How are you and how was your week? Oct. 16 Edition

How are you and how was your week?

I’ve had a lot of difficult emotions to deal with lately. I mostly coped with them healthfully last week.
The goal this week is 7/7 days healthy coping. I can do this and I want very much to.

not feeling up to a sport update. Thanks for reading / being here.

I am glad you’re managing to hold on to your healthful coping skills - when we need them the most is when they’re hardest, so remember to give yourself credit where it’s due <3

I’m tired. My workplace is a shitshow, thus my work is a shitshow. My husband’s work is sucking his soul and he’s pretty drained. I committed to an orchestra for a season which I am not enjoying as much as I had hoped; fortunately the concert is on Saturday and then I think I can remove myself gracefully without leaving them in the lurch. My concert band can’t play in our normal venue for our November concert, so I’m trying to source a new one. And I have hopes and aspirations that I’m both really excited and lacking energy for. I know this too shall pass, but damn, if it could pass a little bit quicker, please.

I hope this week is good for everyone!

I am glad you’re managing to hold on to your healthful coping skills - when we need them the most is when they’re hardest, so remember to give yourself credit where it’s due <3

I’m tired. My workplace is a shitshow, thus my work is a shitshow. My husband’s work is sucking his soul and he’s pretty drained. I committed to an orchestra for a season which I am not enjoying as much as I had hoped; fortunately the concert is on Saturday and then I think I can remove myself gracefully without leaving them in the lurch. My concert band can’t play in our normal venue for our November concert, so I’m trying to source a new one. And I have hopes and aspirations that I’m both really excited and lacking energy for. I know this too shall pass, but damn, if it could pass a little bit quicker, please.

I hope this week is good for everyone!

I feel that deeply. Hang in there - I hope you hit the turnaround soon.

I know this too shall pass, but damn, if it could pass a little bit quicker, please.

petition for a fast forward button for the both of us!

I can totally get behind that!!

Last orchestra rehearsal done tonight, then I get my Tuesday nights back. So that I can do things like answer the wicked overdue email from a client who emailed me to follow up at 8pm…. Sigh. I guess I really need a time machine so that I can pause when I want to and fast forward through other things!

Womp womp…. Went to swim today only to find that the pool was closed. I was super proud of the fact that I dragged my sorry butt out the door, but didn’t quite have the fortitude to substitute a different workout when I got home.

I did sign up for Michigan Titanium though, so I’ve got that 140.6 to work for now.

not your fault the pool was closed! You tried!