How often do you change your bedsheets?

Laundry day today…I don’t keep a super rigorous schedule but in general I change the sheets and pillows cases about every 4 weeks. I dunno maybe this is neanderthal to some but definitely alot better turnover than in my younger years!

Laundry day today…I don’t keep a super rigorous schedule but in general I change the sheets and pillows cases about every 4 weeks. I dunno maybe this is neanderthal to some but definitely alot better turnover than in my younger years!

Depends on whether the beds inhabitants shower before bed or not, and how much sex has happened, and how messy said sex is… It’s an algorithm of sorts.

Edit: Also depends on whether it’s always the same two people in those sheets…

Laundry day today…I don’t keep a super rigorous schedule but in general I change the sheets and pillows cases about every 4 weeks. I dunno maybe this is neanderthal to some but definitely alot better turnover than in my younger years!

Nowadays, every two weeks. When I was younger it was weekly, but that was driven by Marine Corps standard of weekly field day.

Laundry day today…I don’t keep a super rigorous schedule but in general I change the sheets and pillows cases about every 4 weeks. I dunno maybe this is neanderthal to some but definitely alot better turnover than in my younger years!

Depends on whether the beds inhabitants shower before bed or not, and how much sex has happened, and how messy said sex is… It’s an algorithm of sorts.

Edit: Also depends on whether it’s always the same two people in those sheets…

Well, then every 5th Sunday

Every statutory holiday or thereabouts.

Laundry day today…I don’t keep a super rigorous schedule but in general I change the sheets and pillows cases about every 4 weeks. I dunno maybe this is neanderthal to some but definitely alot better turnover than in my younger years!

Depends on whether the beds inhabitants shower before bed or not, and how much sex has happened, and how messy said sex is… It’s an algorithm of sorts.

Edit: Also depends on whether it’s always the same two people in those sheets…

also if you’re sleeping buck or in nice set of pjs:)

Laundry day today…I don’t keep a super rigorous schedule but in general I change the sheets and pillows cases about every 4 weeks. I dunno maybe this is neanderthal to some but definitely alot better turnover than in my younger years!

Wife does them weekly. When in college I took them home at the end of the semester.

Laundry day today…I don’t keep a super rigorous schedule but in general I change the sheets and pillows cases about every 4 weeks. I dunno maybe this is neanderthal to some but definitely alot better turnover than in my younger years!

Depends on whether the beds inhabitants shower before bed or not, and how much sex has happened, and how messy said sex is… It’s an algorithm of sorts.

Edit: Also depends on whether it’s always the same two people in those sheets…

also if you’re sleeping buck or in nice set of pjs:)

God gave me a nice set of pj’s

Weekly. What feels better than freshly laundered high thread count cotton sheets?

Weekly. What feels better than freshly laundered high thread count cotton sheets?

This. Anything less is disgusting IMHO…

Laundry day today…I don’t keep a super rigorous schedule but in general I change the sheets and pillows cases about every 4 weeks. I dunno maybe this is neanderthal to some but definitely alot better turnover than in my younger years!

Wife does them weekly. When in college I took them home at the end of the semester.

ah yes college …This one dude in my dorm … ONE set of sheets all year !! … ( also had nasty habit of tossing used kleenex under his bed every night and just leaving it there. Imagine what that looked and smelled like by end of Fall semester ) But back to his bed …Once in awhile he’d stumble home from the bar with a girl. All i can think of now is that was someone’s daughter getting into those sheets !! I ran into the guy last year . By all accounts he’s turned into respectable middle aged business / family man. I told him he was the dirtiest pig I ever met in college . He didn’t deny it and just laughed

Weekly. What feels better than freshly laundered high thread count cotton sheets?

Sex. Sex feels better than sheets.

Though if you’re getting laid, you should probably change the sheets. And if you’re not getting laid, then hey, might as well get some tactile enjoyment from a clean textile I suppose.

Tangent, but the whole high thread count thing has gotten well out of hand. If it’s reasonably sanitary and not covered in thorns, the sheets are fine. I’m unconscious for 99% of the time I’m in contact with them anyway. 87,000 thread count sheets being a goal of successful suburban life is just one more sign of the impending collapse of a decadent empire.

Thanks for coming to my rant. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

You can change bedsheets? Is that a thing? Perhaps a Gen Z thing? Can we let them marinate?

You can change bedsheets? Is that a thing? Perhaps a Gen Z thing? Can we let them marinate?

Only if you want them to be extra crispy.

Weekly. What feels better than freshly laundered high thread count cotton sheets?

This. Anything less is disgusting IMHO…

You so need to drink more. Because there’s a point where you no longer care where you’re sleeping or what you’re sleeping in. And perhaps who you’re sleeping with. As they say, it’s a solution.

Weekly. What feels better than freshly laundered high thread count cotton sheets?

This. Anything less is disgusting IMHO…

So, assuming 8 hours of sleep, every 56 hours.

How much time do you spend on the recliner or couch watching tv, reading a book, or engaged in “self care” before you get that piece of furniture steam cleaned? More or less than 56 hours.

(These threads are so more entertaining than any of those political ones.)


What you people, who exist further down the gross spectrum from me, do with your sheets and fabric furniture is your own business, and I don’t want to know about it.

Me technically rarely.

My maids do it every time they clean though

Me technically rarely.

My maids do it every time they clean though

Duuude…I doubt your mom would appreciate being referred to as your maid. Respect
