How short is IMTX?

The times are outrageous and they are saying Hansen ran a 2:34, is any of this possible?

Sidenote, Tim van Berkel broke sponsorship to run in vaporflys. Running in vaporflys with newton on his jersey, seems pretty disrespectful.

Bike has to be way short, times are ridiculous. Might take sub 9 to make top 10 in m35-39 and get KQ slot.

The guy that off the bike in 50th place in 40-44 rode 4:40. Pretty absurd.

1st Man AG run 2h35’ marathon I guess not only the bike is short…

1st Man AG run 2h35’ marathon I guess not only the bike is short…

The top two pros each beat Tim Don’s world record.

Is the run course different this year??

Feel bad for the winners because it’s like course cutting. There should be an asterisk by their times moving forward. Disrectful to not measure course correctly.

Feel bad for the winners because it’s like course cutting. There should be an asterisk by their times moving forward. Disrectful to not measure course correctly.

The idea of world records is triathlon is futile anyway given all the changes in courses/topography/length/weather conditons/motos/moon cycles etc. It is only for those that are not really paying attention to the sport at a deep level. Regardless anyway you skin the cat, Matt & Ivan’s run were terribly impressive if this is the same run course as it has always been.

IMTX is Ironman’s answer to Challenge Roth?

Feel bad for the winners because it’s like course cutting. There should be an asterisk by their times moving forward. Disrectful to not measure course correctly.
totally agree
ridicuolous that 12 man sub 8h and disrespectful for previous record holder.

challenge roth has correct distances.

Hanson was 7 minutes faster than last year and Tutukin had a 7 minute run PR. I would be surprised if it was the same course and/or 26.2 miles…

That said, regardless of how long it was, both guys had good races

Feel bad for the winners because it’s like course cutting. There should be an asterisk by their times moving forward. Disrectful to not measure course correctly.

Agreed, it sucks for the winners and all finishers. I understand the issues on course set up, but as I said in another thread, if they can’t have the full distance in all sports, this should not be classified as a championship.

ridicuolous that 12 man sub 8h and disrespectful for previous record holder.

Fwiw, there was a lot of controversy over the previous world record as well.

Sidenote, Tim van Berkel broke sponsorship to run in vaporflys. Running in vaporflys with newton on his jersey, seems pretty disrespectful.

Just looked at his run time. No way he ran in vaporflys, he obviously would have gone faster if he did.

ridicuolous that 12 man sub 8h and disrespectful for previous record holder.

Fwiw, there was a lot of controversy over the previous world record as well.

Yes, but that moto drafting talk is subjective at best. Especially since no one actually saw Tim drafting the lead bike.

A short course is not subjective at all.

Edit: And the record is actually Jan’s at Roth… Tim has/had the “brand” record, as retarded as that is.

Not sure why they’d change the run course, but I’m not there so I wouldn’t know. Also, weather could just be favorable for a good run (70’s, low humidity, etc).

Is the run course different this year??

I was the course (but not the waterway portion) much of the afternoon. Appears to be the same as usual. Looking at the maps the waterway portion appears to be the same as always. The one place they could screw it up though is at the turn around. I didn’t go down there to see if it’s in a different place.

Bike has to be way short, times are ridiculous. Might take sub 9 to make top 10 in m35-39 and get KQ slot.

I had it at 110 miles last year. Run was solid then. Big difference this year is best weather in the history of the race.

I have an athlete that did it, their GPS showed 109.6. (They are in the PC division and someone sent me a pic from their Garmin).