How disfunctional is the current Congress?

Answer: the most

What’s more, some of the only 20 bills passed included less interesting legislation such as to rename VA clinics and to mint a commemorative coin, passed by unanimous consent, as well as must-pass bills to raise the debt ceiling and fund the government.


Answer: the most

Yes, but they get up there and make great sound bites for Fox News.

and we’re paying for it!

You can’t expect them to be productive when they need to spend their whole time impeaching Hunter Biden’s dick.

…or firing their speaker, or yelling at each other, or fighting in the hallways, or groping in theaters…

…or firing their speaker, or yelling at each other, or fighting in the hallways, or groping in theaters…

people don’t hear about any of that on Fox, but now the impeachment investigation of the Biden Crime Family, now that’s big news

You can’t expect them to be productive when they need to spend their whole time impeaching Hunter Biden’s dick.

They are prioritizing quality over quantity.

Or pulling fire alarms to delay votes. Basically your congress at this point is broken.

Not sure we should be measuring congressional effectiveness by the amount of new laws they pass. Do you really think the US is under regulated?

Not sure we should be measuring congressional effectiveness by the amount of new laws they pass. Do you really think the US is under regulated?

So what are they there for? You do realize legislation can be passed to reduce regulations too? And personally I like regulations that protect me as a citizen and a consumer and a healthcare user…

Also, as technology and other changes take place, we need to legislate new laws to guide the country in the right direction. For example, many GOP lawmakers now tout the benefits of the investment in broadband infrastructure in their rural areas. They have the previous Congress to thank for that, even though most of them hypocritically voted against the bill.

So yeah, this Congress is an embarrassment.

terrible. as a collective body terrible and dysfunctional.

as a collective body I suspect their approval rating is less than 35%…

Biden approval rating sinks to all-time low in new national poll (

Americans questioned in the survey gave the president particularly low marks for his handling of immigration (26%) and inflation (28%).

terrible. as a collective body terrible and dysfunctional.

as a collective body I suspect their approval rating is less than 35%…

Biden approval rating sinks to all-time low in new national poll (

Americans questioned in the survey gave the president particularly low marks for his handling of immigration (26%) and inflation (28%).

Biden hasn’t been in the Senate since 2009.

terrible. as a collective body terrible and dysfunctional.

as a collective body I suspect their approval rating is less than 35%…

Biden approval rating sinks to all-time low in new national poll (

Americans questioned in the survey gave the president particularly low marks for his handling of immigration (26%) and inflation (28%).

On CNN this morning they were showing that Trump is killing Biden with Hispanic voters on the issue of immigration. Can you imagine the looks on their faces? Like Trump was favored 42% to Biden 22% on immigration with Hispanic voters. Seems like bizzarro world.

The writing is on the wall.

The writing is on the wall.

You said the same thing about Desantis, the election is almost a year away.

The writing is on the wall.

You said the same thing about Desantis, the election is almost a year away.

Keep it up. Now the young nut jobs that love Hamas are going to abandon Biden as well.

Biden gets low marks on Israel, particularly from young voters, new polling finds (

Joe just can’t seem to lock in his support.

It’s only going to get worse with the young nazis, as Israel is not going to stop and the US is going to keep giving them truckloads of money and weapons.

Not sure we should be measuring congressional effectiveness by the amount of new laws they pass. Do you really think the US is under regulated?

I’d agree with you if the lower number of new laws were an intentional behavior, based on some sound principles and analysis.

But I don’t think it is. I think it’s a more extreme, acute instance of partisan gridlock. Which I don’t consider a good away to “reduce regulation.” It’s not good government when sustained for long periods of time. The “drown the gubmint in the bathtub” notion is emotionally satisfying to some. Just like “defund the IRS” is emotionally satisfying…because who likes the IRS? but ultimately, IMO, self-defeating.

And, yes, I think the U.S. is under-regulated in some key areas. The IRS needs more money (which will very plausibly end up more than paying for itself). The immigration/border system needs more money or at least a shift in resources. (being worked on frantically right now as part of the Ukraine situation - I don’t necessarily agree with all the right-wing approaches, but I do a agree with far quicker court appointments for asylum claims, which is part of that. I could list a few others.

Is it congress or one party?

Carry on AxleF, your little photos are great.

Not sure we should be measuring congressional effectiveness by the amount of new laws they pass. Do you really think the US is under regulated?


how else would you measure effectiveness. You know everything they “do” is in the form of a new bill. Do you really think all laws they pass add regulations?
You know deregulation happens by congress passing a new bill, nullifying the old regulation. Govt wants to spend money, needs a new bill. Budget… new bill…

Congresspeople, campaign (for re-election or bills), make speeches, and vote on bills. Thats it. Now I guess if your totally happy how things are going, and see no need to change, then the number of new bills would be low, just enough to keep bringing in money, and spending it.

So maybe the moral of this story, is the Republican control, is sending the message hey things are good, after 2 yrs of biden, we don’t need to change anything.