How hard is it to dunk a basketball?

My husband is 6’5” and I just learned he can’t dunk a basketball. (No idea what this never came up in our first 20 years of marriage).

I thought it was a normal party trick for tall people.

My husband is 6’5” and I just learned he can’t dunk a basketball. (No idea what this never came up in our first 20 years of marriage).

I thought it was a normal party trick for tall people.

He has no hops and/or really small hands and/or never played hoops. It’s not that easy buy at 6’5 I’d expect him to be able to.

You need to palm a basketball while jumping for him 18 inches or so.

I’ve never dunked a full size men’s basketball. I had no hops

I could dunk when I was in HS and college. I’m only 6’ tall but had a hell of a vertical and big hands.

Now I probably couldn’t even touch the net. 😁

Significantly harder to dunk confidently in a game rather than in practice, palming a ball and running up to the hoop, presumably traveling.
Also depends if you are a 1 foot or 2 foot jumper. Just shy of 6’ here and have dunked off 1 foot and 2 feet multiple times, but not in a game, so it doesn’t count.

You can show your husband this video.

I am 6 feet even. Flatfooted I can reach 8 feet. When I was younger I could jump up and get my fingers over the rim. I could dunk a tennis ball but couldn’t control a volleyball or basketball. That means I had a modest 26-28 inch vertical jump. Mostly a slow twitch distance guy.
Now at 70 something. I have about a 4-5 inch vertical. So I can barely hit the net on a good day. When I was young grad student we used to do measurements on PE kids. Not many but I did see a couple guys with 40 plus inch verticals. Those guys jumped like kangaroos. Average vertical jump among just folks is prolly 18-24 inches. As you age the number goes way down.
If your husband is under 30 he doesn’t have a real good vertical, but if he worked at it I bet he could dunk. If he is an old fut, maybe not.
One of the best quotes I ever heard was someone asked Charles Barkley if he could still dunk. He answered " Hell no and Michael Jordan can’t either". Don’t know if it is all true but that is what Charles answered.

I am 6 feet even. Flatfooted I can reach 8 feet. When I was younger I could jump up and get my fingers over the rim. I could dunk a tennis ball but couldn’t control a volleyball or basketball. That means I had a modest 26-28 inch vertical jump. Mostly a slow twitch distance guy.
Now at 70 something. I have about a 4-5 inch vertical. So I can barely hit the net on a good day. When I was young grad student we used to do measurements on PE kids. Not many but I did see a couple guys with 40 plus inch verticals. Those guys jumped like kangaroos. Average vertical jump among just folks is prolly 18-24 inches. As you age the number goes way down.
If your husband is under 30 he doesn’t have a real good vertical, but if he worked at it I bet he could dunk. If he is an old fut, maybe not.
One of the best quotes I ever heard was someone asked Charles Barkley if he could still dunk. He answered " Hell no and Michael Jordan can’t either". Don’t know if it is all true but that is what Charles answered.

Though misery (trying to stay athletic in an aging body) loves company, the thought that Jordan can’t dunk anymore is a bit saddening.

I managed to dunk a softball… didn’t have the hops for a basketball, but then I’m only 5’8".

Get me on a lowered court (9ft or lower) and I was MJ baby… I’d dunk in traffic … whatever. I knew ppl 6’5’ and above that could dunk, but not in traffic or anyone around them.

I’m 6’ and in high school I had a 33" vertical and was was able to dunk tennis balls and softballs and could grab the rim with both hands but never a basketball. Whether it be hand size or strength I couldn’t palm one. If you can’t do that it does make it more difficult since you’ve got to be able to get a few inches higher

He did say he could dunk a volleyball but not a basketball.

when you are 19 or 20 and 6 feet 4 with a 6 feet 6 or 7 wingspan easy. In game it can be hard, but got to work out opportunities and techniques ie in crowded lane, moving bidy side on pippen, MJ one hander ie gt between them.

Pull it back one hander means you can use your off hand to clear all those bodies and arms fouling you. two hander in traffic is hard.

Double clutch reverse, 360, all doable. Things off catch and toss its timing as are alley oops.

In games you just have to say I’m dunking when I run the lanes on the fast break and accept you have to miss a few.

Up the stack Windmill needs timing but can be done.

Back to the question, its easy, when you are 20, once injuries and ageing kick in hard, at 40 I struggled to do a basic one hander, and now at 50 can barely leave the ground, but I can shoot threes better

I’m 6’2 and could two hand dunk a basketball in warmup at age 20. I could dunk a volleyball one handed in high school but never really worked on my hops until university.
I can still touch the rim and could probably still dunk a tennis ball with some preparation. I’m always surprised how some people can jump higher off two feet than one. I find that there are one foot jumpers and two foot jumpers. Probably some can do both well or suck at both, but it’s just interesting. Anyway, I’m a one foot jumper so I have to take a run at it before I jump. You actually don’t need to be able to palm the ball to dunk (especially if you are dunking two handed). You just need to have enough control of the ball on your way up. I know guys that can lob the ball to themselves off a bounce and dunk it without palming it.
Anyways, dunking isn’t always easy for tall people that’s for sure unless they are born with decent hops and some coordination.

this, I got told by a pro who was coaching us, dunk a golf ball then a tennis ball, soccer then a basketball.

At six four my standin reach about 8 feet 7. The rim is only ten foot, so one foot 5 needed of leap to get to the rim.

17 inch vertical, so a few more to get over the rim. average vertical for men is 16 to 20, so yes to the OP your 6 5 husband should be throwing them down unless he is older or one of those center type builds who can barely coordinate themselves

I’m 6’4" and in high school I could two-handed dunk a basketball after starting with a tennis ball at a teacher’s suggestion. It’s was close enough though that I would mess it up about 1/4 of the time, which made Jordan’s accomplishments at the time that much more amazing to me.

To compensate I played outdoors in schoolyards with non-regulation rims where I could consistently dunk since they were maybe 4" shorter.

Unless I’m 7’, you would have trouble getting a credit card under my vertical. Growing up in Southern Indiana, I knew a lot of guys around 6’5” who couldn’t dunk. Only knew a few under 6’2” who could.

Being around high school basketball, you’d be surprised at how many taller kids can’t dunk.

on the other end of the spectrum…my hero spud webb

I am 6 feet even. Flatfooted I can reach 8 feet. When I was younger I could jump up and get my fingers over the rim. I could dunk a tennis ball but couldn’t control a volleyball or basketball. That means I had a modest 26-28 inch vertical jump. Mostly a slow twitch distance guy.
Now at 70 something. I have about a 4-5 inch vertical. So I can barely hit the net on a good day. When I was young grad student we used to do measurements on PE kids. Not many but I did see a couple guys with 40 plus inch verticals. Those guys jumped like kangaroos. Average vertical jump among just folks is prolly 18-24 inches. As you age the number goes way down.
If your husband is under 30 he doesn’t have a real good vertical, but if he worked at it I bet he could dunk. If he is an old fut, maybe not.
One of the best quotes I ever heard was someone asked Charles Barkley if he could still dunk. He answered " Hell no and Michael Jordan can’t either". Don’t know if it is all true but that is what Charles answered.

I’m 6 1 I could do a tennis ball but never a basketball or volleyball either. I think I would need an extra 6 inches to do that. I have relatively small hands too.

I’d say it is pretty hard to dunk if you are less than six and a half feet.

Overall, very, very hard. For a 6’5" middle aged guy, pretty hard. For a 6’5" young guy, hard.

You need to palm a basketball while jumping for him 18 inches or so.

I’m 6’3" and in my younger years I had a vert of ~33" and could never dunk a basketball.

My husband is 6’5” and I just learned he can’t dunk a basketball. (No idea what this never came up in our first 20 years of marriage).

I thought it was a normal party trick for tall people.

Very few people can dunk a basketball. I played a lot of basketball in college, and I rarely saw anyone dunk, in a game or in warmups. I’m 6’3" and had a well above average jumping ability. I could dunk a volleyball, but not a basketball. My brother is 6’5" and could palm a basketball. Again, with well above average jumping ability. He couldn’t dunk, either. My dad could barely dunk, same height as me, but he had big hands and was the star sprinter of his school.

This link shows a chart on jumping abilities:

16-20 inches is average, 28 inches is considered excellent. Add a run up and you might get 32-34 inches. That was about my jumping ability, and I couldn’t dunk at 6’3".

Anyone that could dunk who is shorter than that has better than “excellent” jumping ability.