How long do you give a new saddle?

Just swapped out my saddle due to some taint chafing on longer rides. It was a basic Fizik Arione Classic, I’ve been using this model for a long time, not too many issues. Moved to the Cobb/ Plus 2 that has similar width but a cutout and nose drop. After 3 rides (4 hours total), all sorts of new chafing in my groin - swapped one issue for another. I ended up standing a lot more today than usual due to the chafing and discomfort.

How long do I give the new saddle? Is this is a sign that it doesn’t work for me? I’m a regular user of chamois cream, old saddle and new, so no changes there. Also played with the height (this one is much higher, had to drop the seat post) and tilt to get the fit back to where it should be.


Both of those saddles look extremely uncomfortable. My tri bike actually came with that Cobb saddle you mention, and it was horrendous, causing numbness and tingling in short time. Due to the forward leaning nature of triathlon/TT bikes, you will be sitting on your ‘sit bones’ of the pelvis and you really need a split nose saddle. Grab a used ISM PN series saddle off ebay or rent one from the ISM website for 30 days. The PN3 series have more padding than the PN2 and PN1 versions. I started with the PR series and it was great just a little too wide for my thighs in the TT position, so I moved to the PN series and its perfect. I’ve never had any pain chafing or numbness, but eventually I developed a small saddle sore because I was sitting too far back on the saddle which made it effectively a wider saddle, so I slid the saddle back 1/2 cm (while keeping my seated distance to pads the same) and that problem went away - you want to be sitting on the front of the split nose saddle in the TT position.

The saddle won’t magically get more comfortable with time. That being said, small position changes can make a huge difference. I was having chafing problems when I switched to a PN1.1. Kept adjusting it and after moving it forward 5mm from my “base” position…VIOLA it suddenly felt totally dialed. Later I swapped to a Dash saddle based on reduced weight and the great reviews. After toying with the position for months I could never get comfortable…and ended up going back to the PN1.1.

IME, when you get the right saddle (for you) and it’s positioned correctly (for you) there is this instant epiphany. Both for road and tri saddles.

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Have you considered a De Soto Saddle Seat Pad? The Saddle Pad 6 (SP6) fits the Fizik Arione Classic at 300mm x 131mm with that narrow nose profile really well. It is only $48 and as a forum member you get 30% off. Might be the cheapest and quickest solution to a problem of which you are not alone in trying to solve. Click below to order:

SP6 Saddle Seat Pad

Disclaimer: I am the founder, designer of all products we make, and owner of the company.


Chafing with two different saddles sounds like a fit issue to me. Pain would be more of a saddle choice issue probably.

Thank you, I’ve been wearing your tri shorts and tri suits since 2000, time to try the saddle pad. I might even have a pair of the big baggy run shorts laying around! Overall fit is good, just some recent issues with an increase in volume so this might be all that is needed.


The rider/saddle interface is the MOST important of all … failure any of the others (feet/pedals, hands/bars, noggin/helmet) can be “endured” for a time, butt a problem in the undercarriage will ruin your day instantly

just some recent issues with an increase in volume so this might be all that is needed.

TMI in a thread about saddle chafing issues.

@Emilio thank you for the suggestion and quick shipping - first ride this morning seemed to go well. Continuing to make minor adjustments but after 1:50 on the bike I was in a much better place than last week!

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My new Trek SC came with a Bontrager Hilo Comp which I knew had to replaced after five minutes of test ride. Extremely uncomfortable which Trek forum members warned. My 10 year old Cervelo P5 came with the Fizik Arione Classic which I had no issues. Replaced the Trek saddle with a moderately priced Selle Royal Scientia A1 which is similiar to the Fizik but slightly more padded. No point in tring to “get used to a saddle”. Its something you should know right away.

Great to hear that De Soto Saddle Seat Pad is working out for you. We succeeding in making all saddles more comfortable. No matter what saddle anyone owns, at some point it will be more comfortable with our Seat Pad, whether its because you don’t enough or because you are riding too long.