How is your weather looking this weekend? (Jan 2024 edition)

It’s been a mild winter in north Idaho/eastern Washington so far. But things are gonna turn around quickly starting on Friday: 3 days of a high of 4 degrees F and low of -8 degrees F

Northcentral Montana is gonna have it worse. The Saturday forecast for the town 2 hours north of where I grew up:

havre weather.jpg

We “might” get some snow here south of Seattle. I finally bought some chains for my truck and hope I get a chance to use them, but likely I’d have to head into the mountains.

We got over a foot of snow this past weekend, and yesterday it was 15 degrees when I walked the dog in the morning.

We got 2 inches of rain overnight and it’s now pushing 50 degrees. All that water is trying to enter our basement.

This weekend it looks like temps will bounce around just over and under the freezing mark, with more rain expected on Saturday.

Should be really fun.

We finally got some snow overnight. It’s also seasonably cold (after a brown Christmas and mild temps).

The snow is badly needed. The cold is a bit of a shock, but nothing out of the ordinary for this time of year.

Rain on the weekend, but in the 40s and 50s. Next week is the issue - below zero and if it rains, that means ice which means everything will be shut down.

N. IL reporting in - fixin’ to get pounded Fri/Sat, followed by plummeting temps. We’ve had a good run of unusually non-miserable weather, so can’t complain too much.


home in Maine - rain and snow mess Saturday morning with snow showers again Mon night (Mon is a holiday)
I’ll be in CT, which will just get rain and wind
if I were Oklahoma (I’m on sabbatical in ME), very cold

A bit chilly in my little corner of Colorado.

Screen shot isn’t posting for some reason. Our coldest day is Sunday at a high of 4 and low of -10.

Western UP (Upper Michigan). Sub zero lows, low single digit highs for the weekend. Bit a snow between then and now. The snow that SE WI and lower MI got, missed us in the lake superior snow belt. XC trails are barely opened. Some still not opened. Have not seen any snowmobiles around, only heard a few while out XC skiing and fatbiking so far.

I am on my way to Sault Ste. Marie. I think some snow about 8 inches in next few days and enough ice for fishing.

…WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON… WHAT…Heavy snow in excess of 8 inches possible. Winds could gust as high as 50 mph.

…WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON… WHAT…Heavy snow in excess of 8 inches possible. Winds could gust as high as 50 mph.

We had some big winds yesterday, but not quite that high. 35-40 I think. But they were enough to knock over a tree in my neighborhood so we were out of power for about 9 hours yesterday

I love to shovel snow.

Get up early, put on some music, everything is peaceful and quiet. Methodically clear the drive. Is a happy place.

I love to shovel snow.

Get up early, put on some music, everything is peaceful and quiet. Methodically clear the drive. Is a happy place.

x2. Wonderful ritual. My FIL keeps trying to buy us a motorized snowblower contraption. Hell no. My wife and I love the the rhythm of shoveling, making tidy walls. And keeping safe lanes for the Amazon and USPS people.

I love to shovel snow.

Get up early, put on some music, everything is peaceful and quiet. Methodically clear the drive. Is a happy place.

x2. Wonderful ritual. My FIL keeps trying to buy us a motorized snowblower contraption. Hell no. My wife and I love the the rhythm of shoveling, making tidy walls. And keeping safe lanes for the Amazon and USPS people.

I’ll keep my snow blower, I live just outside that 14+ circle

Current forecast is for 39 on Saturday and 37 on Sunday. UV index rated as extreme.

I’ll be working, so definitely a day for long sleeves, broad-brimmed hat and sunscreen. Maybe a ride before work, but I’ll have to be home soon after 6am. Perhaps go to the beach to cool off after work.

Perth Forecast (

What is this snow thing that you people speak of?

N. IL reporting in - fixin’ to get pounded Fri/Sat, followed by plummeting temps. We’ve had a good run of unusually non-miserable weather, so can’t complain too much.

8 to 12 inch blizzard inbound allegedly

From Lewistown, 'eh?

Actually, 2 hours wouldn’t be enough.

Northcentral Montana is gonna have it worse. The Saturday forecast for the town 2 hours north of where I grew up:

My brother from Montana has been staying with me in Perth. It has been +30C here all week. On the weekend he will fly back to northern Montana. A temperature difference of about 60C.

We will probably get a dusting out here in Portland, OR. So, the city will likely shut down for several days.