How big is your fitting studio/area?

This is probably going to sound like a stupid question, but how big is your fitting studio? I currently work in a 12’ x 12’ room with a 4’ x 8’ closet. It’s a bit cramped, but now looking into commercial space, so now I have an opportunity for more. Gotta figure out the line between “need” and “want”…

You want the most amount of space you can afford and is economically viable

I’ve got about 600 SF dedicated to two fit stations.

I have a 1200 sq ft fit studio with a nice interview area then physical assessment area and then Retul area.

Does size really matter?

Ive got a 12x20 workshop but part of it is devoted to ebay consignment and packaging, which is about 1/4 of my business. My actual working area for fitting is probably about 12x12 and I have a 6x4 fit stand, workbench, wall mounted camera and 2 chairs. I don’t do as much screening as you do with the client though. How much room does your FMS require?
As of now I feel like I have enough space to do what I need to do, never felt cramped.

Happy no size does not matter😄 I was just answering the question

The Leon Root, M.D. Motion Analysis Laboratory


Nice studio Happy. Do you use Dartfish?

Its Novel and its 12 cameras . The room comes with its own staff. I get to borrow them.

Hi Michael,

It took me a moment to realize who I was talking to! Hope you are doing well after F.I.S.T.

My current space is about 12’ x 16’, and the FMS screen doesn’t take up a lot of room - I can do it in an area next to the bike stand. As I start to do more with the FMS correctives, now we’re starting to talk about more space and equipment needs. That’s something I’m slowly figuring out. I might move into the adjacent room in the basement, which is 12’ x 28’ in order to accommodate that.

Thank you to all for thoughts and answers on this (and sorry about my slow reply, as I’ve not been on here much lately). My main reason for asking this was because I had an opportunity to get commercial space with a potential partner. Since that time, I’ve decided that it wasn’t a good option for me for various reason, and have decided to stay put for now.

I’m at about 16x16. 2 rolling tool boxes that double as work benches, Retul equipment including rotating platform and Muve fit bike, a massage table for assessments, chair, stool, and 2 walls for stems, saddles, bars, posts, assessories. It works well. THe rest of the shop is 3000sf, we get a lot of spectators so having extra room in the fit area is great.
My previous place was 10x14. A bit small for my purposes.