How do you, US citizens, feel about Trump (most probably) being your president again?

Although being located in Europe, I spend some time on following global politics, incl. US presidential elections.

It’s become apparent, that the biggest media outlets I watch & follow (CNN, BBC, Reuters, reddit etc.) changed their narratives. The Biden’s debate struggle and Trump’s assassination seemed to have moved the needle far enough, so that the Trump is the most probable future US president. Only a successful assassination or replacing Biden for Michelle Obama (as silly as these two scenarios sound) could change the course.

Do you think it’s an accurate observation? How do you feel about this?


I feel sick about it.

And to be specific, I am sick when I think about 1) who he will surround himself with this time around (felons, white nationalists, inexperienced yes-men), and 2) what he will do with near-total immunity, and 3) how emboldened he will be to pursue a radical agenda and retribution knowing that he beat the system (all the court cases and guilty verdicts) and having a “mandate from the people” if/when he slaughters Biden in the electoral college.

These will be dark times for America and Democracy, and I don’t think that is an exaggeration.

I agree - even MSNBC has pretty much given up on Biden. I think that Big Money would like to see more in of the direction of Trump; lower taxes for rich, smaller government, fewer benefits (no Social Security\Medicare\Obamacare\Head Start\etc.) It’s being wrapped in Christian Values - but it’s about increasing the concentration of wealth.

So sorry the bullet missed the target !

Great trepidation as far as how much havoc he will wreak here and abroad. Expect further erosions of our democratic institutions. Fully expect if he makes it to the end he won’t leave peaceably unless a cronie is elected to replace him,

At least he’s lazy and incompetent so hopefully it won’t be as bad as it could be.

So sorry the bullet missed the target !

The list of those showing true colors just keeps growing by the day. Fucking hell.

Although being located in Europe, I spend some time on following global politics, incl. US presidential elections.

It’s become apparent, that the biggest media outlets I watch & follow (CNN, BBC, Reuters, reddit etc.) changed their narratives. The Biden’s debate struggle and Trump’s assassination seemed to have moved the needle far enough, so that the Trump is the most probable future US president. Only a successful assassination or replacing Biden for Michelle Obama (as silly as these two scenarios sound) could change the course.

Do you think it’s an accurate observation? How do you feel about this?

Cursory search of your posting history leads me to believe you haven’t spent much time in the lavender room.

If you want to know this audience’s opinions on that I suggest throwing “Trump” in the search box. You’ll have more than you’re looking for.


I feel sick about it.

And to be specific, I am sick when I think about 1) who he will surround himself with this time around (felons, white nationalists, inexperienced yes-men), and 2) what he will do with near-total immunity, and 3) how emboldened he will be to pursue a radical agenda and retribution knowing that he beat the system (all the court cases and guilty verdicts) and having a “mandate from the people” if/when he slaughters Biden in the electoral college.

These will be dark times for America and Democracy, and I don’t think that is an exaggeration.

It’s the with us or against us mentality that has been spread by the minority and being shoved down our mouths that has caused this divide in America where most people actually really share more in common.

If Trump gets elected and really does enact Project 2025 and does exactly what many of the democrats fear with the repercussions that they believe will happen; poor economy, loss of rights, start wars, more violence, less jobs, abolish the government and rebuild it, etc. it would be say bad that in 4 years many of the republicans will say, ok F that, we need this man out.

I don’t think that will actually happen, I do think the county will take a new path and while I am not 100% on board with the the direction I would still live here and we might move to a more moderate or democratic state, which is part of the beauty of this country and how the states are made up.

If Trump is elected democracy is over. We will become Russia 2.0. Listen to Trump. Don’t believe it? Who is going to stop him? Read Project 2025. We will never have another fair election. Biden and the democratic leaders will go the way of Navalny. Trump has vowed retribution against his perceived enemies. America will become 1930’s Germany. You will not be able to publicly protest, Trump will institute the insurrection act. Trump has said he will deport all (illegal) immigrants using the detention camps and the military. Is this the America you want? This is what coming if you vote republican. But hey if you are a billionaire you will get tax breaks.

Main concerns:

  1. Roll back environmental protections and reduce efforts to promote clean energy.
  2. Pull out of global climate accords.
  3. Impose tariffs on imports, hurting the economy and pushing up inflation.
  4. Further skewing the Supreme Court in a conservative direction (away from popular opinion).
  5. Pull support for Ukraine and try to force Ukraine to compromise with Russia for peace (give up territory).
  6. Hurt our relationships with our global allies (he’s already questioned our willingness and the benefits of defending Taiwan).
  7. Hurt our standing and respect in the world.
  8. Gutting the civil service of competent career professionals in place of incompetent “yes men.”
  9. Installing a sycophant as Chairman of the Fed.
  10. Self pardons to avoid accountability for his crimes, and many new crimes he will commit in office.


As far as effects on me personally, I am not overly concerned. His tax policies will probably help me financially, but I’m not looking forward to four more years of divisiveness in the country. I suspect that his second term will be far worse in terms of inappropriate behavior by Trump, and ineptitude by those that serve him, or resignations by those who are competent and independent minded. One can only hope that our institutions are strong enough to withstand his efforts to bend or break them. I’m still hoping Biden will withdraw and be replaced by (likely) Harris.

So sorry the bullet missed the target !

Someone did die. You are out of line.

I’m sure the Dems will threaten to move to Canada now, but as always (bush,trump) it’s a bluff

If Trump is elected democracy is over. We will become Russia 2.0. Listen to Trump. Don’t believe it? Who is going to stop him? Read Project 2025. We will never have another fair election. Biden and the democratic leaders will go the way of Navalny. Trump has vowed retribution against his perceived enemies. America will become 1930’s Germany. You will not be able to publicly protest, Trump will institute the insurrection act. Trump has said he will deport all (illegal) immigrants using the detention camps and the military. Is this the America you want? This is what coming if you vote republican. But hey if you are a billionaire you will get tax breaks.

I’m no economist but I’d guess deporting all the illegals would wreck the economy.

Although being located in Europe, I spend some time on following global politics, incl. US presidential elections.

It’s become apparent, that the biggest media outlets I watch & follow (CNN, BBC, Reuters, reddit etc.) changed their narratives. The Biden’s debate struggle and Trump’s assassination seemed to have moved the needle far enough, so that the Trump is the most probable future US president. Only a successful assassination or replacing Biden for Michelle Obama (as silly as these two scenarios sound) could change the course.

Do you think it’s an accurate observation? How do you feel about this?

Cursory search of your posting history leads me to believe you haven’t spent much time in the lavender room.

If you want to know this audience’s opinions on that I suggest throwing “Trump” in the search box. You’ll have more than you’re looking for.

I think it’s a good thread for people to be more specific about their concerns. So much of the commentary about Trump is simply that he’s an awful human being (which of course is true), but it’s interesting to see details about people’s concerns. I do think that centrists and independents who vote for him in 2024, if he’s elected, will have massive buyers remorse.

If Trump is elected democracy is over. We will become Russia 2.0. Listen to Trump. Don’t believe it? Who is going to stop him? Read Project 2025. We will never have another fair election. Biden and the democratic leaders will go the way of Navalny. Trump has vowed retribution against his perceived enemies. America will become 1930’s Germany. You will not be able to publicly protest, Trump will institute the insurrection act. Trump has said he will deport all (illegal) immigrants using the detention camps and the military. Is this the America you want? This is what coming if you vote republican. But hey if you are a billionaire you will get tax breaks.

I’m no economist but I’d guess deporting all the illegals would wreck the economy.

Between that and his proposed tariffs they will have a devastating affect on our economy. All of those trump loving maga on social security who complain about prices now will be really upset when they can’t afford to buy much of anything.

If Trump is elected democracy is over. We will become Russia 2.0. Listen to Trump. Don’t believe it? Who is going to stop him? Read Project 2025. We will never have another fair election. Biden and the democratic leaders will go the way of Navalny. Trump has vowed retribution against his perceived enemies. America will become 1930’s Germany. You will not be able to publicly protest, Trump will institute the insurrection act. Trump has said he will deport all (illegal) immigrants using the detention camps and the military. Is this the America you want? This is what coming if you vote republican. But hey if you are a billionaire you will get tax breaks.

I’m no economist but I’d guess deporting all the illegals would wreck the economy.l

True, not least because so many Republicans (including Trump), hire illegal workers to keep their businesses running and their costs down, not least fruit and vegetable farmers.

Although being located in Europe, I spend some time on following global politics, incl. US presidential elections.

It’s become apparent, that the biggest media outlets I watch & follow (CNN, BBC, Reuters, reddit etc.) changed their narratives. The Biden’s debate struggle and Trump’s assassination seemed to have moved the needle far enough, so that the Trump is the most probable future US president. Only a successful assassination or replacing Biden for Michelle Obama (as silly as these two scenarios sound) could change the course.

Do you think it’s an accurate observation? How do you feel about this?

Trump will be great for America. I have heard that he is really respected around the world. Trump will also keep up with his campaign promises of:

  1. eliminating the national debt,
  2. building a wall across our southern boarder and make Mexico pay for it - this will continue to have trump solve the boarder crises, which was solved in 2020,
  3. great and cheap healthcare for all,
  4. grow the US economy by 4-5% annually - he is really great for jobs in America,
  5. keep money out of politics, he is so rich he doesnt need outside lobbying groups telling him what to do, he will also implement his lifetime ban on congress people working for lobbying companies,
  6. he will work long hours and take many meetings,
  7. He will lower violence this time, the increase in violence during his first term wasnt just because he increased racial tensions across the US. This time will be very different.
  8. Just all around bring normalcy to America, just like he did from 2016-2020.

If Trump is elected democracy is over. We will become Russia 2.0. Listen to Trump. Don’t believe it? Who is going to stop him? Read Project 2025. We will never have another fair election. Biden and the democratic leaders will go the way of Navalny. Trump has vowed retribution against his perceived enemies. America will become 1930’s Germany. You will not be able to publicly protest, Trump will institute the insurrection act. Trump has said he will deport all (illegal) immigrants using the detention camps and the military. Is this the America you want? This is what coming if you vote republican. But hey if you are a billionaire you will get tax breaks.

Fear not, you have a well armed militia to protect democracy and to keep the pres in check from going dictatorial.

Although being located in Europe, I spend some time on following global politics, incl. US presidential elections.

It’s become apparent, that the biggest media outlets I watch & follow (CNN, BBC, Reuters, reddit etc.) changed their narratives. The Biden’s debate struggle and Trump’s assassination seemed to have moved the needle far enough, so that the Trump is the most probable future US president. Only a successful assassination or replacing Biden for Michelle Obama (as silly as these two scenarios sound) could change the course.

Do you think it’s an accurate observation? How do you feel about this?

When I evaluate a decision that is made by the Trump administration (whether I evaluate it as good or bad) I will believe that the person(s) we actually voted for and/or confirmed into the positions of govt are actually the ones making those decisions. I’ll no longer believe they are not directly in control of the process because they don’t have the physical or mental capacity to do so. I may believe they are lying to me. But I won’t think the lying is so obvious and egregious about where decisions are being made. He won’t be an imbecile puppet

Although being located in Europe, I spend some time on following global politics, incl. US presidential elections.

It’s become apparent, that the biggest media outlets I watch & follow (CNN, BBC, Reuters, reddit etc.) changed their narratives. The Biden’s debate struggle and Trump’s assassination seemed to have moved the needle far enough, so that the Trump is the most probable future US president. Only a successful assassination or replacing Biden for Michelle Obama (as silly as these two scenarios sound) could change the course.

Do you think it’s an accurate observation? How do you feel about this?

Cursory search of your posting history leads me to believe you haven’t spent much time in the lavender room.

If you want to know this audience’s opinions on that I suggest throwing “Trump” in the search box. You’ll have more than you’re looking for.

I think it’s a good thread for people to be more specific about their concerns. So much of the commentary about Trump is simply that he’s an awful human being (which of course is true), but it’s interesting to see details about people’s concerns. I do think that centrists and independents who vote for him in 2024, if he’s elected, will have massive buyers remorse.

You think this thread was lookin for specifics? The OP asked if people agreed the recent debate and attempted assasination helped trump in the race. And then asked how people in the LR felt about Trump as president.

Those aren’t specifics nor is there a lot lack of thread topics surrounding people’s concerns regarding Trump.

The LR has voiced its opinions on Trump for about a decade.

If you think the countless threads we’ve had on Trump the last 4-8 years haven’t given a good indication as to where he stands in our minds then idk what you’ve been reading.

But I’m not sure another thread is going to make thing any clearer.

Doesn’t mean the thread won’t continue. I wa just pointing the OP in a more comprehensive direction.

Although being located in Europe, I spend some time on following global politics, incl. US presidential elections.

It’s become apparent, that the biggest media outlets I watch & follow (CNN, BBC, Reuters, reddit etc.) changed their narratives. The Biden’s debate struggle and Trump’s assassination seemed to have moved the needle far enough, so that the Trump is the most probable future US president. Only a successful assassination or replacing Biden for Michelle Obama (as silly as these two scenarios sound) could change the course.

Do you think it’s an accurate observation? How do you feel about this?

When I evaluate a decision that is made by the Trump administration (whether I evaluate it as good or bad) I will believe that the person(s) we actually voted for and/or confirmed into the positions of govt are actually the ones making those decisions. I’ll no longer believe they are not directly in control of the process because they don’t have the physical or mental capacity to do so. I may believe they are lying to me. But I won’t think the lying is so obvious and egregious about where decisions are being made. He won’t be an imbecile puppet

Pure conspiracy theories. You are a nut. We’re aligned that Biden doesn’t have the physical vigor that for better (or much worse) America demands of its presidents. But there is zero evidence he doesn’t diligently discharge his duties. Meanwhile there is overwhelming evidence that Trump was too lazy to read any briefings, spent most of his first term golfing and outsourced the remaking of the judiciary to a group no one voted for, to give but three examples.