How are you and how was your week? Oct 2 edition

How are you and how was your week?

Forgot to set goals last week

M - 3400m swim + 1h10 stairmaster + 16 mi indoor bike
T - 3400m swim
W - 3400m swim + 1h10 stairmaster + 8 mi indoor bike
Th - off
F - 4.75 mi walk
S - off
S - 2h10 elliptical

healthy coping skills all week :slight_smile: though this week is not off to a great start, used an unhealthy coping skill yesterday. My goal is 6/7 this week, so the rest of the week healthy coping. I can do it! I had such a long streak of days in a row - I’m so capable.

From 10 am Friday to noon Saturday I was with my sibling supporting/crewing his 24 hour climbing competition. We had a blast. Such good family time - and I met my goal of staying up the whole time with them.

Probably going to check in daily on the coping skills department. Goals are that, journal most days, do PT exercises most days.

Hooray for fun family time!

We were away last weekend and will be away again this weekend. My goal is to get lots of steps and sneak off to swim at least once - we are away for 5 days, but two will be travel days.

my car died. I’m waiting for triple A>
I’m using my healthy coping skills. I can handle this.

Ugh that sucks. Are you in a safe place? How long until they arrive?

I was in a safe place.
I’m home! They got their quickly! soooo grateful for that membership

Oh that’s good. Hopefully it’s an easy fix for your car.