How to get sound sleep night prior to race day?

It seems I have tried everything under the sun to get a solid good night sleep the night prior to race day. And I’m sick of it. :wink: Even after 15 years of racing, I get tremendous anxiety, which prevents me from falling asleep. I’m turning and tossing and going to the bathroom tons of times all night long. Plus, I can hear my heart pound like crazy and am unable to shut off my brain, constantly thinking about the race.
What are your go-to remedies that never fail (but also without any side effects the following day)?

Getting a good night’s sleep two nights before the race, then reading a book until I fall asleep and it drops to the floor.

One night of so-so sleep is not going to kill your performance.

It seems I have tried everything under the sun to get a solid good night sleep the night prior to race day. And I’m sick of it. :wink: Even after 15 years of racing, I get tremendous anxiety, which prevents me from falling asleep. I’m turning and tossing and going to the bathroom tons of times all night long. Plus, I can hear my heart pound like crazy and am unable to shut off my brain, constantly thinking about the race.
What are your go-to remedies that never fail (but also without any side effects the following day)?

What if I told you the night before doesn’t matter? :slight_smile:

I am sure there studies out there on this, however, I have also experienced this anecdotally. A friend of mine spent the night before drinking and barely slept and had an incredible race the next day. I have also experienced the no sleep do better when I was much younger.
Look up mindful relaxing/thinking. Focus on everything other than the race. Be organized and have everything packed so you don’t even need to think about anything like that the night before.

I do meditation for sleep on an app for 10 minutes and it works really well. Also, the therabody goggle-things work really well.

It seems I have tried everything under the sun to get a solid good night sleep the night prior to race day. And I’m sick of it. :wink: Even after 15 years of racing, I get tremendous anxiety, which prevents me from falling asleep. I’m turning and tossing and going to the bathroom tons of times all night long. Plus, I can hear my heart pound like crazy and am unable to shut off my brain, constantly thinking about the race.
What are your go-to remedies that never fail (but also without any side effects the following day)?

Being nervous and experiencing a bit of anxiety before a race is normal. But this sounds like you are experiencing more extreme anxiety levels. I think I would first ask myself what exactly is causing this anxiety? Try to pin point the issue (s) that are causing this stress and anxiety. Is it due to safety issues (fear of crashing if a triathlon or panic attacks in the swim?), fear of failure (not finishing)? Not meeting expectations/goals? Not being able to KQ? Addressing the root cause and the specific issues that are plaguing you would be my first recommendation. Racing should be fun and not cause this level of anxiety.

Also as someone else stated, the night before is not that important for sleep. I once was up the entire night when a fire alarm was pulled in the hotel we were staying at for a half marathon over a decade ago. I got zero sleep and ran a good race. I have many other examples where noise (that was out of my control) kept me up all night long and I still did well.

I do understand and have empathy. As someone who was trying to KQ for years and dedicating most of my time and resources to my goals, I had a lot on the line and felt very nervous before Ironmans. But I made peace with the fact that I might not make it and I just had to do the best with what I had out there. I also told myself that I was prepared and trained very well and had done everything possible to get to the starting line.

Best wishes. Hope you can address the root cause. Remember we are privileged to be racing and not living somewhere like Gaza. I was feeling bummed about the weather yesterday and bad road conditions for running. My husband reminded me that we are so lucky and privileged to not have real worries like displaced people around the world. He was correct in his gentle reminder :slight_smile:

Last tip would be think of racing as a celebration for all your hard work.

I used to take an Ambien the night before big races (Ironman or halves). Tried it in training once first. It worked. Never took them otherwise, as sleeping has never been a problem.

Getting a good night’s sleep two nights before the race, then reading a book until I fall asleep and it drops to the floor.

One night of so-so sleep is not going to kill your performance.

Yeah 2 nights before is the most important. The night before I’m usually in bed at 8pm and get up at 4am and have spent most of the night just laying there or on my phone scrolling.

I take melatonin to help.

I would also suggest putting any screens down several hours prior to going to bed and reading a book vs. watching tv. But, easier said than done.

Daily meditation for 3 years has helped my sleep immensely. I meditate mostly in the mornings for 10 minutes, typically with Sam Harris’ app, waking up.

To be clear, I feel it is the effect of the general practice on my state of mind that has been most helpful, rather than using meditation as means of relaxing myself before bed.

I was a bit anxious before my first ironman at Chattanooga this year. However, I was able to sleep solidly from 8pm to 4am. Which was 6pm-2am on my home time zone.

If the race is on Sunday, get up super early on Saturday and absolutely no coffee, caffeine, electrolyte, sugar, honey or anything that will give you energy. Walk around, do athletes check-in, bike check-in and come back to your hotel and relax. Take melatonin before bed and you should be able to sleep better.

Getting a good night’s sleep two nights before the race, then reading a book until I fall asleep and it drops to the floor.

One night of so-so sleep is not going to kill your performance.

I also focus on two nights before. Night before not as important to me

It seems I have tried everything under the sun to get a solid good night sleep the night prior to race day. And I’m sick of it. :wink: Even after 15 years of racing, I get tremendous anxiety, which prevents me from falling asleep. I’m turning and tossing and going to the bathroom tons of times all night long. Plus, I can hear my heart pound like crazy and am unable to shut off my brain, constantly thinking about the race.
What are your go-to remedies that never fail (but also without any side effects the following day)?
Kind of along Triingtotrains post, after 15years of racing, I’d bet there’s something you’re consciously scared of that’s causing the extreme anxiety. I say “I’d bet” as I’m not a phycologist, but in all of the races I’ve done over my life, which is hundreds (not just Tri but other sports too), for me, I can always equate poor sleep the night before being afraid of not having prepared enough for whatever the event was. Whether it was laying in bed, trying to sleep and: mechanical - “Did I tighten those brake caliper screws? Whatever you do, don’t forget to check those!”, psychological - “These guys are names in the sport. I don’t have a chance. I’m going to embarrass myself.”, simply scared for my health & safety - “If I don’t jump that 110’ triple, right out of that slippery corner tomorrow, I’m going to get landed on. Or, if I wheelspin, I’m going to come up short and break my ankles, legs or go over the bars and become paralyzed.”, financial when your competing as a pro - “If I don’t place in the top5 tomorrow, I’m not going to be able to pay rent for the 2nd month in a row and I’m going to get evicted”. Only you know you. And, it can be SUPER hard to be honest with yourself too, especially if it’s a being scared of health & safety thing.

My biggest break through, again for me, was the night before a race and while laying in bed, flipping the Fate (is what you make) vs Destiny (already pre-determined) switch to Destiny; whatever’s going to happen is already determined at that point and I’m just along for the ride. Might sound weird, and maybe it is, but it works for me and I’ve slept like a baby every night before a race since - and I’ve raced for a lot of money & in quite dangerous sports during that time.


I used to take an Ambien the night before big races (Ironman or halves). Tried it in training once first. It worked. Never took them otherwise, as sleeping has never been a problem.

Xanax works well also. Take them before I fly and night before races.

This used to be a problem for me when I was pacing five to eight marathons a year. Being in an unfamiliar city, trying to sleep at 8p in a hotel noisy with TVs and flushing toilets and late-night drunks wandering the halls talking loudly.

Diphenhydramine (the non-habit forming sleep ingredient it Tylenol PM and Advil PM) can be purchased on its own. It quiets the brain noise and lets me sleep and the early morning wakeup isn’t too brutal. I never feel groggy on it.

Try it during training, though. It would be bad to sleep through your race if you’re trying it for the first time.

There is a saying from a long-time poster who was also very good.

3 for a PB. (meaning 3 drinks the night before)

It works.

If you’re prone to pre-race anxiety then I don’t think there is much you can do other than sleeping tablets. I’ve tried lots of things, but nothing really worked. I’d still sleep, but 4-5 hours, so now I take 1/2 a sleeping tablet and get 8 hours. I don’t take them any other time. I find just taking 1/4 or a 1/2 is enough to get you to drop off and you won’t feel groggy the next day. A few mates have done 70.3s and even Fulls on zero sleep. That must have a huge impact on their race.

Thanks. Which sleeping pill brand are you using? And what strength? I would like to give it a try.

I agree. I just wish I could sleep the two days prior. But I have the same sleeping problem the nights leading up to the the race. :frowning:

Yes. I agree. It’s just that I can’t sleep the nights leading up to the race either. Therefore it accumulates. :frowning:

Great idea. Which app do you use?
And what’s a therabody, please?