How are you and how was your week? Jan. 15 edition

How are you? How was your week?

Goals for this week are 1. Healthy coping skills 7/7 2. Journal every day 2. Practice 2 min pauses 2x a day (at least). 3. Get on a sustainable amt of running


  1. Healthy coping skills: 6/7 or 5.5/7 depends on how I count it (I’m not going to elaborate)
  2. I journaled on most days.
  3. I keep forgetting this, but I’m getting better at pausing when I just need to do so
  4. In progress

2 runs, 5 swims

I anticipate this being an emotional and difficult week; I am having shoulder surgery on Friday (most likely midday / afternoon - I won’t find out the time until tomorrow or Wed). This is to decompress a nerve to fix (hopefully) a suprascapular nerve palsy. I am able to swim, and can do so pretty well compared to most people, but because of the nerve palsy I’ve lost a bunch of shoulder muscle and if we don’t fix this, I’ll lose more. Fortunately the recovery won’t be nearly as bad as I anticipated - sling just for sleeping, being a passenger in the car, crowded areas; can drive as soon as the nerve block wears off (3-4 days) as long as I’m not taking pain meds (they don’t anticipate I’ll need them). It will be 1-2 weeks of no running (walking is fine), can get back in pool to kick as soon as the incisions heal (1-2 weeks), back to swim in 4-8 weeks. I had envisioned I’d need to be in a sling 24/7 so the news of no on that was awesome.

goals this week are the same as last.

IDK how much I’ll be able to type on Monday so if there’s no thread up, someone else should really start one :slight_smile:

Oooh, fingers crossed for a clean, easy - and successful! - surgery tomorrow!

The shoe finally dropped at work; we laid off 17% of our staff and now we’re in the “strategic reorg” phase. Which for me translates to needing to transition 55 of my clients to other account teams, and transition in 39 new-to-me clients from other people. In the next two weeks. I am tired, like, deep down in my soul tired.

Oooh, fingers crossed for a clean, easy - and successful! - surgery tomorrow!

The shoe finally dropped at work; we laid off 17% of our staff and now we’re in the “strategic reorg” phase. Which for me translates to needing to transition 55 of my clients to other account teams, and transition in 39 new-to-me clients from other people. In the next two weeks. I am tired, like, deep down in my soul tired.

Good luck in all of this.

Dr.TC: Best wishes for an easy and issue-free surgery.

I’m in the midst of snow/frozen rain which will turn to ice/colder than normal temperatures and I’ve not left the house all week (except to start my truck and dig it out of nearly 6 inches of snow.) Maybe by Monday, we will only have cold temps.

layoffs sound like a tough day for everyone involved.

Thank you for the well wishes.

I am tired, like, deep down in my soul tired.

I hope your husband is still doing well, btw.

thank you for the well-wishes. I hope better weather comes your way shortly!