How much slower are Hoka shoes for doing speedwork?

I’ve been wearing the Hoka Bondis for awhile now. Because on an injury it’s the only shoe I can wear at the moment. I’ve tried the Stinson and the Rapa Nui but found the Bondi to have the right amount of cushioning and responsiveness for my injury. I’ve been doing alot of base work and just starting to incorporate tempo and speedwork into my training. My pace for these workouts is a bit slower than what I was doing pre injury and not sure if it’s because of the shoes, my injury, getting older or just fitness level. I want to believe it’s the shoes of course. Anyway, I can’t really throw on some flats and compared times because I’ll just end up aggravating my injury. So I’m looking for anyone that has some idea if the Hokas extreme cushioning or lack of responsiveness can cause slower times. Anyone have any data they can report back on?

No data but I have run 1/2 mile road intervals at 5:30 pace (2:45 intervals) without difficulty from the shoes. That is not significantly different than with other shoes I have worn but the lightest I get are lightweight trainers never flats or spikes.

Well they are the fastest 10 Oz shoe on the market so unless you are use to wearing racing flats or a lightweight trainer for speed work you should be fine