How to hide Lavender Room (or any other category)

If you’d prefer to avoid political flamewars from bubbling into your ST experience, here’s the setting: PreferencesTrackingMuted. Don’t forget to save.

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Even easier just go to ‘Categories’ in the left side bar and amend the fora you wish to see shown (and ‘Save’!)

That only changes the list of categories shown in the sidebar. It doesn’t affect anything else. You will still see everything on the landing page, you’ll still get suggested posts from unwanted categories, etc.

Muting, as described above, actually hides all content from the specified categories across the whole site.

Great thank you

Any way to track certain members?

You mean mute certain people? That’s under the users list over there next to tracking.

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Not that thank you

There are members here whose posts to me are always useful to read. I would like to be able to follow them

That would be cool. Doesn’t look like it’s possible, it would have been one of the options here I’d think.

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