How old are your ears?

Apparently mine are 1-2 years younger than my chronological age if this is accurate. I’ve done this test on two different videos and they generally match results.

6 years younger than my age.

I’ll take that especially considering my time making things go bang and boom.

Apparently mine are 1-2 years younger than my chronological age if this is accurate. I’ve done this test on two different videos and they generally match results.

By the time she said, “so far so good”, I already couldn’t hear it. 4 years older than my age.

7-8 years older. I have tinnitus from all the obnoxiously loud rock concerts I went to from 16-24 and the last 21 years of shooting guns all the time hasn’t helped.

Apparently my ears are 15 years older than me…

But I know my hearing kinda sucks and I find myself watching people’s lips move to help me figure out what they are saying

Not sure if that link is the test itself - if so I’m f^cked as I heard no pitch at all - or maybe the first second.
But I knew this as I wear hearing aids - and even with them I’m losing hearing fast.

Apparently mine are 1-2 years younger than my chronological age if this is accurate. I’ve done this test on two different videos and they generally match results.

My ears are 3-5 years older.

However, I think if done in a lab setting with proper headphones/speaker it would be around the same age.

I did the test on my older computer speakers and new iPhone. The iPhone said my ears were a decade younger.

Came in at my exact age, 40.
Not bad considering 20 years in the construction industry, and 15 years as a drummer. I was very bad about wearing ear protection when I was younger and didn’t start taking it seriously until my mid 20s.

I have noticed I’m extremely sensitive to loud sounds now, and I wonder if it’s from wearing ear pro so much. I’ll be holding my one year old and his scream actually makes me wince, as do other lound sounds. Sirens, etc.

In the early 2000’s, I saw Canada’s loudest band, Big Sugar, in a small club with low ceilings where I was maybe 15’ back from the amps. Imagine Metallica with their full stadium setup in a 1000 sq ft club where you could touch the ceilings. It was preposterously loud. My ears rang for days, and I could feel the bass vibration through my chest so much I thought it might give me a heart arythmia!

Spot on 53 for me. It didn’t help her talking through the test.

I actually just went through two hearing exams recently. One for my annual physical and and for the VA. Both came back with some loss at the higher end frequencies.

About 2 years older.
Already knew they aren’t great

My ears are 10 years younger supposedly.

My hearing age is 19 years younger than my actual age. Nice!

Curious how our scores correlate with our history of concert attendance, on a scale from Never to HUUHHHH???

7-8 years older. I have tinnitus from all the obnoxiously loud rock concerts I went to from 16-24 and the last 21 years of shooting guns all the time hasn’t helped.

My ears are (supposedly) 18 or 19 years older than I am, which sounds about right. I, too, have terrible tinnitus, which seemed to come on with a series of neck issues and surgeries starting 10 years ago. I just tell myself that there’s nothing I can do about the tinnitus, more or less, so I’d better try to get used to it.

My twin brother broke down and got hearing aids last year. He was LE, like you, and also went to the range. His were covered by workers’ comp. I’ll bet my ears are just as bad and I don’t have an extensive history of shooting guns, although I’ve done a little shooting.

Literally the only reason why I haven’t gotten hearing aids is vanity. Yes, that’s not a good excuse.

I used to use earplugs for sleeping, but I got these on an indiegogo campaign a while back. They’re very comfortable, even when sleeping on your side, and they sort of give a masking effect that competes with the tinnitus. The tinnitus is still louder, but that’s only because I don’t to turn the volume up too loud on the earbuds. These also do a great job of blocking out background noises while sleeping.

Curious how our scores correlate with our history of concert attendance, on a scale from Never to HUUHHHH???

I haven’t been to that many concerts or ever been regularly exposed to loud noises. Sitting in front of a monitor for 30 years hasn’t helped my eyes though! That said, apart from needing reading glasses, my vision is still v good.

My ears about 15 years older than I am. However, that test was only for high sounds. My tinnitus fucks with my ability to hear higher sounds. I hear lower sounds better.

My hearing age is 19 years younger than my actual age. Nice!

Apparently eleven years younger than my age.

I’m either hearing something to the very end, or nothing at all. I hear the same background sound the entire time, but is it supposed to be changing the whole time?? So I’me either like an elephant, or likely a squid with little to no hearing…It strange because like GMAN I have severe tinnitus, 24 hours a day in both ears, and loud. But I can hear people talking fine in person and on the tv. It is just that one tone that is ringing in my ears that I cannot hear if external coming in…

I’m either hearing something to the very end, or nothing at all. I hear the same background sound the entire time, but is it supposed to be changing the whole time?? So I’me either like an elephant, or likely a squid with little to no hearing…It strange because like GMAN I have severe tinnitus, 24 hours a day in both ears, and loud. But I can hear people talking fine in person and on the tv. It is just that one tone that is ringing in my ears that I cannot hear if external coming in…

The sound is increasing in frequency, so you should not at any time hear “the same background sound”.

I got a 73 and I’m 74 so I guess it’s pretty good. I had my ears checked about a year ago and I was told that the only hearing loss I had is where it doesn’t matter.

I remember when I first met my wife. She said ‘‘For someone who’s been round all that noise your whole life you have good hearing’’

I said ‘‘What did you say!’’