How much colder than normal where you are

Here it is about 30 degrees F colder than normal. Thats zero F and -17C. The cold extends down to Dallas. Something like 80 cold records broken in the US. It is cold Brrr

Averages in my area this time year are 45 & 22. Today the forecast is -2 & -15. Good day to spend on the couch watching TV.

No colder than normal in central Maine, around freezing. Looks like the cold snap is going to hit us the rest of the week.

Normal cold in Nashville, though we have snow and we will have below 32° for multiple days. Next week it could be 70°, but that is just how it is here. We usually get snow once or twice a year, so everyone freaks out and everything shuts down.

It was -14 C here this morning. I guess that’s somewhat cold but not unexpected.

It is January and it is Canada.

We are warming up today to a high of 2F. Windchill approached -50 yesterday.

It’s colder than normal but not unheard of cold.

Average temperature for this time of year here (Edmonton, Alberta) is a daily low of -15°C, high of -6°C. We’ve had a record setting cold snap this past week, with lows in the minus 40s. I’ve seen -40 lots of time, but we did break records by a few degrees. It’s cold, things don’t work properly, and one must fully respect it. I have full survival gear in the car for even the smallest trip in conditions like this.

It’s about 10 F lower than the average. Right now (10:15 AM EST) it’s 7 F (windchill -6 F), in Northwestern PA.

In the teens here in Central TX. Until a couple years ago, I hadn’t seen temps like that here.

Grew up in Ohio but most here are in panic mode.
If you need bottled water or toilet paper, you are SOL.

About 20F. Normal lows in the 40s. Strange weather pattern. Relatives in Dallas area have been frozen since Saturday and won’t get above until Wednesday. Here south of Houston we were protected by a pocket of warm air off the coast. About 70 miles north it has been near freezing for a few days. Saturday was great - mid 60s and clear. Yesterday was still nice - mid 50s. Did not expect freezing temperatures this morning - was supposed to be mid 30s all day until this evening.

Below freezing here as well. It is January, so not unusual to have sub freezing temp.

I believe it’s called winter.

Warmer than average!

It’s 24F out, the low for the day. Average low for 1/15 is 17F! Record low is -12F. It’s a nice day! It’s sunny!

Got a dusting of snow last night, gonna get a couple inches overnight. A good, average winter day in Central Mass.

Below freezing here as well. It is January, so not unusual to have sub freezing temp.

I believe it’s called winter.

I think this thread is about people experiencing colder than normal winter conditions, not just “winter.”

Averages in my area this time year are 45 & 22. Today the forecast is -2 & -15. Good day to spend on the couch watching TV.

Similar temps in my part of CO, but the couch sitting has been rudely interrupted by the need to shovel snow.

Below freezing here as well. It is January, so not unusual to have sub freezing temp.

I believe it’s called winter.

I think this thread is about people experiencing colder than normal winter conditions, not just “winter.”

True. But the OP is in Ontario. -17C for him. That’s cold but nothing crazy for January.

-30 C, ok now that’s cold.

I went to a friend’s home last night to watch his (favorite) Cowboys football game against GB. I was warm and toasty, he was frigid.

I went to a friend’s home last night to watch his (favorite) Cowboys football game against GB. I was warm and toasty, he was frigid.

The Bills are asking for people to come shovel snow. I like the bit about requiring photo ID. I could see someone coming up from Baltimore and shovelling in the other direction.

It’s cold in NoCo but not unusually so for this time of year. It’s pretty normal to get a few cold stretches like this every winter.


Averages in my area this time year are 45 & 22. Today the forecast is -2 & -15. Good day to spend on the couch watching TV.

Similar temps in my part of CO, but the couch sitting has been rudely interrupted by the need to shovel snow.

Not much snow here, certainly not enough to shovel today. My neighbor was just out with his leaf blower, goofy but effective it appears.

Below freezing here as well. It is January, so not unusual to have sub freezing temp.

I believe it’s called winter.

I think this thread is about people experiencing colder than normal winter conditions, not just “winter.”

True. But the OP is in Ontario. -17C for him. That’s cold but nothing crazy for January.

-30 C, ok now that’s cold.

We are in the Banana belt. It is weird it is colder in Windsor than in Ottawa for a few days. That weird Polar Vortex. Makes for great news on the weather channel. This morning the little dog was dancing on her paws. The canal is going to freeze in Ottawa for sure now. Which is a good thing.