I compare my times in races I do annually, though that’s not an exact science given weather conditions, etc. And I log my training on an Excel spreadsheet, which is pretty generic, but at least it’s something.
What systems or online tools do you use to track your progress, i.e. races, training, other stats (health, fitness levels, quality of sleep, body comp, strength, V02, weight, etc.)?
I haven’t plateaued, just looking to more effectively track such things.
*I compare my times in races I do annually, though that’s not an exact science given weather conditions, etc. *
As far as tracking progress, that’s pretty much how I roll.
Left the second half of the sentence in as I acknowledge that too.
I compare races from year to year, i also use another sites training log and can compare averages over a year between years. I can see what year i made progress in what discipline based on averages for the year.
I prefer finish position overall and within the age group for the races I do year-in-year-out. This takes weather out of the equation.
Each year I have a different focus – HIM, IM, ultra, mary, etc., but I am still at the point where if I have a PR at any distance during the year I figure I am doing okay.
I use Excel and pivottables. I rank everything – top 10 best months, best januaries, best 3 months of a year, most work out hours per month over year, etc. I graph it all including weight over time, year to day, last 90 days, etc. I love Excel.