How close position match your Tri/TT to train it on other bike?

Say you have another bike with clip-ons in addition to your Tri/TT bike. How close to your Tri/TT bike fit should the other bike be to get any benefit of ever riding it in the clip-ons?

I’ve put my old Aerocoach extensions and wing pads on my cross bike to ride gravel in off season and when I can’t take the TT bike out. Even have the wireless blips so can stay there to shift. It isn’t as aggressive obviously as my TT setup, but is still a lot lower pad stack and narrower pad width than I even see some dedicated Tri/TT setups are.

I’ll keep using it as it’s fun riding, but just more curious than anything.

There’s no line to cross where goes from being not effective to effective. The closer your position is to your race position the more specific your training will be to that race. Probably getting the hip angle similar is most important, since that will get your power producing muscles working in the same range of motion.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it in the off season though. Doing trainer rides in aero and road rides on a road bike has been a tried and true method that keeps you fairly able to get back to the aero tuck with a few weeks of long rides in it.

Thinking that these positions need to closely match is a misunderstanding of specificity. If the tt position is good, and you have done enough work to adapt initially (not much), you can ride an upright spin bike and build relevant tt fitness.