How are you and how was your week? March 2 Edition

Are you coming into the month like a lion?

Goal this week was same as last, swim more, which I am doing :smiley: starting with the MIT pool today as I’m traveling for work. I don’t often have access to that sort of facility and it was great. Looking forward to a couple more days of it. I also DIDN’T RUN TODAY and I’m super proud of myself, because I have been trying to run through an injury and I need to cut it out or cut it down. (Orthopedist is ok with some running FYI, but I’ve been doing too much).

Other goal is to keep up the self-care.

I did run less – took 3 days in a row of just swim. Still need to run less…

conference went well and I did a good job of self-care. The whole thing wasn’t as anxiety-provoking as I thought it would be. I had a great time swimming at MIT in the mornings, and the endorphins certainly helped me deal with people all day. (I love giving talks - it’s the socializing part I only partially enjoy).

ran 4x, 28.9 miles total
swam 6x, 16225 yds

Goals for this week:

  1. Healthy coping mechanisms
  2. Minimize running (trying to heal an injury)
  3. Swim lots (off to a good start with 375 yds this morning and 2025 yds at lunch)

Dr. Tigerchik, good work using your healthy coping skills and focusing on self care. Thanks for getting us started.

I am doing okay. It was a normal week of training for since my race was such a mess but a combined personal and professional tornado hit me pretty hard. I managed 3 swims, 4 bikes (though one way off Rx), and 3 runs plus my regular yoga and p/rehab – nothing was particularly strong or inspired. Some weeks are just like that.

My low-grade sniffles have turned into a real sick and the tornado is still swirling so I’m not sure what this week will bring. On the bright side, I am going home to see my family this weekend and celebrate my birthday a few days early :slight_smile:

Happy training y’all.

Happy Monday, Ladies! And, happy Last Year in this Age Group Day to me :slight_smile:

Thanks for getting us started, Dr. TC. I am so happy for you that you had a good week of coping, especially at a high-stress conference! Way to go!

Last week’s goal was to run a half marathon, and whoa nelly did I ever. More on that in a moment. I got to spend three whole days with IronBae IronScholar, watching various USATF events including two pro-am indoor meets, and oh yeah a little thing called the US Olympic Marathon trials. Being on the ground and absorbing the awesome power and energy from the most incredible long distance road runners in our country was inspiring. We also got to run with Running Queen Kara Goucher and Clean Sport Podcast on Saturday before the Trials began. The course for the marathon was NO JOKE. The hills would have been enough, with 1300ft of elevation gain, which is roughly 1200 more than would be in Tokyo. The sustained winds were around 15mph, and the gusts were over 30mph. That made for a slow, strategic race for both the mens and women’s fields.

And, since the main tri board can suck a donkey hole when it comes to giving praise to women without any sort of backhandedness, I’ll give my analysis here.

The men’s field was obviously smaller than the women’s field. I personally think this has nothing to do with the qualifying times but how strong women in general have become in our country as running powerhouses. The men’s field went by on the big loop the first two times with a general, quiet whoosh with pointed cheering from the crowd, while the women’s field just kept rolling, and rolling, and rolling, to amazing and boisterous and thunderous applause from the spectators. I think more women may have been in the crowds to watch, but overall I think the women’s field itself lended to this cheering- while the men’s field looked stressed, pained, and irritated the entire race, the women out on the course were smiling, cheering each other on, and just soaking in their experience of running in the FREAKING OLYMPIC QUALIFYING RACE. There were THREE PREGNANT WOMEN out there. And the woman who ran at 33 weeks (who sadly did not make the 16mi checkpoint) got cheers as loud as the front of the pack of Aliphine, Linden, and Sidell. It was honestly an emotional experience watching all of those badass women, where I really didn’t get the same reaction from the men’s field. I also think every single woman who crossed the finish line (and I watched ALL of them) was smiling, crying, or some combination thereof, where the men were just…meh? to finish. Which, again, I thought spoke more to the personality of the competitors than anything else. Everyone fought the same roads with the same conditions, but the women generally looked stronger and happier racing and finishing.

That said, the ATL track club put on an AMAZING weekend for all racers, spectators, and families. They footed the bill for all of the competitors not only to race, but stay in town, which, WOW. And I am so glad everyone showed up and showed out for this special day. And truthfully, I am SO glad I was able to get myself there to watch in person, because from everything I’ve heard, NBC screwed up the televised broadcast in the most epic of fashions.

So, enough about that. I also raced on Sunday, at the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon. Almost same exact hills, thankfully none of the same wind. I had a goal time in mind, and after my pretty blah leadup to race day with a half-baked training cycling that ended in a quiet fart, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when I hit start on my watch. Everything that happened after I did, however, was all me. Because I went like a bat out of hell out there. I thought I was having a smart race- relaxing on the downhills while keeping my turnover high, and muscling up the hills with relaxed strength. But the course finally wore me down at mile 11 of 13.1. The hills had proven to be too much- it was already over 800 feet of up on some pretty long and steep hills and they just kept coming until the last turn towards the chute. I knew it was going to be close. I refused to look at my watch because I didn’t want to see any bad news when I was putting everything I had in me out there. Except, damn you auto-alert for hydration, which went off when I was decidedly NOT at the finish line, which meant I hadn’t hit my goal. I refused to quit and just kept trucking to the finish line.

53 seconds. That’s all that separated me from having the best day ever and my reality of sobbing and snotting all over IronScholar’s shirt at the gear check tent because my best wasn’t good enough.

And of course that all sounds ridiculous. Because as some of you who follow me in social media know, I PRed my standalone half marathon time by TWO WHOLE FREAKING MINUTES yesterday. On the second hardest course I’ve ever run a half on. What a weird, messed up sport we have.

Anyways, this week’s goal is to stop thinking like a whiny runner and start acting like a triathlete again.

M- 55min Zwift (check)
Tu- 4mi run, 2350yd swim, and strength
W- 8mi run
Th- 47min run and strength
F- 2050yd swim
Sa- 2hr ride
Su- yoga

Sorry about that tornado TDS; hope things improve this week. Enjoy your time with your family and Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday also Dr_C! If there’s a crazy bunch of people who will understand the tears despite a massive PR, this is it.
Dr TC - yay swimming! Are you signing up for any meets this year?

My week felt like a big one; I met my goals but the fatigue and the fuelling challenges are real*. Hurray, I have 6 more months of this! On the bright side, I’m hitting paces in the pool that are surprising me, my easy runs are getting faster, and I’m able to do most of my bike workouts in aero, even the Vo2max intervals.

This week is a cut back week; the plan is: swim x 3, bike x 4, run x 3, core x 2.

*Please tell me what you make to fuel yourself for three solid meals a day. I’m after your go-to, don’t have to think about it meal-prep type things.

congrats on the PR!

Whew, TDS, I’m so sorry about the tornado. Take care of yourself, and I’ll be thinking of you.

TC, great job keeping the running down! I personally love swimming and still dislike running (though I’m starting to like it more), so needing to swim more and run less sounds like a dream to me.

Cupcake, I love your stories. Sorry that your triumph felt so hard, but you had me in stiches with your quiet farts.

I got freaking sick a-freaking-gain this week. That was the third time this semester. So I’ve had to take more time off from training. And my aunt passed away, in the UK, so that’s both sad and hard to be so far away (she lived there). And my hubby’s bike got stolen (don’t worry, it was worth considerably less than your bikes, but still). So it was shit all around this week. My dog’s cute though.

Today was the last day I took off for the illness. Well, it was really because of this crazy work stuff going on, but also because of the illness.

The rest of the week is unclear because my coach wants to see data from a bike tomorrow to set the rest of my week. But, whatever she gives me, imma do it dammit.

I did some stuff but I have no idea what. I just hope my logbook is OK when I get home. I flew to San Diego Sunday morning for work and I’m still here and a tornado hit Monday night in Nashville. My neighborhood was one of the ones that was hit pretty bad. My neighbors texted me in the middle of the night and then sent pictures in the morning. It looks like I’ve lost a couple of windows and there may be a hole in the roof so I will have to deal with all of that when I get back. Luckily I have a great insurance agent and he sent workers over to board everything up and put a tarp on the roof. I have gotten a couple of nice walks on the beach here and one gym work out at the hotel.

sorry about the house damage :frowning:

That’s so hard, ironclm. Sorry about the house, and good luck with dealing with the insurance, contractors, yadda yadda, that are to come.

Hi ladies,

It’s been a “life happens” week. I went to drop my rent cheque off to my landlord on Wednesday only to find my ex with a uhaul in the drive. Considering that I had asked him to let me know by the end of February whether or not he would be staying in the house and to either move out or take over financial responsibility by the end of March, I thought it worth a text on Thursday to ask if he could update me on his plans. Answer: I’ve just finished moving out, the dog will need to be fed tonight. Thanks for the heads-up, dude. But, the upshot is that I’m back home, with my dog, all my bikes, my treadmill, and abundant sunshine. Now to actually do something and make use of it.

CLM, I’m sorry to hear about your house. I hope there’s not too much damage, and I’m glad you were out of harm’s way.
Cupcake, yay on the PR and bummer about missing your goal. I hate that “I gave my best and it wasn’t good enough” feeling; it’s pervasive through a lot of my life and sucks giant hairy balls.

Hope you’re all having a good week :o)

Hurray for being back in your own space, AND reunited with the pup.

Well, nothing boring about your week. I’m glad you’ve got all your stuff in your home. Give the pup a squeeze for me!

Dr TC - yay swimming! Are you signing up for any meets this year?

I hope so - I think there’s one on the calendar that has been misnamed (“April Pool’s Meet” but it’s marked as May 2…).
My primary goal with swimming right now is to wear myself out enough that I can live without running and let the hamstring thing heal. I ran MTW but “only” swam yesterday and today. Rather pleased w self.

I wish I could help with your nutrition questions but that’s not my strength…

I would assume you are happy to have the dog. Glad you have your space.