Ultegra front, rear, chain & fsa compact crankset w 52/36 rings.
It’s been tuned, but still fairly ‘loud.’ Almost a grinding sound with each pedal stroke.
Shifts fine…and cables are pretty new.
Any suggestions for what might be causing the noise?
Something I need to replace? And yes, it’s been lubed as well.
Grinding with every pedal stroke? Maybe the chainrings?
Very good possibility. What do I do with that?
New/different rings? Different chain?
I guess I’m assuming the chain itself isn’t excessively worn. If not, simply note the shape of the chainrings: if the teeth are worn to the point that they look like waves, you’ll have to install new ones.
Pull the cranks and check the BB bearings. If they are anything but smooth, replace them. Also check the pedal bearings. If you give them a good spin you should not hear the bearings. If you do hear the bearings, its time for grease.