How to 46 mid IM swim - amberger

Ironman Vitoria 2019 - 2nd place with Josh Amberger – Bexters

the week before this race he goes 20x200 long pool holding 227-230 keeping the effort controlled at IM pace. prob would be on 240.

put a wetsuit on a week later and 46 mid - 1’14 pace

he is an ozzy after all - you go down to the local pool in aus and that’s what your local rec swimmer does - probably a bit quicker if they are not too hung over (unless you are doing aqua aerobics )

Your idea of new and mine are very different.

truth is a non temporal concept

You post editing SOB 😁🤪

u seem about as crazy & as incomprehensible as me. i like it

Ironman Vitoria 2019 - 2nd place with Josh Amberger – Bexters
the week before this race he goes 20x200 long pool holding 227-230 keeping the effort controlled at IM pace. prob would be on 240.
put a wetsuit on a week later and 46 mid - 1’14 pace
he is an ozzy after all - you go down to the local pool in aus and that’s what your local rec swimmer does - probably a bit quicker if they are not too hung over (unless you are doing aqua aerobics )

That Bexters article was good and sounds like it was written by Amberger but the byline says Heath Wright. Kind of strange but whatever. Sure, if I could do that workout with just a moderate, “controlled” effort, then a 46-mid iron swim would be no problem. Unfortunately, I’m still a bit off this kind of speed. :slight_smile:

Ironman Vitoria 2019 - 2nd place with Josh Amberger – Bexters

the week before this race he goes 20x200 long pool holding 227-230 keeping the effort controlled at IM pace. prob would be on 240.

Pretty handy. That’s only slightly slower than what my niece would hold for 200s, she’s a national swimmer. Was Amberger a national swimmer in his youth?

Aussie Olympian Mack Horton had a crack at the Sunshine Coast 70.3 last month,just for something to do.

Swam 22:52 for the 1900m for the fastest swim of the day by just under a minute.
(His 1500meter best is 14:39:54)

Things went backwards from there though.
Bike: 2:44:30

from what i gather most of the top rotto girls can do about 40x100 on 120 holding 15s and it is just an every day of the week kind of set. heard about that on a podcast with josie page. but they aren’t pool racers

he would have done some national and states meets for sure. swam in the same squad as trent grimsey bronte barrat and kylie palmer (albany creek) . i think he started to take his triathlon pretty serious at around 14-15 and stopped doing the big pool work. no real incentive for him to be much faster than 46 mid in a wetsuit in the current field. albany creek is the same club as the one sam short came through

That run seems is not completely un respectable. ??

Mack is a big boy and pretty cool he is doing these running and riding events. I hope he swims andnshows up to the events like pier to pub when he retires as he seems like someone who has a lot of love for the sport

from what i gather most of the top rotto girls can do about 40x100 on 120 holding 15s and it is just an every day of the week kind of set. heard about that on a podcast with josie page. but they aren’t pool racers

he would have done some national and states meets for sure. swam in the same squad as trent grimsey bronte barrat and kylie palmer (albany creek) . i think he started to take his triathlon pretty serious at around 14-15 and stopped doing the big pool work. no real incentive for him to be much faster than 46 mid in a wetsuit in the current field. albany creek is the same club as the one sam short came through

Have had the pleasure of swimming with Josie, she is super quick!

Not all us Aussies are super quick!

I did have a slightly funny story-ducked to my local outdoor 50m pool at lunch for a solo training swim one day. The pool was pretty busy with the usual lane walkers etc. There was one lane free with only one guy in it swimming. Jumped in behind him and did the honourable thing and let him go and then started my swimming. I was sitting on 1:30/100 LCM…

Doesn’t take too long and I can see he is catching me super fast with every length.

He finally stops and I stop and notice the Olympic rings tattooed on his arm. Was a recently retired Olympian just down at the pool doing a casual main set of 20X100’s on a 1:15 cycle time…super lovely to chat to.

Just reminded me of the old adage…there is always someone faster…

Haha that’s great. I was in public swim a few years ago and stopped on the wall and I said to the guy standing next to me about our third lane mate, “f*** that guy swims alright, hey” and he says “yeah, it’s Daniel kowalski mate”. I thought I was doing some respectable work on 1,30 base as well

I wish more athletes would share this stuff. It really isn’t much of a secret so it is more fun than anything else.

A very good age group swimmer can do what he did for 10 or so. Doing it for 20 shows some exceptional endurance (duh). Doing 20 at that pace on top of the bike and run training… is awesome.

I think so too - its interesting so to have a comparison. similar to what you can work out from soneone on strava on a climb you do. jonnyo said a bench mark for him was 30x100 on 130 at 15 pace. that’s objective easy to measure

as for the actual 37 or 1’15 pace, its like what i heard paltrinieri say in an interview. doing 29s is not hard - I can do that for hours and hours, but doing 30 in a row is. or 300 wats - not hard of itself but try doing that for 1 hour

the amount of training these pros have worked into themselves over the years is mind boggling - and still being able to do decent work like this set not just float on a kick board for an hour

Was swimming at the AIS about 25 years ago, when someone dived in the pool in the lane next to me. It was so gracefully done that my then girlfriend who was on the pool deck at the time said to me: looks like a dolphin (the actual animal, not a member of the Australian team) just jumped in the pool. It turned out it was Alex Popov.

from what i gather most of the top rotto girls can do about 40x100 on 120 holding 15s and it is just an every day of the week kind of set. heard about that on a podcast with josie page. but they aren’t pool racers

he would have done some national and states meets for sure. swam in the same squad as trent grimsey bronte barrat and kylie palmer (albany creek) . i think he started to take his triathlon pretty serious at around 14-15 and stopped doing the big pool work. no real incentive for him to be much faster than 46 mid in a wetsuit in the current field. albany creek is the same club as the one sam short came through

They do crazy mileage, training for Rotto. I think I heard Chloe Truscott was doing 100?! My biggest week was 40 and I was cooked.

Was swimming at the AIS about 25 years ago, when someone dived in the pool in the lane next to me. It was so gracefully done that my then girlfriend who was on the pool deck at the time said to me: looks like a dolphin (the actual animal, not a member of the Australian team) just jumped in the pool. It turned out it was Alex Popov.

i love these stories. hasn’t happened to me too much in the pool, but i’ve had some experiences on the road. last year i was doing a gravel race in switzerland and spent a while riding with an incredibly smooth, controlled older guy before realizing it was pascal richard.

some years back i lived in eldoret, kenya, literally around the corner from eliud kipchoge. i’d run with the locals sometimes but it was mostly totally pointless. once i was on a medium-long run with some locals and they asked if i wanted to do some 1k repeats. at the height of my powers on an indoor track i could pretty consistently hit 2:55, they wanted to run them in something like the mid 2:20s, on a dirt road, at altitude. i held their heels for about 200m before exploding, but man, it was incredibly beautiful to watch them run.

Pascal lived less than a kilometer from my place (I’m from the Riviera vaudoise)!