How to "block" and what happens when you do

This question has come up several times in the past couple of weeks. This post isn’t an argument for or against blocking posters. Just instructions for how to do so if you decide that’s how you want to handle some of the noise in the forum, and an explanation of what you will see or not see afterward.

To “Block” a forum member:

Click on the member’s name so that it opens their user profile. You can do this in a thread or from the forum homepage, or pretty much anywhere on the any of the forums where the forum member’s name is indicated in blue. At the top of the member’s profile page, you’ll see buttons for “HIDE USER’S POSTS” and “SEND PRIVATE MESSAGE.” Clicking on the hide button activates the ignore function, and should result in an update to the profile page and added green text that says “All posts from *Member Name *will now be hidden.”

After you’ve hidden a member’s posts, if you choose to see those posts again, you can go back to the same profile page and click the “SHOW USER’S POSTS” button. It will reverse the process and give you a text in green that says “All posts from Member Name will now be shown.”

What happens after you block a member:

Hiding a member means that, within any given thread, you won’t see the content of that member’s posts. Within the thread, you’ll see blank space where the member posted (with their name indicated so you’ll know they posted), but that space won’t contain any content.

On the right side of the empty space, you’ll be able to click on “SHOW THIS POST.” That will expand the space and show the content of that individual post. At this point, that post is just like any other, and you can then reply to or quote that post just like any normal post from any other member. Showing an individual post doesn’t remove your block of the member, and you will have to click on each post if you decide you want to “show” it.

If the blocked member starts a new thread, you can click on that thread, and the first post will be visible by default, but any subsequent posts by that member in that thread will be hidden.

Hiding a member’s posts does not prevent them from seeing or replying to your posts, and it doesn’t prevent them from contacting you by private message. It also doesn’t hide their name or any new threads/posts they create from the main forum page. All it does is hide the content of posts from that member in threads.

If you’d have asked me a few weeks ago I’d likely have said that I’ve never blocked or “ignored” a poster/member, because I’ve really tried not to do that. Then a blast from the past happened and that user’s posts didn’t show up. I realized that I must have blocked him years ago and it was a beautiful thing. Then his posts started showing up and I realized that I have to be logged in to have them blocked. This could be good for the owners of the forum because it will make guys like me log in more. I was also once told that I should post more often. I vowed years ago to never respond to the trolls (I’d made that mistake before.) I just don’t want to get into the typical back and forths with various extreme members because regardless of the quality of the posts minds almost never change. But I also see the argument that us lurkers “should” post more if for no other reason than to expand the forum beyond the couple dozen or so usual suspects. Diversity of thought and opinions is usually a good thing.

FWIW, which probably isn’t much, I wish people wouldn’t quote the posts of the trolls, but I also realize that it’s up to me whether to read those posts. I’m not criticizing those who quote, I’m just saying it would be nice to be able to avoid those posts altogether.

Who else just blocked Slowguy to make sure he got the instructions right?

Though I did learn something. I never knew the “SHOW THIS POST” option existed.

This question has come up several times in the past couple of weeks. This post isn’t an argument for or against blocking posters. Just instructions for how to do so if you decide that’s how you want to handle some of the noise in the forum, and an explanation of what you will see or not see afterward.

To “Block” a forum member:

Click on the member’s name so that it opens their user profile. You can do this in a thread or from the forum homepage, or pretty much anywhere on the any of the forums where the forum member’s name is indicated in blue. At the top of the member’s profile page, you’ll see buttons for “HIDE USER’S POSTS” and “SEND PRIVATE MESSAGE.” The clicking on the hide button activates the ignore function, and should result in an update to the profile page an added green text that says “All posts from *Member Name *will now be hidden.”

After you’ve hidden a member’s posts, if you choose to see those posts agin, you can go back to the same profile page and click the “SHOW USER’S POSTS” button. It will reverse the process and give you a text in green that says “All posts from Member Name will now be shown.”

What happens after you block a member:

Hiding a member means that, within any given thread, you won’t see the content of that member’s posts. Within the thread, you’ll see blank space where the member posted (with their name indicated so you’ll know they posted), but that space won’t contain any content.

On the right side of the empty space, you’ll be able to click on “SHOW THIS POST.” That will expand the space and show the content of that individual post. At this point, that post is just like any other, and you can then reply to or quote that post just like any normal post from any other member. Showing an individual post doesn’t remove your block of the member, and you will have to click on each post if you decide you want to “show” it.

If the blocked member starts a new thread, you can click on that thread, and the first post will be visible by default, but any subsequent posts by that member in that thread will be hidden.

Hiding a member’s posts does not prevent them from seeing or replying to your posts, and it doesn’t prevent them from contacting you by private message. It also doesn’t hide their name or any new threads/posts they create from the main forum page. All it does is hide the content of posts from that member in threads.

this is the option I use for your posts (when I choose to). although in this case you started to thread so…

One thing to note as well. If you click on a thread and the last person to comment is someone you have blocked - it will take you to the top of the thread rather than to that comment.

this is the option I use for your posts (when I choose to). although in this case you started to thread so…

For the life of me I do not get why so many people say they block Slowguy. Of all the dickweeds on here, he is one of the least weediest.

I can imagine Tyler and others grow tired of being taken to school by slowguy. That would get embarrassing after a while.

I’ve only blocked Tyler and BK. Nutella is on a knife’s edge. I feel that’s not bad for nearly two decades on this forum.

I’m not opposed to hearing different opinions, but I cannot stand endless bullshit, spam and lies.

One of the things I enjoy most about this forum is the wide array of opinions and experiences of the posters. Also, as a non-american, I feel like participating here helps me stay in touch with more American perspectives. I live in an insanely left wing city on a small island and it can feel like a bit of a far left echo chamber in local forums.

it can feel like a bit of a far left echo chamber in local forums.

Moreso than here?

this is the option I use for your posts (when I choose to). although in this case you started to thread so…

For the life of me I do not get why so many people say they block Slowguy. Of all the dickweeds on here, he is one of the least weediest.

Slowguy would be a dandelion in terms of dickweediness. Slightly annoying, harmless, actually kinda tasty in the right circumstances, and can be fun on occasion.

it can feel like a bit of a far left echo chamber in local forums.

Moreso than here?

This is most definitely not a far left echo chamber.

maybe just an echo chamber

An echo chamber is a place where no one disagrees with each other. Are you saying that no one disagrees with anyone else in here?

ah true this is quite argumentative. More like a lefty school yard

As Slowguy mentions the “SHOW THIS POST” button is not visible on Chrome on a mobile phone.
Any suggestions on a mobile phone browser it does work on?

An echo chamber is a place where no one disagrees with each other. Are you saying that no one disagrees with anyone else in here?

I mean, we are all wearing black berets and smoking clove cigarettes, while referring to each other as Jacques.

What on earth are you talking about, Jacques?

Mines not clove.

it can feel like a bit of a far left echo chamber in local forums.

Moreso than here?

This place isn’t remotely far left at all.
Don’t confuse being anti-trump with being in favour of far left policies.

this is the option I use for your posts (when I choose to). although in this case you started to thread so…

For the life of me I do not get why so many people say they block Slowguy. Of all the dickweeds on here, he is one of the least weediest.

Slowguy would be a dandelion in terms of dickweediness. Slightly annoying, harmless, actually kinda tasty in the right circumstances, and can be fun on occasion.

These are a lot of fun to make with kids

this is the option I use for your posts (when I choose to). although in this case you started to thread so…

For the life of me I do not get why so many people say they block Slowguy. Of all the dickweeds on here, he is one of the least weediest.

Slowguy would be a dandelion in terms of dickweediness. Slightly annoying, harmless, actually kinda tasty in the right circumstances, and can be fun on occasion.

These are a lot of fun to make with kids

You take the whole Colorado weed thing to a new level

What a horrible post.
