How do you use Computrainer in the studio?

More specifically how do you integrate data gained from spinscan into your particular methodolgy?
Do you run short trials for different positions and make decisions based on the results or do you just run a neutral flat course and look at the data as you go along?
Also what would you say acceptable ranges for torque angel are in road and tri fits?

I have used Computrainer before in conjunction with the Guru but now use it standalone in a different shop setting and Im trying to figure out the best way to approach the data.

unless you set up special training block I am not sure the shop should waist time on Spin Scan
are yo there to do fits or teach people “proper” pedaling technique?

in general before and after.

before and after especially noticeable after cleat adjustments.

in general you walnut a more smoother ride and higher speed after a “proper” fit or if original position was way off.

again Computrainer add time into a fit session and not needed unless you spend lots of time with the client/customer and are being paid properly by the customer.

Absolutely agree :wink:

I use fit as an integrative sales tool as well as its own stand alone product. Teaching pedaling mechanics is part of fitting. If I have someone who chronically pedals heel down or toes down not knowing any better it affects the fit and could lead to injury. I guess what I really want to know is that is there a general guideline for suggested parameters of data gleaned from Spinscan? I understand that spinscan score is not everything but what about torque angle and interpreting graph anomalies? So if x is shown what is Y?

ATA is the angle that max power is being applied. According to CT it should be 90. that is for road cycling. when in tri position I say a bit later since body/hip is rotated forward…

ATA has to do with pedaling technique. A high value indicates optimal power transfer is being applied late.

usually means rider is engaging gluteus maximus muscles too late. Need to train brain and muscles to begin this phase a bit sooner.

can easily see ATA value reduce when it occurs.

acceptable to me is 90 to 96 degrees. If customer does not get it within 15 minutes, I move on to other parts of the fit session.
SC before ATA. When increase the SC value, ATA will usually improve.

I usually have the SpinScan running in the background, but I’d say that the majority of the time, it doesn’t have any effect on how I change a rider’s position The exceptions would be for riders with some combination of

  • large leg length differences
  • ankle, knee, or hip injuries/surgeries

These riders are the ones who most often need less common fit accommodations like extra short cranks or other big asymmetry correctors.

For everyone else, I just don’t think it makes a difference. Look at any pro’s SS to see why I don’t think it’s a big deal:

Obviously, most riders aren’t pros, so take that with a grain of salt! But in my experience, for most riders, it isn’t the most useful fit tool.