How much extra are you willing to spend on functional pockets for the trisuit?

Hi everyone! We are a group of UCSD students doing market survey of pockets on tri-suit. Please leave your answer! Thanks a lot!

Can’t quite answer in the way you’ve asked, but I’ve exclusively used the DeSoto shorts with the 4 pockets or the desoto suits with the pockets on back and on leg since 2004.

I wouldn’t buy a suit without pockets.

Most of the tri suits I’ve owned have one small pocket on each leg, and a pocket in the back, which I’ve found sufficient for racing. Anything I can’t fit into those, I’m either carrying on my bike or grabbing at an aid station.

For training, if I need more pockets I’ll wear cycling kit with pockets, or a vest if I’m running.

So I guess the answer to your question is, I wouldn’t pay extra for more functional pockets. The pockets I have function just fine.

I don’t think most people would shop this way: ie, I’ll pay $x more because the pockets are better. This is likely either a dealbreaker (someone wouldn’t buy a suit without pockets) or irrelevant. I think factors that people would compromise on would be colors/patterns and aero to some extent aero, since the last couple watts might be a lot more expensive. Perhaps additional pockets or other locations like on the leg might fall into that category.

Give me a trisuit with no rear pockets and maybe one leg pocket for trash. Nutrition is almost always available on course. Every pocket I’ve had is mostly just extra material that stretches.

Our tri suit has a small pocket behind each thigh that holds a gel.

More pockets = better. I’ve never found the little lug pockets super helpful. More useful is a long one across the back (like a hooded sweatshirt style).

On a $200 race suit, probably $30max for some rear pockets (personally I hate leg pockets from both a usability and aero standpoint).

N=1 data point. I’ve paid $10 more for training bib shorts that had a pocket in the small of the back so that I can put my phone there on really hot days when I want to wear a base layer top vs. a std jersey w/pockets. Might have paid up to $20.

Hi everyone! We are a group of UCSD students doing market survey of pockets on tri-suit. Please leave your answer! Thanks a lot!

I very much fall into the “if it’s got no pockets or the pockets are teenie tiny and feckall real use (for half and full IM) then I’ll not even consider buying the suit”.

So the % increase is infinite.
The absolute cost ? Think the last one I bought (pre covid world end) was about £200 (GBP).

Our tri suit has a small pocket behind each thigh that holds a gel.


I have two of your Tri suits

Amazing suit by the way

Never knew this

They must be VERY well hidden. Great job

I look for them next time I put the suit on

Very nice!!!

I like the extra pockets, the more the better, particularly due to long training ride needs. (On race day I need no pockets - it’s the training rides that matter)

I do mostly sprints, and an occasional oly. During the summer I don’t wear a wetsuit, and I don’t wear a swimskin. I look for trisuits without pockets. Currently race in a Desoto swimskin or a Castelli sprint suit (no pockets, zipper in the back). Forgive me for violating the slowtwitch orthodoxy.

Hi everyone! We are a group of UCSD students doing market survey of pockets on tri-suit. Please leave your answer! Thanks a lot!

I just expect a trisuit to have them. I’m not sure what your definition of functional is but mere gel
Pockets drive me nuts. I don’t understand why those manufacturers can’t make pockets a little bigger. If I’m going to use such pockets, and I do a lot in training, Very rarely will it be to only hold a gel.

Hi everyone! We are a group of UCSD students doing market survey of pockets on tri-suit. Please leave your answer! Thanks a lot!

i would spend big money for a trisuit where i could store a water bottle in my chest area …

Hi everyone! We are a group of UCSD students doing market survey of pockets on tri-suit. Please leave your answer! Thanks a lot!

I’m another fan of having more pockets. Wouldn’t buy a tri suit without at least several of them.

As others have pointed out, the form of your inquiry is probably not going to generate the information you seek. Still, my dos pesos… I really want a minimum of two pockets that can each hold a gel or two without a struggle. I don’t need/want bicycle jersey-style pockets across the lower back. I have a race suit that I was required to buy (race team). The choice was front zip or back zip. I chose back zip - it’s what I’m used to and I think that it looks better (probably worse for cooling, though). I was very disappointed to learn that the back zip suit had zero pockets while the front zip suit had a zip pocket on the middle of the back at the waist. It’s not the financial thing that you’re looking for, but if the pocket situation was disclosed before purchase (it was not), I would have picked the front zip suit to get the back pocket. My previous race suit for the same team a couple of years ago had two small gel-sized pockets, one on either side of the lower torso - those were fine for my purposes.

I don’t race Ironman length races so I don’t need a suit with pockets. I only need them for training.

For races up to HIM, my nutrition is on the bike and in the legs of my suit. I can comfortably hold 2 gels in each leg and run perfectly fine. There is no pocket flapping in the breeze and the little bumps from the gels don’t do anything against my swim.

I think I’ve done 3 gels per leg in training without issues either.

We only have two gel pockets because we consider a tri-suit a race suit. We don’t want additional drag or layers to dry from a swim while most races are supported on the bike and run so an athlete can take water and more gels as needed.

Our bibs have multiple pockets (sides and rear) as do our shirts (3 pockets) - mainly used for casual riding and training.