - **

Why don’t we practice running bent over all the time?

Sure we could start with a mile, but think back to the first time you rode a tri bike. You weren’t aero the entire time, you eased into it.

So who’s with me?

Aero runners, unite!

You’re a few years late on this one! :slight_smile:

I turn sideways.

I hear leaving your aero helmet on in T2 helps you run faster.

well, sometimes when there is an insane headwind I bring my arms close together, can feel it helping!

I have to believe any minor aero gains you could find wouldn’t be worth messing with your running form. You can always just draft.


How to run aero?

stay low.

One of my favorite Macolm in the Middle episodes ever! FTW.

I have to believe any minor aero gains you could find wouldn’t be worth messing with your running form. You can always just draft.


(it was a joke)

God that was hilarious, I just keep thinking the writer must be a long time triathlete, because he captured every quirk and foible.


Serpentine Shelly! Serpentine!

Oh wait, that’s for bullets. Nevermind.

You’re a few years late on this one! :slight_smile:

good ole malcom in the middle reference! to the OP, the aero drag for running is so much lower than cycling that it wouldnt make much sense to compromise your running position and power for a slight decrease in aero resistance. ice skating on the other hand…

My wife tells me I disappear when I turn sideways - I wonder if I could figure out a proper sideways running gait to maximize this “aero” feature of my body…

Why don’t we practice running bent over all the time?

Because…it compresses the diaphragm and compromises breathing?


I wonder how much power would be lost when crawling.

You would be better off hiding behind a bigger runner like me (6’7’’ I block a lot of wind). At the speed session on the track last night we had a hell of a wind as a storm was blowing in…looked like a pace line behind me…it sucked

You’re a few years late on this one! :slight_smile:

I think they may want to adopt the booties from cycling time trialing to make those shoes a little more aero…

When running against a stiff headwind, I’ve had great success with running with my arms crossed in front of my chest. What I lose in balance, I gain in very significant aero gains. Give it a go to see if it works for you.

When running into a stiff headwind, stop, turn around, and run the other way. Works like a charm.

When running against a stiff headwind, I’ve had great success with running with my arms crossed in front of my chest. What I lose in balance, I gain in very significant aero gains. Give it a go to see if it works for you.

Would it not be better to run with the arms straight and tight along side the body? Seems to me you would still have the aero gains but minus the balance issues, no?