How are you and how was your week? June 28 Edition

How are you and how was your week?

goals this week: swim and or water run Mon and Tues (done), not sure when I will be allowed to work out again after that — so the goal is to listen to my doctor’s orders exactly.

check :slight_smile:
M - 5500 yd swim, 30 min water run
T - 3200 yd swim
Th-S - rest

My surgery went well Tuesday morning. I’m feeling pretty good, not yet itching to work out (this is a godsend), and being gentle with myself. My goals for this week are to keep resting. I was told “at least a week” with no exercise, which puts me at Wednesday as the earliest day back if I want to do upper body stuff or core. I’m not going to force it and will wait until I am completely lusting after lat pulldowns.

day 44 in a row of healthy coping skills except a small slip on day 31!

I hope you all are doing well!

Hiiiiiii everyone!

Sorry I disappeared for a while. Life got, you know, lifey. It’s been a welcome change of pace after the pandemic. I’ve been out to see my parents in CA (managed to surprise my mom for her birthday!!!), got a lot of work done, and I did my first post-pandemic tri. Y’all, I won my age group. Me. Slow, ReallyJustAChildhoodSwimmerWhoWasNeverGoodAtLegStuff, BingTri. And I wasn’t even alone in my age group–there were 5 of us.

Didn’t get any bling though because of the pandemic. Made the race director promise me something shiny, but I might just get some tin foil or something. We’ll see.

Anyway, I’m trying to catch up with what’s going on with everyone. TC, glad you got through the surgery. Hopefully you can figure it out from here? Looks like you’re also doing well with healthy coping and I’m so glad to see that.

I’m through the peak phase for Musselman 70.3 prep and am now tapering yay! Here’s my sched for the week:

M: Triclub OWS
Tu: 1-hr bike, mostly easy with a few MAX efforts
W: Rest day best day!
Th: tempo run
Fr: pool swim
Sa: not-too-long ride
Su: not-too-long run

congrats on getting to do a tri, AN AG WIN, and seeing family :slight_smile: happy to hear from you.

So, it’s the end of the week, Dr. TC… How’s that not-exercising treating you? I hope you’re managing to be gentle with yourself still.

Bing, congrats on the AG win! Look at you, being a big grown-up triathlete now!!

I’m reveling in finishing my semester - I’ve promised myself I’ll take the long weekend off from school and worry about that sometime next week. I have committed to three races for the rest of 2021: Rev3 New England sprint, Pumpkinman sprint, and a half marathon in November. So now it’s time to figure out how to work some swim-bike-run back into my day-to-day life. More likely I’ll worry about the bike-run part and the swim will just be the shitty shitshow it’s going to be, but I’m OK with that for a sprint. I’m not going to be anywhere near a podium so “not drowning” is a good enough start.

Happy “You Kicked Our Butt” Day, for my US friends from this Brit abroad!!

I’m glad that your surgery went well.

I have been lying low. When I went to Kentucky two weeks ago I ended up getting either food poisoning or diverticulitis or something. That Sunday I ended up at urgent care getting an x-ray to make sure I wasn’t having an appendicitis attack, and I had a CT scan which came out normal, so that’s good. I was on 10 days of two antibiotics which kind of wiped me out. So now I’m off of those and I am slowly getting back to it.

Thanks. I’m glad you had “just” food poisoning and not something more serious!