How do we want America to be?

Goodness, not quite unity, transcending hatred. This the place and time.

For those who can’t read well, don’t worry it is fairly short.

Leadership McRaven style.

Good points but don’t see anything changing soon. Everyone is too entrenched. Social media doesn’t help. Everyone has a voice, good and bad. Vocal minority gets headlines over silent majority. In politics, I don’t understand why compromise is an ugly word. Too much, my way or the highway.

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

Good points but don’t see anything changing soon. Everyone is too entrenched. Social media doesn’t help. Everyone has a voice, good and bad. Vocal minority gets headlines over silent majority. In politics, I don’t understand why compromise is an ugly word. Too much, my way or the highway.

Is it really too hard to put hatred aside and replace it with goodness and civility. Reading the WaPo online comments to this simple way forward the conclusion seems to be, yes “we are way too entrenched”

Good points but don’t see anything changing soon. Everyone is too entrenched. Social media doesn’t help. Everyone has a voice, good and bad. Vocal minority gets headlines over silent majority. In politics, I don’t understand why compromise is an ugly word. Too much, my way or the highway.

Is it really too hard to put hatred aside and replace it with goodness and civility. Reading the WaPo online comments to this simple way forward the conclusion seems to be, yes “we are way too entrenched”

Yes we are.

Watching the next 20yrs should be entertaining.

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

On the right, respect the legal verdict, support the jurors, fly your flag with honor and find a way to bridge the political divide

I doubt this will happen anywhere.

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

Typical Windykins. I know reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, but what can **we **do and/or what can I do is not the same as what can **you **do.

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

Reading the online comments posted by readers, your doubt seems safe. Bigly stated objections centered on both sides ism and not quite equal standing on either side.

Remove Trump from the equation. Does gloat ,ugly memes, public rants and roasting go away and our Political vitriol resort back to just political differences?

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

Typical Windykins. I know reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, but what can **we **do and/or what can I do is not the same as what can **you **do.

Windy reads better than well. Try to be better and not be exhibit #1. WRT your “we” and “you” demarcation, I agree that windy read, but then chose not to include reference to the ADM’s admonition to the right and in so doing offers himself up as exhibit #2.

Entertaining as in “are you not entertained?” Gladiator Maximus style?

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

On the right, respect the legal verdict, support the jurors, fly your flag with honor and find a way to bridge the political divide

I doubt this will happen anywhere.

Was this supposed to be in pink?

I feel each party is failing in these aspects. The rash of executive orders and instructions to disregard legal rulings (student loan forgiveness, border and immigration laws, Row v Wade, etc) without consequences seems to be the norm and even supported/encouraged.

“As Americans, we should be frightened — deeply afraid for the future of the nation. When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when presidential ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil.”

ADM McRaven in an oped in 2020 after Joseph Maguire was shitcanned by Trump. In case any here are unsure of the man’s moral compass.

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

On the right, respect the legal verdict, support the jurors, fly your flag with honor and find a way to bridge the political divide

I doubt this will happen anywhere.

Was this supposed to be in pink?

I feel each party is failing in these aspects. The rash of executive orders and instructions to disregard legal rulings (student loan forgiveness, border and immigration laws, Row v Wade, etc) without consequences seems to be the norm and even supported/encouraged.

I agree that finding a way to bridge the political divide fits for both parties lacking the will. As for Respecting legal verdicts, supporting jurors and flying flags the correct way, not so.

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

Meanwhile, on the right…


**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

Typical Windykins. I know reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, but what can **we **do and/or what can I do is not the same as what can **you **do.

Windy reads better than well. Try to be better and not be exhibit #1. WRT your “we” and “you” demarcation, I agree that windy read, but then chose not to include reference to the ADM’s admonition to the right and in so doing offers himself up as exhibit #2.

I want America to be the kind of place where authoritarian, Trump-humping, racist, Nazi peckerwoods get crotch-punted into the sun.

Problem is one side believes software designed by Hugo Shavez was used in a Italian military satellite to zap voting machines in the USA, how do you reason with people like that? You can’t.

My parents worked as poll workers at the primary election last Tuesday in Montana. My mom confessed that she was glad for two armed police officers who stayed at the poll all day. She says she identified the exits and privately made an escape plan in case of violence.

My dad, on the other hand, disliked that two armed policemen were at the polls. My dad said they might intimidate voters. My dad said he wasn’t afraid of violence. (My dad is more brave than my mom.)

My mom told me that the tv news station came & filmed people exiting the poll but filmed only their feet. My mom said the election workers discussed this and approved of the intention to keep voters anonymous.

Trump and his GOP are in the midst of an attack on the rule of law and our free and fair elections. I don’t care what motivates people to have courage to defend our country from Trump’s attack. If people want to cherish victories and gloat and be hilarious to maintain morale, I support them. If people want to be thoughtful and “good,” they can go for it. I love it all.

People in America have been living with the harmful effects of the Trump/ GOP/MAGA nonsense since 2016. People have to cope. People have to live their lives. People have different responses to these circumstances, and I’m personally going to allow a reasonable amount of leeway for those responses.

We know that we resolve disputes with words, not fists. So that’s a clear, bright line for our behavior. I know words are hurtful. Teasing can be painful. And hating a person, rather than their ideas, is not good.

Teasing and mockery and thoughtful criticism should be grounded in truth. And if there’s truth behind it, I say it’s fair game. For everyone. Both sides!

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

Typical Windykins. I know reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, but what can **we **do and/or what can I do is not the same as what can **you **do.

Windy reads better than well. Try to be better and not be exhibit #1. WRT your “we” and “you” demarcation, I agree that windy read, but then chose not to include reference to the ADM’s admonition to the right and in so doing offers himself up as exhibit #2.

I want America to be the kind of place where authoritarian, Trump-humping, racist, Nazi peckerwoods get crotch-punted into the sun.


Me too!

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

Meanwhile, on the right…

And some of you say there isn’t a reason for high capacity magazines. That pictures shows a perfect useage.

<Insert Blues Brothers meme here (I’m too lazy to find it right now).>

  • Jeff

**On the left, stop the gloating, the ugly memes, the public rants, the late-night roastings and the political vitriol. **

I doubt this will happen here

Typical Windykins. I know reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, but what can **we **do and/or what can I do is not the same as what can **you **do.

Windy reads better than well. Try to be better and not be exhibit #1. WRT your “we” and “you” demarcation, I agree that windy read, but then chose not to include reference to the ADM’s admonition to the right and in so doing offers himself up as exhibit #2.

I want America to be the kind of place where authoritarian, Trump-humping, racist, Nazi peckerwoods get crotch-punted into the sun.

No room for misunderstanding there. I wonder how the ADM’s mother would dispatch them.