How are you and how was your week? Jan. 8 edition

How are you and how was your week?

SD Cali - other people I know who ran Dopey said the half marathon got shortened to 7.3 mi due to weather. I hope you had an awesome time Disney-ing!

Goals for this week are 1. Healthy coping skills 7/7 2. Journal every day 2. Practice 2 min pauses 2x a day (at least). 3. Get on a sustainable amt of running

  1. DONE
  2. Journaling - did most days! I did it when I really needed it, which is key
  3. Pauses - I did not do this, I keep forgetting
  4. done

4 runs, 3 swims

Another win, and I don’t consider this TMI as it’s the women’s forum… I’ve been on birth control since age 14. I decided to stop it in early Nov because of some side effects (long term birth control use can lower one’s free t4 levels, which was happening, and I didn’t need the pill for its actual use… that might be TMI lol). I was worried I wouldn’t have periods on my own b/c I know it can take a bit to get them back coming off extended bcp use, and getting periods requires eating enough, having an ok body composition, etc. I’m also 36 and IDK how old you have to be for periods to stop just by nature but… this is the second month in a row I’ve had one. I’m so excited; it is a nice sign of health. :slight_smile: I’m trying so hard to stay as healthy as I can and it’s paying off!

goals for this week are the same as last

brain is going nuts

Officially the half was shortened to 7.1 miles , but my watch got 7.2ish, it just started raining as I was finishing, and was coming down pretty good until about noon. I finished the Marathon, and my watch read almost 27 miles, I got rained on approaching Magic Kingdom, and was hoping they might cut down the course. Got to a point where I thought I wouldn’t finish, but the 6hr45min Galloway pacers caught up to me doing a 15 sec run 30 sec walk, and I was able to stick with them until around mile 23 when we went up a ramp and I couldn’t run any more, walked the rest of the way and found someone to talk to that kept my spirits up, and we crossed the finish line together. Made it home yesterday, worked today, goal for this week-finish the Disneyland half-marathon on Sunday to get my coast-to-coast medal. I get to sleep in my own bed for this one!!!

congrats on your Dopey Challenge finish - and first marathon finish!

I did ok through Monday afternoon then made poor choices Monday night.
I was really anxious all of yesterday and coped healthfully :slight_smile:

I’m having another anxious day.
I can and will cope healthfully.
My mom is home bc she has a snow day, which I am grateful for - nice to have a quiet, calming presence.